Stéphane Mallarmé

Standard Name: Mallarmé, Stéphane
Used Form: Stephane Mallarme


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Michèle Roberts
She dedicates this book for the muse this time, and explains that although it concerns purely fictional persons and events, it is in part inspired by Jean-Luc Steinmetz 's life of Mallarmé , by Flaubert
Intertextuality and Influence Christine Brooke-Rose
This was her last novel published by Raleigh Trevelyan of Michael Joseph —who was, she believed, fired with a golden handshake for accepting it.
Brooke-Rose, Christine. Invisible Author: Last Essays. Ohio State University Press, 2002.
Her choice of title was over-ruled because her publisher mistakenly...
Intertextuality and Influence Bryher
After the Second World War, and Influenced by her varied studies (of Shakespeare , Mallarmé , Colette , and of Persia) as well as by her perceptions of contemporary European warfare, Bryher wrote...
Occupation Cecily Mackworth
CM 's first work, begun while she was at the LSE, was for her aunt's feminist journal Time and Tide. She had a summer job in 1931 working for a wealthy Hungarian family near...
Publishing Cecily Mackworth
CM 's early books almost all began as projects in journalism. She contributed reporting or reviews, in two languages, to Time and Tide, Horizon, Twentieth Century, Critique, L'Aube, and Le...
Reception Bryher
In The Heart to Artemis, Bryher describes the collection as incredibly bad verses,
Bryher,. The Heart to Artemis: A Writer’s Memoirs. Collins, 1963.
the publication of which was enabled by her wealthy father 's connections. She recalls discovering Mallarmé days before the volume's...
Textual Features Edith Sitwell
French as well as English poetry is much in evidence here, predominantly Gérard de Nerval , Baudelaire , Stéphane Mallarmé , Verlaine , and Rimbaud , all of whom she much admired. ES groups her...
Textual Features Michèle Roberts
Again she writes with a historical literary figure in mind, this time the poet Stéphane Mallarmé ; but her male poet Gérard Colbert, she says, is like a hole at the centre of her picture...
Textual Production Julia Kristeva
JK published one of her two books this year, La Révolution du langage poétique: l'avant-garde à la fin du XIXe siècle, Mallarmé et Mallarmé; the other was Des Chinoises. They were translated into...
Textual Production Cecily Mackworth
CM lectured for the Alliance Française at Trinity College , Cambridge, on Stéphane Mallarmé and the Symbolists in poetry.
Hewett, Christopher, editor. The Living Curve : Letters to W. J. Strachan, 1929-1979. Taranman, 1984.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Michèle Roberts
These richly varied stories aim to move between literary and genre fiction (like romance or soft porn).
Newman, Jenny. “Michèle Roberts”. Contemporary British and Irish Fiction, edited by Sharon Monteith et al., Arnold, 2004, pp. 119-34.
In some, food is central; in all of them the processes of daily life are sensuously recreated...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Cecily Mackworth
She concentrates on the visits of her subjects to England in the late nineteenth or early twentieth centuries. To all of them—Mallarmé (a poet she deeply loved), Verlaine (whose list of books probably read...


29 May 1913: The London premiere of Igor Stravinsky's...

Building item

29 May 1913

The London premiere of Igor Stravinsky 's ballet The Rite of Spring, starring Nijinsky , caused an uproar.
Borne Back Daily. 2001, .
29 May 2013


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