John Blackwood

Standard Name: Blackwood, John


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Lucy Walford
LW had many friends among literary people and those who moved in literary circles. She discussed the books of her childhood with Reginald Palgrave , who shared many of her early reading experiences, and Wilkie Collins
Intertextuality and Influence George Eliot
It was John Blackwood who thought of the eventual title, after candidates including The Tullivers, St. Oggs on the Floss, Sister Maggie, and The House of Tulliver; or, Life on the Floss...
Literary responses George Eliot
John Blackwood was in general delighted with the manuscript of Amos Barton. Thackeray , too, read it and was impressed. Blackwood 's few criticisms (particularly of the ending, which he found comparatively feeble) appalled...
Literary responses George Eliot
Again early criticism from John Blackwood upset GE . But Blackwood's response when she suggested ending her series of tales reassured her how much he valued them.
Ashton, Rosemary. George Eliot: A Life. Hamish Hamilton, 1996.
Literary responses Margaret Oliphant
John Blackwood reproved MO for over-using favourite words in this book: he noticed specifically perplexed,troubled,little, and poor.
Jay, Elisabeth. Mrs Oliphant: "A Fiction to Herself": A Literary Life. Clarendon Press, 1995.
Literary responses George Eliot
On the whole reviewers were enthusiastic (E. S. Dallas began his notice in the Times, George Eliot is as great as ever
qtd. in
Carroll, David, editor. George Eliot: The Critical Heritage. Barnes and Noble, 1971.
), but the ending of The Mill on the Floss...
Literary responses Margaret Oliphant
John Blackwood complained of a certain hardness of tone
qtd. in
Jay, Elisabeth. Mrs Oliphant: "A Fiction to Herself": A Literary Life. Clarendon Press, 1995.
in Miss Marjoribanks. MO responded, I have a weakness for Lucilla, and to bring a sudden change upon her character and break her down...
Literary responses Margaret Oliphant
John Blackwood , who knew her work well, once wrote that he considered biography her greatest forte.
Jay, Elisabeth. Mrs Oliphant: "A Fiction to Herself": A Literary Life. Clarendon Press, 1995.
Literary responses George Eliot
John Blackwood , though he published it, disliked this story as too negative. It apparently appealed to French artist H. É. Blanchon , however, whose painting La transfusion du sang, based on the tale's...
Literary responses George Eliot
Middlemarch's mode of publication meant that responses were coming in long before the book was complete, including formal reviews. R. H. Hutton for instance, wrote no less than 6 reviews for the Spectator...
Publishing George Eliot
GE adopted in writing to her publisher, John Blackwood , her now famous pseudonym: before this Blackwood had written to her as author of, or even as Dear Amos.
Eliot, George. The George Eliot Letters. Editor Haight, Gordon S., Yale University Press, 1954–1978, 9 vols.
2: 290-2
Publishing George Eliot
Having become deeply interested herself in Jewish culture and history, GE aimed in this book to widen the English vision a little.
Eliot, George. The George Eliot Letters. Editor Haight, Gordon S., Yale University Press, 1954–1978, 9 vols.
6: 304
The parts sold 7,500 copies, and GE 's letter of thanks...
Publishing George Eliot
The eighth and final book of GE 's Middlemarch appeared, causing publisher John Blackwood to write that the year would be remembered for this event.
Hands, Timothy. A George Eliot Chronology. G. K. Hall, 1989.
Eliot, George. The George Eliot Letters. Editor Haight, Gordon S., Yale University Press, 1954–1978, 9 vols.
5: 352-3
Publishing Lucy Walford
The successful publication of Mr. Smith initiated a positive working relationship with her publisher John Blackwood . She found his approach to corrections delicate, and its effect salutary. In Recollections, LW speaks very...
Publishing George Eliot
In submitting this anonymous manuscript to Blackwood , Lewes invoked the names of Oliver Goldsmith (author of The Vicar of Wakefield) and of Jane Austen . The firm of Blackwood turned out to be...


April 1817: The first issue of Blackwood's Edinburgh...

Writing climate item

April 1817

The first issue of Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine appeared; founder William Blackwood intended to offer Tory competition to the liberal Edinburgh Review.
Houghton, Walter E., and Jean Harris Slingerland, editors. The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals 1824-1900. University of Toronto Press, 1966–1989, 5 vols.
1: 7-9, 11
University of Alberta Libraries On-line Catalogue.
Sutherland, John, b. 1938. The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction. Stanford University Press, 1989.


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