Hilda Matheson

Standard Name: Matheson, Hilda


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Wellesley
DW seems to have first met Hilda Matheson just before the latter took over the role of central player in Vita Sackville-West 's love-life. But Matheson (director of talks for the BBC , soon to...
Family and Intimate relationships Vita Sackville-West
VSW 's next lovers were women working professionally in the media: first was Hilda Matheson , Director of Talks for the BBC . They presumably met in connection with VSW 's first broadcast, on 18...
Literary responses Vita Sackville-West
On its publication this book was somewhat eclipsed by that of Woolf's Orlando. Hilda Matheson made a point of telling VSW how much she liked it.
Glendinning, Victoria. Vita. Penguin, 1984.
Material Conditions of Writing Susan Tweedsmuir
This was one of a series conceived by Hilda Matheson , during the desperate conditions of the second world war, offering information about Britain and its colonies (this series was a smaller subset of Britain...
Material Conditions of Writing Kate O'Brien
One in Hilda Matheson 's series entitled Britain in Pictures a project for gaining sympathy abroad for Britain, beleaguered in the early years of World War Two, KOB 's contribution was reprinted in 1944 and...
Occupation Dorothy Wellesley
At Penns during the Second World WarDW wrote of her fear—An explosion. I thought of my son. (Oh, don't think!) I thought of Hilda (she is safe)—but also of solitude, of her...
Occupation Mary Agnes Hamilton
The head of the Corporation, Sir John Reith , is one of those whose character she draws in her memoirs. She mentions that women drew the same salary as men at the BBC, and compliments...
Publishing Dorothy Wellesley
DW 's introductions are largely biographical. After these first books she got her series taken on by Collins for The English Poets, a subset of their series Britain in Pictures (of whose editorial committee...
Publishing Vita Sackville-West
VSW published English Country Houses, illustrated both in colour and black-and-white, in Collins 's Britain in Pictures series, the brainchild of her lover Hilda Matheson .
British Book News. British Council.
(1941): 765
Glendinning, Victoria. Vita. Penguin, 1984.
Carney, Michael. Stoker. Published by the author, 1999.
Publishing Elspeth Huxley
EH published East Africa for Collins 's British Commonwealth in Pictures series, launched by Hilda Matheson and Dorothy Wellesley .
Nicholls, C. S. Elspeth Huxley. HarperCollins, 2002.
Residence Dorothy Wellesley
She said the house's little faĉade was perfect, and the rocks were real, large, and primeval. It had once belonged to Guglielma Penn , wife of the famous Quaker William Penn and daughter (though Wellesley...
Textual Production Edith Sitwell
ES contributed English Women to Collins 's Britain in Pictures book series, which had been launched by the late Hilda Matheson as much-needed wartime propaganda.
Fifoot, Richard. A Bibliography of Edith, Osbert and Sacheverell Sitwell. Second Edition, Revised, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1971.
Textual Production Mary Agnes Hamilton
MAH presented for the BBC the first broadcast of A Week in Westminster, a radio programme designed by Hilda Matheson to educate the electorate (especially the newly-enfranchised female part of it) about politics.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
“Women’s History Timeline”. BBC: Radio 4: Woman’s Hour.
Textual Production Rose Macaulay
RM 's Life Among the English, 1942, was the second-highest seller in the beautifully designed and illustrated series Britain in Pictures, conceived by Hilda Matheson (who had died in 1940) as a riposte...
Travel Dorothy Wellesley
She also writes of visiting Sicily with Hilda Matheson . She found it a place of exquisite wild flowers in profusion. It was Sicily that held my heart, and will forever. . . . Why...


By October 1926: The BBC named Hilda Matheson as its first...

Building item

By October 1926

The BBC named Hilda Matheson as its first Director of Talks, one of the most highly paid jobs for a woman in any organisation at that time,
Carney, Michael. Stoker. Published by the author, 1999.
as her biographer puts it.
“Women’s History Timeline”. BBC: Radio 4: Woman’s Hour.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Carney, Michael. Stoker. Published by the author, 1999.
29, 23

4 December 1931: The BBC announced the resignation of Hilda...

Writing climate item

4 December 1931

The BBC announced the resignation of Hilda Matheson , its director of talks, which she had actually submitted in October. This was the climax of a long-running struggle over a series of talks by Harold Nicolson


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