Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Lady Ottoline Morrell
Standard Name: Morrell, Lady Ottoline
Birth Name: Ottoline Violet Anne Bentinck
Titled: Lady Ottoline Anne Violet Bentinck
Married Name: Lady Ottoline Anne Violet Morrell
is best known as an early twentieth-century literary hostess who appears frequently in the memoirs, biographies, and fictions written by her guests. She aspired to be a writer herself, and she produced journals, letters, and memoirs, as well as collaborating with Bertrand Russell
on fiction and non-fiction.
Here, Morrell
and another guest, writer Aldous Huxley
(who were both friends of and loyal to Carrington's admirer Mark Gertler
), confronted Carrington about her reluctance to give up her virginity. She described the episode...
Family and Intimate relationships
Constance Holme
He was thirteen years older than she was. He too had succeeded his father in his position, and his employer was Lord Henry Bentinck
, brother of Lady Ottoline Morrell
. The marriage was childless...
Family and Intimate relationships
Aldous Huxley
They met while she, a well-connected Belgian, boarded at Garsington (the home of Member of Parliament Philip Morrell
and his wife Ottoline Morrell
, a centre for conscientious objectors, where AH
spent a good deal...
Family and Intimate relationships
Lady Margaret Sackville
The friendship between the widowed James Ramsay MacDonald
, Labour politician, and LMS
began in 1912 and proved important and long-lasting. She was said to have declined a proposal of marriage from him. The writer...
Friends, Associates
Katherine Mansfield
spent a weekend visiting Lady Ottoline Morrell
at Garsington; this was the first in a string of regular visits.
Alpers, Antony. The Life of Katherine Mansfield. Oxford University Press, 1982.
Friends, Associates
E. H. Young
corresponded with Lady Ottoline Morrell
during the 1930s, and sent her copies of her novels.
Mezei, Kathy, and Chiara Briganti. “’She must be a very good novelist’: Rereading E. H. Young (1880-1949)”. English Studies in Canada, Vol.
, No. 3, Sept. 2001, pp. 303-31.
Friends, Associates
Lady Margaret Sackville
became, according to Mary Agnes Hamilton
, one of those [e]verybody who was anybody in the anti-war movement, who gathered around Lady Ottoline Morrell
Hamilton, Mary Agnes. Remembering My Good Friends. Jonathan Cape, 1944.
She was an occasional visitor at the Morrells'...
Friends, Associates
Katherine Mansfield
Garsington Manor is a Jacobean manor house near Oxford. It was furnished in a romantic if somewhat whimsical style.
qtd. in
Boddy, Gillian. Katherine Mansfield: The Woman and the Writer. Penguin Books Australia, 1988, http://U of A HSS.
There its owner's wife, Lady Ottoline Morrell
, a writer and a well-known hostess...
Friends, Associates
Rose Allatini
Virginia Woolf
, who gives no indication of having met RA
herself, recorded satirically how in February 1919, after the appearace and prosecution of Despised and Rejected, Lady Ottoline Morrellswooped down upon Allatini...
met Lawrence
through Ivy Low
. Enthusiastic about his writing, she offered to lend him her cottage and to do his typing. During his stay on the Meynells' property, Lawrence introduced Viola to Ottoline Morrell
Friends, Associates
Elizabeth von Arnim
On her return to London, EA
found that her husband's smear campaign had effectively alienated her from her established social set. She responded by cultivating a friendship with a younger man, Alexander Stuart Frere-Reeves
Friends, Associates
Ruth Pitter
knew T. S. Eliot
well enough to enjoy a courtly encounter with him at a bus stop, but she felt his great innovations had not necessarily been a good thing for English poetry, and...
Friends, Associates
Hope Mirrlees
Before her death, Ottoline Morrell
named writer HM
as one of her literary executors; the two had been friends for some twenty years.
Woolf, Virginia. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Editors Bell, Anne Olivier and Andrew McNeillie, Hogarth Press, 1977–1984, 5 vols.
5: 140
Friends, Associates
Enid Bagnold
Bagnold's biographer Anne Sebba
writes that try as [EB
] might to belong to the artists' milieu, she could not release her other foot from the smart set.
Sebba, Anne. Enid Bagnold: The Authorized Biography. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1986.
Bagnold's friends included socialist...
From early summer 1915: Garsington Manor, near Oxford, the home of...
Building item
From early summer 1915
Garsington Manor, near Oxford, the home of Lady Ottoline
and Philip Morrell
, became a centre for many pacifists, conscientious objectors, and non-pacifist critics of the war.
Berkman, Joyce Avrech. Pacifism in England, 1914-1939. Yale University, 1967, http://U of A HSS.
Seymour, Miranda. Ottoline Morrell: Life on the Grand Scale. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1992.
Morrell, Lady Ottoline, and D’Arcy Cresswell. Dear Lady Ginger. Editor Shaw, Helen, Auckland University Press; Oxford University Press, 1983.
Morrell, Lady Ottoline, and D’Arcy Cresswell. Dear Lady Ginger. Editor Shaw, Helen, Century Press, 1984.
Morrell, Lady Ottoline, and Lord David Cecil. Lady Ottoline’s Album. Editor Heilbrun, Carolyn, Alfred A. Knopf, 1976.
Morrell, Lady Ottoline. Ottoline at Garsington. Editor Gathorne-Hardy, Robert, Faber and Faber, 1974.
Morrell, Lady Ottoline. Ottoline: The Early Memoirs of Lady Ottoline Morrell. Editor Gathorne-Hardy, Robert, Faber and Faber, 1963.