Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Standard Name: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Sara Coleridge
Sara received Anglican baptism sooner after her birth than her elder siblings had, which shows that her father 's Unitarian convictions were slackening. Though little is known about her own early religious beliefs, she was...
Cultural formation Christabel Coleridge
CC , granddaughter of Samuel Taylor Coleridge , was named after his poetic heroine Christabel. She grew up in an English, presumably white, middle-class, literary, Anglican family. She later held Conservative views, especially on women's rights.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
death Mary Robinson
An autopsy revealed six large gall-stones.
Highfill, Philip H. et al. A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Dancers, Managers and Other Stage Personnel in London, 1660-1800. Southern Illinois University Press.
13: 37
Though not much past forty, she had outlived all of her immediate family except her daughter and one brother. Jane Porter wrote an obituary intended for periodical...
Dedications Sara Coleridge
Following SC 's death, a poem dedicated to her father was found amongst her unpublished papers.
Dedications Edith Sitwell
She dedicated this To the Persons from Porlock: presumably a claim to have been more frequently interrupted than Coleridge .
Sitwell, Edith. Taken Care Of: An Autobiography. Hutchinson.
The endpapers reproduce her obituary from The Times. ES had previously written...
Education Meiling Jin
She was saved by the public Children's Library. She read omnivorously, beginning with the Dr Doolittle books (Hugh Lofting ) and fairy stories but missing out on Enid Blyton (who was kept locked away)...
Education Sara Coleridge
Because of her interest in contemporary theological debate, SC devoted her spring and summer to studying the works of John Henry Newman and of her father .
Mudge, Bradford Keyes, and Sara Coleridge. Sara Coleridge, a Victorian Daughter: Her Life and Essays. Yale University Press.
Education Harriet Shaw Weaver
HSW 's family encouraged her in the regular pursuits of a young, middle-class Victorian woman. From her father she inherited an enthusiasm for poetry—she especially liked Shakespeare , Coleridge , and Whitman —and she read...
Education Mary Matilda Betham
More important than his teaching were her own efforts in a congenial atmosphere. The family would read aloud from poems and plays, providing their own appreciation and criticism. In her diary she wrote: In our...
Education Elizabeth Jennings
EJ attended Oxford High School . It was while a thirteen-year-old pupil there, she later said, that she discovered the excitement of poetry: first The Battle of Lepanto by G. K. Chesterton , then The...
Family and Intimate relationships Sara Coleridge
SC married her cousin Henry Nelson Coleridge , who for a brief period before his own early death became her father 's literary executor.
Mudge, Bradford Keyes, and Sara Coleridge. Sara Coleridge, a Victorian Daughter: Her Life and Essays. Yale University Press.
Family and Intimate relationships Sarah Flower Adams
Sarah' s father, Benjamin Flower , was a political writer, a religious dissenter, and the editor and publisher of the Cambridge Intelligencer, which first published six of Coleridge 's early poems. In 1799 he...
Family and Intimate relationships Una Troubridge
Sir Henry Taylor , UT 's paternal grandfather, was a poet and playwright whose verses were admired by Wordsworth and whose plays (Victorian melodrama) were performed by the famous actor William Charles Macready . Taylor's...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Ridler
Anne Bradby (later AR ) was still at school when she first met Charles Williams , the poet, Christian apologist, novelist, playwright and essayist, who was a friend of her headmistress, and came to lecture...
Family and Intimate relationships Fanny Kingsley
When she met him, Kingsley was experiencing severe religious doubts. Fanny's influence in his religious development during his undergraduate years should not be underestimated. She encouraged him to read Samuel Taylor Coleridge , Thomas Carlyle


18 June 1744: John Newbery advertised his Little Pretty...

Building item

18 June 1744

John Newbery advertised his Little Pretty Pocket Book, one of the first books aimed at delighting children while instructing them.

By 18 September 1794: By this date Coleridge claimed to have written...

Writing climate item

By 18 September 1794

By this date Coleridge claimed to have written one of the two sonnets attributed to him this year about the scheme for establishing Pantisocracy (a utopian community) in America.

29 December 1794: The Morning Chronicle (a paper with Opposition...

Writing climate item

29 December 1794

The Morning Chronicle (a paper with Opposition views) printed a sonnet, Mrs Siddons, which was attributed to Coleridge , but was actually written by Charles Lamb .

20 August 1795: Samuel Taylor Coleridge composed The Aeolian...

Writing climate item

20 August 1795

Samuel Taylor Coleridge composed The Aeolian [or Eolian] Harp (published the following year).

By June 1796: Samuel Taylor Coleridge compiled a booklet...

Writing climate item

By June 1796

Samuel Taylor Coleridge compiled a booklet titled Sonnets from Various Authors: four each by himself, Southey , Charles Lamb , and Charles Lloyd , two by Charlotte Smith , and one each by seven more writers including Anna Seward .

1798-1800: Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller published,...

Writing climate item


Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller published, in three parts, his historicaltragedyWallenstein.

1798-1800: August Wilhelm and Friedrich von Schlegel...

Writing climate item


August Wilhelm and Friedrich von Schlegel published their periodicalDas Athenäum, the manifesto of the German Romantic movement.

February 1798: Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote his conversation-poem...

Writing climate item

February 1798

Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote his conversation-poemFrost at Midnight, published the same year.

4 October 1798: Wordsworth and Coleridge published at Bristol...

Writing climate item

4 October 1798

Wordsworth and Coleridge published at Bristol the first edition of their epoch-making poetry collection Lyrical Ballads.

24 December 1799: Samuel Taylor Coleridge published in the...

Writing climate item

24 December 1799

Samuel Taylor Coleridge published in the Morning Post his ode in praise of the poetry of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire .

24 November 1800: The Morning Post printed Coleridge's love-lyric...

Writing climate item

24 November 1800

The Morning Post printed Coleridge 's love-lyricAlcaeus to Sappho, which he had sent in about six weeks earlier and which was probably addressed to Mary Robinson .

About 25 January 1801: The second edition of Lyrical Ballads appeared,...

Writing climate item

About 25 January 1801

The second edition of Lyrical Ballads appeared, in two volumes, including along with its poems by Wordsworth and Coleridge the former's famous Preface, written in 1800.

4 October 1802: The Morning Post carried Samuel Taylor Coleridge's...

Writing climate item

4 October 1802

The Morning Post carried Samuel Taylor Coleridge 's Dejection: An Ode, a lamentation over his sense of lost poetic power.

1 June 1809: Samuel Taylor Coleridge began publishing...

Writing climate item

1 June 1809

Samuel Taylor Coleridge began publishing his periodicalThe Friend. It ran till 15 March 1810 before being rewritten and issued as a book in 1818.

By May 1816: Samuel Taylor Coleridge published (together)...

Writing climate item

By May 1816

Samuel Taylor Coleridge published (together) Christabel, Kubla Khan, and The Pains of Sleep.


Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Biographia Literaria. Editors Coleridge, Henry Nelson and Sara Coleridge, W. Pickering, 1827.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Collected Letters. Editor Griggs, Leslie, Clarendon Press, 1971.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. “Introduction”. The Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, edited by Kathleen Raine, Grey Walls Press, 1950, p. v - ix.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. “Introduction”. Poems and Prose, edited by Kathleen Raine, Penguin, 1957, pp. 9-17.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. “Introduction”. Biographia Literaria, edited by John Shawcross, Oxford University Press, 1968, p. xi - xcvii.
Coleridge, Sara, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. “On Rationalism”. Aids to Reflection, edited by Henry Nelson Coleridge and Henry Nelson Coleridge, 5thth ed, W. Pickering, 1843.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Poetical Works [of] Coleridge, including poems and versions of poems herein published for the first time. Editor Coleridge, Ernest Hartley, Oxford University Press, 1969.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. The Poetical and Dramatic Works of S.T. Coleridge. Editors Coleridge, Derwent and Sara Coleridge, Little, Brown, 1854.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. The Wanderings of Cain. 1828.