William Shakespeare

Standard Name: Shakespeare, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Gillian Clarke
Many poems here are about the Welsh countryside, or are based on personal memories. Along with her foremothers, GC salutes other influences in LLŷr, titled from the Welsh name of the ancient British King...
Intertextuality and Influence Anne Thackeray Ritchie
The novel opens with an epigraph from a Shakespeare sonnet.
Shankman, Lillian F., and Anne Thackeray Ritchie. “Biographical Commentary and Notes”. Anne Thackeray Ritchie: Journals and Letters, edited by Abigail Burnham Bloom et al., Ohio State University Press, p. various pages.
Intertextuality and Influence Rose Macaulay
This novel is both social history and satire, covering territory similar to that of Virginia Woolf 's The Years and May Sinclair 's The Tree of Heaven. Like these, it traces the lives of...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Sarah Gooch
In this version of her life-story, ESG traces her fall back to her mother's refusal to allow her to marry her first love. She accords this refusal a passage of purple prose beginning Ah! wherefore...
Intertextuality and Influence Mrs Ross
The title-page quotes Shakespeare . The story has no chapter divisions, though it is often broken by flashback or by letters. While melodramatic, it is unconventional in its avoidance of the standard courtship plot, happy...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Strutt
The title-page quotes Shakespeare : later on Pope , Thomson , Thomas Tickell , Charles Cotton , and others are quoted too. Characters include a seducer and promiser-breaker who dies in a duel. The central...
Intertextuality and Influence Harriet Corp
A different third-person narrator replaces the somewhat pompous gentleman of An Antidote. The book's subect is the relations between the two Placid women, mother and daughter, and the squire's family, the Bustles (who are...
Intertextuality and Influence Florence Farr
A series of reviews by others precedes Farr's own account of her musical recitations. These experiments in verse performance began as illustrations of Yeats's theories of the music and rhythm of spoken verse, but Farr...
Intertextuality and Influence Naomi Jacob
Her theatrical memoirs are unchronological, unsorted, anecdotal, and vivid. She enjoys relating clashes or conflicts in which she comes out on top. She describes herself as solidly patriotic, though not one of the Union-Jack-waving Britishers...
Intertextuality and Influence Teresia Constantia Phillips
TCP placed on the title-page of her Apology a quotation from Nicholas Rowe 's The Fair Penitent, the period's most famous treatment of a woman who is deserving although fallen. She later emphasises her...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Latter
The first letter, the earliest piece in the volume, was said to have been written seventeen years ago at the age of seventeen: to Myra, which suggests that ML may have been one among...
Intertextuality and Influence Laura Ormiston Chant
The novel takes place in the ugly town
Chant, Laura Ormiston. Sellcuts’ Manager. Grant Richards.
of Brombridge, whose industrial character is mentioned, but only fleetingly explored. Sellcuts', the town's music hall, burns down in mysterious circumstances. The manager, the dashing Paul...
Leisure and Society Emily Hickey
EH was a frequent participant in amateur dramatic readings. She often read the works of Robert Browning . Shakespeare , perhaps owing to her childhood deprivation, was also a particular favourite. She was praised as...
Leisure and Society Amelia B. Edwards
She was a regular member of the audience at Shakespeare performances at Sadler's Wells Theatre .
Betham-Edwards, Matilda. Reminiscences. G. Redway, p. vi, 354 pp.
Leisure and Society Mary Frere
Though not fond of other forms of exercise, she became a fearless rider and an excellent whip
Frere, Georgina, and Herbert Loewe. “Biographical Notice”. Catalogue of the Printed Books and of the Semitic and Jewish MSS. in the Mary Frere Hebrew Library at Girton College, Cambridge, Girton College, p. v - xii.
—that is, a driver of horses in harness.
Frere, Georgina, and Herbert Loewe. “Biographical Notice”. Catalogue of the Printed Books and of the Semitic and Jewish MSS. in the Mary Frere Hebrew Library at Girton College, Cambridge, Girton College, p. v - xii.
She was a talented amateur actress, most memorable...



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