William Shakespeare

Standard Name: Shakespeare, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Mary Butts
The novel's success was slightly diminished by comparisons drawn between it and Jack Lindsay 's Last Days With Cleopatra, which appeared just a few weeks before it.
Blondel, Nathalie. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life. McPherson & Company.
It did, however, receive several positive...
Literary responses Anna Steele
The Academy gave Condoned a largely negative review, arguing that Steele had with the odd lack of judgment which not seldom distinguishes lady novelists, done nearly all she could to spoil her book.
The Academy.
11 (3 February 1877): 91
Literary responses Georgiana Chatterton
The Athenæum reviewer, William Hepworth Dixon , admired this verse drama as an elegy thrown into dialogue, excusing its lack of stagecraft as an absence merely of the knowing turns and movements necessary when the...
Literary responses Amelia Opie
AO 's novels, which formed a comparatively minor part of her output, had an impact beyond the rest of her work. Literary historian Gary Kelly notes that when they were new they commanded among the...
Literary Setting E. Nesbit
Though the story centres on Yalding on the river Medway, the honeymooners travel to a whole list of EN 's favourite places before finally settling at Crow's Nest Farm, a portrait of her hideaway...
Literary Setting Sir J. M. Barrie
Crichton is a lower-class hero in class-stratified England, who is vindicated in the setting of an imagined island, rather in the manner of Shakespeare an romance.
Literary Setting Michelene Wandor
The writing here mixes love poetry with the evocation of historical periods (the Renaissance, the time of Shakespeare ) and milieus (the various displacements of the Jews around Europe). Her re-envisioning of Esther involves MW
Literary Setting Mathilde Blind
MB uses an epigraph from the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (in Edward FitzGerald 's free translation): The Bird of Time has but a little way / To flutter—and the bird is on the wing.
Willett, Perry, and Perry Willett, editors. “Victorian Women Writers Project”. Indiana University.
Literary Setting Radagunda Roberts
The action takes place in Edinburgh immediately after the reign of Shakespeare 's Macbeth (whose leading character is, however, seldom mentioned), soon after the conquest of England by William the Conqueror . Malcolm loves and...
Literary Setting Constance Naden
The Elixir of Life opens with the waking vision of a man and woman in their summer prime, he looking like Apollo, she looking like an angel with just a touch of the siren or...
Literary Setting Mary Julia Young
MJY 's novel is set in eleventh-century Scotland, a couple of generations after the time of Shakespeare 's Macbeth. Donalda, also known as the Flower of Yarrow, suspects that the mystery of her...
Material Conditions of Writing Ngaio Marsh
In 1946 Caxton Press published NM 's little book A Play Toward, the writing of which was sandwiched between productions of A Midsummer Night's DreamWilliam Shakespeare and Henry V, a practical handbook for actors and producers.
Lewis, Margaret. Ngaio Marsh: A Life. Chatto & Windus.
Material Conditions of Writing Iris Murdoch
Though she was a contented only child, IM said that the impulse to create imaginary siblings was the thing that first inspired her to write. In her teens she was a leading contributor to the...
Material Conditions of Writing Flora Thompson
FT had grown up reading poetry and wishing to be a poet. For years this was the direction of her deepest literary aspirations, in which Ronald Campbell MacFie helped and encouraged her. Stressful periods in...
Material Conditions of Writing Willa Cather
At the beginning of her undergraduate career, in 1891, she published two successive essays in the Nebraska State Journal: first Concerning Thomas Carlyle, then Shakespeare and Hamlet. Still as an undergraduate, she...



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