Royal Navy


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Ellis Cornelia Knight
ECK 's father, Sir Joseph Knight , was a Rear-Admiral of the White squadron. He entered the Royal Navy at the age of fourteen, needing a profession since his family had lost a considerable amount...
Family and Intimate relationships Augusta Webster
Her father, George Davies , was an officer in the Royal Navy who became a Vice-Admiral. He died in November 1876.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
3490 (1894): 355
Rigg, Patricia. Julia Augusta Webster: Victorian Aestheticism and the Woman Writer. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2009.
Family and Intimate relationships Jan Morris
Elizabeth, daughter of a Ceylon tea-planter, had served in the Wrens late in the Second World War, had a broken engagement, and was now secretary to an architect.
Morris, Jan. Conundrum. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich , 1974.
JM writes rhapsodically of Elizabeth and...
Family and Intimate relationships Elma Napier
EN was sent away from home each time her mother became pregnant, though her brothers were allowed to stay at home: this was said to be to protect her reputation. EN later wrote, A...
Family and Intimate relationships Joanna Trollope
JT 's grandfather Rex Hodson became Rector of Minchinhampton in 1928 after service in the Royal Navy . He devoted great energy and enthusiasm to local religious life,
“The History of St Barnabas Church, Box”. Box Village, Gloucestershire, 2004.
and also loved horses and foxhunting. He...
Family and Intimate relationships Jane Austen
JA 's two youngest brothers, Francis William and Charles John , both joined the navy as midshipmen, and both ended their successful careers as admirals. While she never left the south of England, they (and...
Family and Intimate relationships Algernon Charles Swinburne
His father, Admiral Charles Henry Swinburne , served in the Royal Navy .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Family and Intimate relationships Rosemary Sutcliff
Rosemary's father, George Ernest Sutcliff , was a lieutenant-commander in the Royal Navy , who worked where he was posted (Malta and South Africa as well as around the English coast), so that the family...
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Stott
MS (living alone while her husband was in the Navy ) gave birth to her only child, a daughter named Catherine Lindsay Stott , who later became a journalist like both her parents and maternal grandparents.
Stott, Mary. Forgetting’s No Excuse. Faber and Faber, 1973.
Family and Intimate relationships Ali Smith
Don Smith was born in about 1924 and grew up in Newark, Nottinghamshire, where he came from a long line of psychics (he himself claimed to have woken up to see the ghost of...
Family and Intimate relationships Anna Brassey
He was heir to one of the great Victorian railway contractors. He later became an MP and civil lord of the Admiralty, and, like his wife, a published author.
Briggs, Asa. A History of Longmans and Their Books 1724 - 1990. Longevity in Publishing. British Library and Oak Knoll Press, 2008.
Brothers, Barbara, and Julia Gergits, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 166. Gale Research, 1996.
166: 69, 71
His interest...
Family and Intimate relationships J. K. Rowling
Joanne Rowling's father, Peter Rowling , was an apprentice engineer at the time of his marriage, having met his future wife while working with the Royal Navy . He later worked as an engineer for...
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Ann Parker
Mary Ann Burrows married John Parker , whose promotion from lieutenant to commander in the navy came in 1790.
Family and Intimate relationships Barbarina Brand Baroness Dacre
Barbarina's father, Sir Chaloner Ogle , was a created a baronet for services to the British Navy ; he was the second distinguished naval officer to bear this complete name. He was known for absent-mindedness...
Family and Intimate relationships Sarah Grand
SG 's father, Edward John Bellenden Clarke , came from an East Anglian Quaker family. He himself followed a non-Quaker profession as a lieutenant in the Royal Navy , and was stationed in Ireland as...


11 February 1744: An English fleet under Thomas Mathews had...

National or international item

11 February 1744

An English fleet under Thomas Mathews had a somewhat desultory engagement with a slightly smaller fleet made up of French and Spanish ships.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Thomas Mathews
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under John Byng, naval officer

11 October 1797: A British victory over the Dutch in the naval...

National or international item

11 October 1797

A British victory over the Dutch in the naval battle of Camperdown restored the reputation of the navy after the mutiny at Spithead earlier that year.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Adam Duncan

1-3 August 1798: In the Battle of the Nile (also known as...

National or international item

1-3 August 1798

In the Battle of the Nile (also known as the Battle of Aboukir (or Abu Qir) Bay), the British fleet under Nelson attacked and in large part destroyed the fleet of revolutionary France.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Nelson
Kafker, Frank A., and James M. Laux, editors. The French Revolution: Conflicting Interpretations. 4th ed., R. E. Krieger, 1989.
Macleod, Emma Vincent. “A city invincible? Edinburgh and the war against Revolutionary France”. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2000, pp. 153-66.

21 October 1805: Britain defeated Napoleonic France in a battle...

National or international item

21 October 1805

Britain defeated Napoleonic France in a battle off Cape Trafalgar; Nelson was fatally wounded.
Brett, Simon, b. 1945, editor. The Faber Book of Diaries. Faber, 1987.
Haydn, Joseph. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information. Editor Vincent, Benjamin, 23rd ed., Ward, Lock, 1904.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.

1819: A Royal Navy squadron became active off West...

National or international item


A Royal Navy squadron became active off West Africa, fighting the continuance of the slave trade, which had been abolished on 1 May 1807.
Walvin, James. Black Ivory: A History of British Slavery. Howard University Press, 1994.
xii, 309

1853: Following the British Navy Medical Report's...

Building item


Following the British NavyMedical Report's recommendations, the hospital at Portsea devised a lock hospital for women.
Walkowitz, Judith R. ’We Are Not Beasts of the Field’: Prostitution and the Campaign Against the Contagious Diseases Acts, 1869-1886. University of Rochester, 1974.

29 December 1860: H.M.S. Warrior, the first sea-going iron-hulled...

National or international item

29 December 1860

H.M.S. Warrior, the first sea-going iron-hulled and ironclad warship, was launched by the Royal Navy .
Parkes, Oscar. British Battleships, Warrior 1860 to Vanguard 1950. Seeley Service, 1966.
3-4, 16

3 July 1940: A Royal Navy task force destroyed much of...

National or international item

3 July 1940

A Royal Navy task force destroyed much of the French navy (at a time when France, recently Britain's ally, was largely German-occupied and governed by Marshall Pétain ) at Mers-el-Kébir on the coast of Algeria.
Mackworth, Cecily. I Came Out of France. Labour Book Service, 1941.
184-9, 197-8

End of May 1941: Following the German attack on Crete on 20...

National or international item

End of May 1941

Following the German attack on Crete on 20 May (billed as the world's first airborne invasion), fierce fighting across the island ended when the British navy evacuated almost 15,000 soldiers.
“The Invasion and Battle for Crete (Operation Merkur)”. Research on the German Armed Forces 1918-1945: Feldzüge: Invasion of Crete 1941.

10 March 1943: The House of Commons debated whether Wrens...

National or international item

10 March 1943

The House of Commons debated whether Wrens (members of the Women's Royal Naval Service ) should continue to be restricted to jobs ashore.
Stanley, Jo. “Women’s History Month: Parliamentary debate: Should women work on warships? Army accepts women in principle, for first time”. Women’s History Network Blog, 10 Mar. 2010.

1947: The WRNS (Women's Royal Navy Service or Wrens)...

National or international item


The WRNS (Women's Royal Navy Service or Wrens) was made a permanent force, though it was cut back to its initial size of about 3,000 members.
van der Vat, Dan. “Commandant Vonla McBride”. The Guardian, 14 Aug. 2003, p. 27.

15 June 1953: BBC television made its first broadcast from...

Building item

15 June 1953

BBC television made its first broadcast from a ship at sea, during a Royal Naval Review.
BBC Handbook: 1960. BBC, 1960, http://U of A HSS HE 8690 B86.

21 October 1960: Queen Elizabeth II launched the British Navy's...

National or international item

21 October 1960

Queen Elizabeth II launched the British Navy 's first nuclear submarine, HMS Dreadnought.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

1990: The Royal Navy, while still barring women...

Building item


The Royal Navy , while still barring women from submarines and deep sea diving, allowed them to go to sea.
“Women’s History Timeline”. BBC: Radio 4: Woman’s Hour.


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