Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire
Standard Name: Devonshire, Georgiana Cavendish,,, Duchess of
Birth Name: Georgiana Spencer
Styled: Lady Georgiana Spencer
Married Name: Lady Georgiana Cavendish
Titled: Lady Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire
Pseudonym: A Young Lady
Nickname: The Rat
An occasional or amateur author during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
, wrote in a number of genres: poetry, diaries, travel writings, letters, and possibly two novels. Much of her work remains unpublished and her canon, both in prose and poetry, is far from certain.
Her sexuality was and remains a large part of her reputation. She seems to have begun on her pattern of extramarital affairs while still with her first husband. While on her travels she was constantly...
Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire
Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire
, died in Rome, eighteen years precisely after the death of her predecessor Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
Foreman, Amanda. Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire. HarperCollins.
Charlotte Smith
She dated her preface 19 November 1794. Further editions followed, and Rambles Farther (a sequel from the same publishers, Cadell and Davies
) appeared in August 1796, dedicated by permission to the twelve-year-old daughter of...
Sydney Owenson, Lady Morgan
She was working on the research for this novel before she married; the work was interrupted by her father's death in May 1812. After it she wrote: He was the object for which I laboured...
Ann Hatton
The future AH
published with her name (Ann Curtis, sister of Mrs. Siddons) Poems on Miscellaneous Subjects, with a strong subscription list, dedicated to Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall.
57 (1784): 314
Frances Arabella Rowden
She dedicated the work to Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
(aunt of her pupil Lady Caroline Lamb
), who blooms the sweetest flow'r in Britain's isle.
Rowden, Frances Arabella. A Poetical Introduction to the Study of Botany. T. Bensley.
She explained its genesis in an advertisement (dated 23 May...
Susanna Haswell Rowson
issued by subscription her first novel, Victoria, dedicated to her possible employer (or ex-employer) Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
, published for the author.
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press.
1: 388-9
Radagunda Roberts
Hawkesworth, in suggesting this translation, had observed that as a woman's work of truly delicate female type this novel needed a female translator. He then revised, corrected, and approved the manuscript, but mere chance prevented...
Susanna Haswell Rowson
It was during this lean period that she began writing, teaching (she was probably though not certainly a governess, and possibly worked for Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
), and acting.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Her aunt the Duchess of Devonshire
(whose wealth, or rather that of her husband the duke, helped support Caroline's parents) wrote a new year poem for the little girl, instructing her to use her gift...
Family and Intimate relationships
Georgiana Fullerton
's celebrated or notorious maternal grandmother, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
, died six years before her grand-daughter and namesake was born. Nevertheless, her reputation (as a beauty, a gambler, a scandalous woman, and a...
Family and Intimate relationships
Margaret Bingham, Countess Lucan
's daughter Lavinia
was born at Castlebar on 27 July 1762 and married the second Earl Spencer at her father's London house on 6 March 1781. Evidently, her mother-in-law Lady Bessborough
(sister of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
Family and Intimate relationships
Sarah Trimmer
Their second daughter, Sarah known as Selina
, taught the younger ones and also some neighbour children.
Yarde, Doris M. Sarah Trimmer of Brentford and her Children, with Some of her Early Writings 1780-1786. Hounslow and District History Society.
She later worked for as governess in the household of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
, and later...
Family and Intimate relationships
Harriette Wilson
Some months before her twentieth birthday, HW
fell in love at first sight with Lord John Ponsonby
(a relation of the famous Duchess of Devonshire
and cousin of Lady Caroline Lamb
), who became second...
22 March 1754: A group of Nobles, Clergy, Gentlemen, & Merchants...
Building item
22 March 1754
A group of Nobles, Clergy, Gentlemen, & Merchants met to establish what became the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce.
1771: In a year when Sir Joshua Reynolds painted,...
1777: Henry Mackenzie published his sentimental...
Writing climate item
Henry Mackenzie
published his sentimental novelJulia de Roubigné, whose heroine is poisoned by the jealous husband she has married to please her father.
17 June 1783: Sir Cecil Wray, a maverick independent politician...
National or international item
17 June 1783
Sir Cecil Wray
, a maverick independent politician and reformer, presented in the House of Commons
a Quaker petition for the abolition of slavery.
5 November 1788-10 March 1789: George III's illness and palpable incapacity...
National or international item
5 November 1788-10 March 1789
George III
's illness and palpable incapacity produced the Regency Crisis: the issue was whether or not power would devolve to the Prince of Wales
July 1796: The explorer Mungo Park, abandoned and anxious...
Building item
July 1796
The explorer Mungo Park
, abandoned and anxious on the banks of the Niger River in what is now Mali, was taken in, housed and fed by African village women, who composed and sang...
24 December 1799: Samuel Taylor Coleridge published in the...
Writing climate item
24 December 1799
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
published in the Morning Post his ode in praise of the poetry of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
9 June 1819: The library of the late Queen Charlotte was...
Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire,. Emma. T. Hookham, 1773.
Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire,. Memorandums of the Face of the Country in Switzerland. Cooper and Graham, 1799.
Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire, and Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire. Sketch of a Descriptive Journey through Switzerland; The Passage of the Mountain of Saint Gothard. J. J. Burgdorfer, 1816.
Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire,. The Passage of the Mountain of Saint Gothard. Prosper and Company, 1802.
Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire,. The Sylph. T. Lowndes, 1779.
Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire, and Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire. The Two Duchesses, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire. Editor Foster, Vere, Blackie and Son; Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1898.