Dorothy Brett
Standard Name: Brett, Dorothy
Used Form: Brett
, or Brett as she called herself, is chiefly remembered for the pictures she painted, first in London and then in Taos, New Mexico, in the first half of the twentieth century. Her one published book is a memoir of her revered friend D. H. Lawrence
. She also left voluminous unpublished life-writings: letters, diaries.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Family and Intimate relationships | Katherine Mansfield | |
Family and Intimate relationships | Katherine Mansfield | She was already so ill that Murry had recoiled at his first sight of her on her return from France, and feared catching tuberculosis himself. Brett
and J. D. Fergusson
were witnesses at the wedding.... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Elizabeth von Arnim | In a letter to Dorothy Brett
, Mansfield wrote: The point about [Elizabeth] is that one loves her and is proud of her. Oh, that's so important! To be proud of the person one loves... |
Friends, Associates | Virginia Woolf | After this VW
saw Ottoline Morrell many times at Garsington and at Ottoline's other salons, where guests included W. B. Yeats
, Aldous Huxley
, Mark Gertler
, and Dorothy Brett
, among many others... |
Friends, Associates | D. H. Lawrence | Several women writers were numbered among DHL
's friends and acquaintances: Amy Lowell
, Katherine Mansfield
, Anna Wickham
, Lady Cynthia Asquith
, Carrington
, Brett
, Catherine Carswell
, and Lady Ottoline Morrell |
Friends, Associates | Katherine Mansfield | The same year she got to know Edward Marsh
. Her early years with Murry (and her visits to Garsington Manor) further developed her network of relationships with writers and artists. At Runcton in 1912... |
Friends, Associates | Katherine Mansfield | This time Mary Hutchinson
, Clive Bell
, Aldous Huxley
, T. W. Earp
, Brett
, J. M. Keynes
, and J. T. Sheppard
were there. KM
was back for further weekends in September... |
Friends, Associates | Lady Ottoline Morrell | Along with its owners, the manor was frequently full of guests: writers and artists among them included Katherine Mansfield
, D. H. Lawrence
, Aldous Huxley
, Siegfried Sassoon
, W. B. Yeats
, and... |
Friends, Associates | Lady Cynthia Asquith | As well as her close relationships with Angela Thirkell
and Barrie
built a significant friendship with the novelist D. H. Lawrence
(who has been seen as drawing her portrait in The Blind Man... |
Friends, Associates | Dora Carrington | At a party given by Dorothy Brett
at her Hampstead studio, DC
met and began a friendship with Katherine Mansfield
. Tomalin, Claire. Katherine Mansfield: A Secret Life. Alfred Knopf, 1988. 139-40 |
Friends, Associates | Dora Carrington | DC
formed a lively group (the Wild Group, as they were known at the Slade
) with women she remained in close contact with for many years, including Dorothy Brett
(later the Honourable), Barbara Hiles |
Friends, Associates | Dora Carrington | Shortly after this they rented a house at 3 Gower Street: Carrington paid £9 to stay nine months in the attic, while Mansfield and her husband
occupied the bottom floor, Brett
the second, and... |
Leisure and Society | Dora Carrington | DC
attended social events dressed in tight bodices and full skirts known as Augustus John clothes (after the models of the painter, who was a former Slade student, current darling of the London art world... |
Residence | Katherine Mansfield | Back from a summer spent largely in Cornwall, Mansfield
and Murry
(after she had briefly left him once more to stay in Brett
's studio) moved into J. M. Keynes
's house in Bloomsbury. Alpers, Antony. The Life of Katherine Mansfield. Oxford University Press, 1982. 409-10 |
Textual Production | Katherine Mansfield | KM
wrote The Canary, the last story she ever finished, as a gift for Brett
. Alpers, Antony. The Life of Katherine Mansfield. Oxford University Press, 1982. 418 |
No timeline events available.
Brett, Dorothy. Lawrence and Brett. J. B. Lippincott Company, 1933.
Brett, Dorothy. “The King is Crowned”. The New Yorker, pp. 56-64.