William Shakespeare

Standard Name: Shakespeare, William


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Publishing Henrietta Maria Bowdler
HMB published at Bath an expurgated edition of twenty of Shakespeare 's plays, in four volumes, as The Family Shakespeare.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Publishing Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
By the time she reached twenty, MEC was regularly contributing essays to periodicals like The Monthly Packet and Merry England. One of her first publications was an essay on Shakespeare for The Theatre.
Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth. “Memoir and Editorial Materials”. Gathered Leaves from the Prose of Mary E. Coleridge, edited by Edith Sichel, Constable, pp. 1 - 44; various pages.
Stanford, Donald E., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 19. Gale Research.
Publishing Charlotte Stopes
Although it was relatively unpopular with the critics, Shakespeare 's Environment was reprinted with additions in 1918.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
Publishing Angela Thirkell
In 1930, once she was back in England, she found she could earn her living by journalism for Punch and the Fortnightly Review. She was attuned to writing by women from an early stage...
Publishing Elizabeth Gaskell
The story's ending led to conflict with Dickens , who apparently wanted to offer readers a more rationalist interpretation of the events narrated. When Gaskell demurred he pulled out all the stops: I have no...
Publishing Pamela Frankau
PF 's agent rejected the first novel she finished after Marriage of Harlequin, which dealt with a playwright she had imagined herself in love with, and which she called (again from Shakespeare 's Hamlet...
Publishing Mary Maria Colling
Some time after 17 March 1831 Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green presented Colling with a copy of the plays of Shakespeare (the Bard), having heard that she admired his poetry.
Bray, Anna Eliza, and Mary Maria Colling. “Letters to Robert Southey”. Fables and Other Pieces in Verse by M.M. Colling, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, pp. 1-85.
Publishing L. M. Montgomery
At Prince of Wales College in Charlottetown a few years after this, she wrote an essay on Shakepeare's Portia which was read out at the graduation ceremonies and printed in the Charlottetown Guardian. In...
Publishing Mary Cowden Clarke
MCC issued in eighteen monthly parts The Complete Concordance to Shakspere.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
Publishing Samuel Johnson
SJ published by subscription, again after many delays, his edition of Shakespeare .
Bronson, Bertrand H., and Samuel Johnson. “Introduction”. Johnson on Shakespeare, edited by Arthur Sherbo and Arthur Sherbo, Yale Edition, Yale University Press, p. xiii - xxxviii.
Publishing Anne Grant
AG had been urged to publish when she first became a widow, but had more dread of censure than hope of applause.
Grant, Anne. Memoir and Correspondence of Mrs. Grant of Laggan. Editor Grant, John Peter, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.
1: 15
The manuscript was accepted by Longman in spring 1805, although it...
Reception Jane Austen
Austen's status in the English-speaking world is not so far equalled among, for instance, French speakers. Valérie Cossy noted in March 2006 that (largely on account of inaccurate and inadequate translations) [v]ery few people in...
Reception Molly Keane
When she wrote this book, MKthought it was pure Shakespeare . Well, not Shakespeare exactly—more Dornford Yates .
Chamberlain, Mary, editor. Writing Lives: Conversations Between Women Writers. Virago Press.
Yates wrote popular, jokey novels about a charismatic but self-regarding and jingoistic set of comfortably-off...
Reception Marie Corelli
MC took her own work extremely seriously, seeing herself as the Shakespeare of her age and genre.
Anderson, Rachel, and Sheila Kaye-Smith. “Introduction”. Joanna Godden, Dial, p. xi - xviii.
Her status as an unprecedented best-seller brought both celebration and derision, just as her anti-suffrage views, which...
Reception Flora Thompson
In further Ladies Companion competitions the same year, FT went on to win joint second prize for her essay on Emily Brontë (which, again, the magazine printed) and another first prize for her essay on...



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