D. H. Lawrence

Standard Name: Lawrence, D. H.
Used Form: David Herbert Lawrence
DHL published prolifically between 1909 and his death in 1930: poetry, novels, short stories, travel literature, and social comment. He was always a controversialist, fighting against the machanizing, dehumanizing, desexualizing tendencies of modern life, and was also a playwright and a painter.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Jan Morris
JM 's paternal ancestors were Welsh working people; her maternal ones were English country gentry.
Morris, Jan. Conundrum. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich .
She wrote that at three or four she realised, as a secret piece of knowledge not sorrowful but puzzling,...
Dedications Catherine Carswell
Parts of CC 's critical biography The Life of Robert Burns (published this month and dedicated to her husband, Donald Carswell , and to D. H. Lawrence ) were serialised in the GlasgowDaily Record...
Education Philip Larkin
For ten years from 1930, as both a primary and a secondary-school student, PL attended King Henry VIII School in Coventry (now an independent school for both sexes, but founded in the sixteenth century as...
Education Harold Pinter
Books borrowed from Hackney Public Library were also important to HP 's education: the moderns (Woolf , Lawrence , Hemingway , Eliot ), and also Dostoyevsky .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Education Ann Quin
Yet at this time books discovered in the public library taught her the possibilities in writing: Greek and Elizabethan dramatists. Dostoievsky (Crime and Punishment and Virginia Woolf 's The Waves . ....
Education Doris Lessing
Before attending school and after she left, Doris educated herself by reading. Her parents possessed copies of the classics, like Scott , Dickens , and Kipling . She read widely in the nineteenth century—her favourites...
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Brett
Although her first meeting with D. H. Lawrence in 1915 was, according to DB , inauspicious, she later became his admiring friend.
Brett, Dorothy. Lawrence and Brett. J. B. Lippincott Company.
After joining in his abortive scheme for founding a utopian community in...
Family and Intimate relationships Q. D. Leavis
Though both husband and wife were to influential, F. R. Leavis became one of the leading literary critics of the twentieth century. A dynamic speaker and teacher, he was known for his uncompromising, exclusive, often...
Family and Intimate relationships Catherine Carswell
Catherine Jackson (later CC ) met D. H. Lawrence after his return to England from Italy. They soon became close friends.
Carswell, John, and Catherine Carswell. “Introduction”. The Savage Pilgrimage: A Narrative of D. H. Lawrence, Cambridge University Press, p. v - xxxv.
Carswell, John, and Catherine Carswell. “Introduction”. Open the Door!, Virago, p. v - xvii.
Fictionalization Lady Ottoline Morrell
LOM inspired a number of fictional creations by her associates. D. H. Lawrence drew a hostile portrait of her as Hermione Roddice in Women in Love (1920). She reappears as Priscilla Wimbush in Aldous Huxley
Fictionalization Katherine Mansfield
After Mansfield's death, Woolf wrote in her diary: it seemed to me there was no point in writing. Katherine won't read it.
Gunn, Kirsty. “How the Laundry Basket Squeaked”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 7, pp. 25-6.
KM appears in episodes in more than one novel by her friend...
Fictionalization Dora Carrington
D. H. Lawrence , an acquaintance but never a friend of Carrington, figures her as a gang-raped aesthete
Gerzina, Gretchen. Carrington: A Life of Dora Carrington, 1893-1932. John Murray.
xv, xvii
in his short story None of That; she reappears also as the model and...
Friends, Associates Lady Cynthia Asquith
As well as her close relationships with Angela Thirkell and Barrie , LCA built a significant friendship with the novelist D. H. Lawrence (who has been seen as drawing her portrait in The Blind Man...
Friends, Associates Rebecca West
RW requested the meeting because she admired Nin's work on D. H. Lawrence . The two women became good friends.
Rollyson, Carl. Rebecca West: A Saga of the Century. Hodder and Stoughton.
Friends, Associates Ling Shuhua
The couple travelled together: in January 1936, for instance, they went to Beijing, where they met such people as the English writer Harold Acton and Chinese watercolour artist Qi Baishi . LS read fiction...


1883: George Moore, already a disciple of Zola,...

Writing climate item


George Moore , already a disciple of Zola , published his first, semi-autobiographicalnovel, A Modern Lover, in realist style.

April 1893: The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of the...

Writing climate item

April 1893

The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of the Fine and Applied Arts was founded this month by Charles Holme and first edited by Cleeson White .

From early summer 1915: Garsington Manor, near Oxford, the home of...

Building item

From early summer 1915

Garsington Manor, near Oxford, the home of Lady Ottoline and Philip Morrell , became a centre for many pacifists, conscientious objectors, and non-pacifist critics of the war.

4 December 1931: The BBC announced the resignation of Hilda...

Writing climate item

4 December 1931

The BBC announced the resignation of Hilda Matheson , its director of talks, which she had actually submitted in October. This was the climax of a long-running struggle over a series of talks by Harold Nicolson

29 July 1959: The Obscene Publications Act (England), 1959,...

Writing climate item

29 July 1959

The Obscene Publications Act (England), 1959, replacing a predecessor of 1857, substantially modified its elements; it newly provided the defence of public good (which was held to include literary merit), and the use...

14 July 2006: The Bow Street Magistrates Court, one of...

Building item

14 July 2006

The Bow Street Magistrates Court , one of London's most famous courts, closed after dispensing justice for 267 years.


Lawrence, D. H. A Selection From <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl="m">Phoenix</span>. Editor Inglis, Anthony Angus Haig, Penguin, 1971.
Lawrence, D. H. Aaron’s Rod. T. Seltzer, 1922.
Lawrence, D. H. Apocalypse. G. Orioli, 1931.
Lawrence, D. H. D. H. Lawrence and New Mexico. Editor Sagar, Keith, Gibbs M. Smith, Inc., 1982.
Lawrence, D. H. England, My England, and Other Stories. Martin Secker, 1924.
Lawrence, D. H. Fantasia of the Unconscious. T. Seltzer, 1922.
Lawrence, D. H. Kangaroo. T. Seltzer, 1923.
Lawrence, D. H. Lady Chatterley’s Lover. Privately printed by the Tipografia Giuntina, 1928.
Lawrence, D. H. Last Poems. Orioli, 1932.
Lawrence, D. H. Love Poems, and Others. Duckworth and Co., 1913.
Lawrence, D. H. Phoenix: The Posthumous Papers of D.H. Lawrence. Editor McDonald, Edward D., Viking, 1936.
Lawrence, D. H. Pornography and Obscenity. Faber and Faber, 1929.
Lawrence, D. H. Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious. Thomas Seltzer, 1921.
Lawrence, D. H. Sons and Lovers. Heinemann, 1913.
Lawrence, D. H. Studies in Classic American Literature. Thomas Seltzer, 1923.
Lawrence, D. H., and Mary Louisa Skinner. The Boy in the Bush. T. Seltzer, 1924.
Lawrence, D. H. The Collected Poems of D. H. Lawrence. Martin Secker, 1928.
Lawrence, D. H. The Complete Plays of D.H. Lawrence. Heinemann, 1965.
Lawrence, D. H. The Escaped Cock. Black Sun Press, 1929.
Lawrence, D. H. The Ladybird; The Fox; The Captain’s Doll. M. Secker, 1923.
Lawrence, D. H. The Letters of D. H. Lawrence. Viking Press, 1932.
Lawrence, D. H. The Letters of D.H. Lawrence. Editors Boulton, James T. et al., Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Lawrence, D. H. The Lovely Lady, and Other Tales. Martin Secker, 1932.
Lawrence, D. H. The Prussian Officer, and other stories. Duckworth and Co., 1914.
Lawrence, D. H. The Rainbow. Methuen, 1915.