Blackwood, Pillams and Wilson


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Felicia Hemans
FH 's poetic collection Records of Woman was published by Blackwood with a dedication to Joanna Baillie .
Hughes, Harriet Browne Owen, and Felicia Hemans. “Memoir of Mrs. Hemans”. The Works of Mrs. Hemans, W. Blackwood, pp. 1-315.
British Library Catalogue.
Family and Intimate relationships Susan Ferrier
SF 's sister Jane was considered the beauty of the family. Robert Burns , after meeting her in the winter of 1786-87, addressed a poem to her (To Miss Ferrier). She later became...
Friends, Associates Susan Ferrier
Though at least partly resident in Edinburgh, SF did not mingle with the literary set known as the Edinburgh Bluestockings.
Cullinan, Mary. Susan Ferrier. Twayne.
Apart from her large circle of siblings and in-laws, her closest friends were Charlotte Clavering
Leisure and Society Margaret Oliphant
MO hosted a party on the island of Runnymede (not far from her home at Windsor) to celebrate twenty-five years of her affiliation with Blackwood's .
Williams, Merryn. Margaret Oliphant: A Critical Biography. St Martin’s Press.
Material Conditions of Writing Sarah Grand
Blackwood published the novel A Domestic Experiment by SG (not yet using that name), which she had written while living in Warrington some ten years earlier. It appeared as by the author of Ideala, A...
Occupation Annie Louisa Walker
ALW became Oliphant 's housekeeper, confidante, and amanuensis. In February 1877 Oliphant passed on to her the continuation of the arduous translation from French of Montalembert 's Les Moines d'Occident, suggesting to Blackwood's a...
Publishing Elizabeth Strickland
Another joint project was the long-running Lives of the Queens of Scotland and English Princesses Connected with the Regal Succession of Great Britain, which appeared from Blackwood in Edinburgh between late 1850 and 1859...
Publishing Ivy Compton-Burnett
She began it in summer 1909, writing it in the schoolroom where she was meant to instruct her younger sisters, using a sharp-pointed pencil and tiny handwriting in a series of exercise books, digging the...
Publishing Isa Craig
IC 's first book of verse, Poems, a collection of her contributions to The Scotsman, was published in Edinburgh by Blackwood .
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder.
OCLC WorldCat. Accessed 1999.
The Athenaeum Index of Reviews and Reviewers: 1830-1870.
1495 (21 June 1856): 775
Publishing Lucy Walford
LW 's novel Cousins was published by Blackwood's in Edinburgh and London.
OCLC WorldCat. Accessed 1999.
Saturday Review. Chawton.
48.1244 (30 August 1879): 271
Publishing George Eliot
In submitting this anonymous manuscript to Blackwood , Lewes invoked the names of Oliver Goldsmith (author of The Vicar of Wakefield) and of Jane Austen . The firm of Blackwood turned out to be...
Publishing Emily Gerard
EG was a regular contributor of stories to various periodicals. Blackwood 's publishing house issued at London and Edinburgh in 1890 Bis, a volume which collects four of her pieces from Blackwood's Magazine and Longman's Magazine.
British Library Catalogue.
Publishing Anne Mozley
AM published with Blackwood at Edinburgh an anonymous collection: Essays on Social Subjects, from the Saturday Review.
This is dated from an inscription.
British Library Catalogue.
Publishing Lucy Walford
LW 's novel The Baby's Grandmother was published by Blackwood in Edinburgh.
OCLC WorldCat. Accessed 1999.
Wiseman, Nicholas, editor. The Dublin Review. Burns and Oates.
13.2 (April 1885): 423
Publishing Sarah Grand
Blackwood's Magazine serialised the novel Singularly Deluded by the future SG ; Blackwood published it in volume form in 1893 as by the author of Ideala: A Study from Life.
Kersley, Gillian. Darling Madame: Sarah Grand and Devoted Friend. Virago Press.
British Library Catalogue.
Grand, Sarah. Sex, Social Purity and Sarah Grand: Volume 1. Editor Heilmann, Ann, Routledge.


1811: Publisher John Murray in London began working...

Writing climate item


Publisher John Murray in London began working with William Blackwood in Edinburgh.


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