Susan Ferrier
Standard Name: Ferrier, Susan
Birth Name: Susan Edmonstone Ferrier
Nickname: Roe
Pseudonym: The Author of Marriage
was a conservative early nineteenth-century novelist of Edinburgh manners, who builds her novels out of acute observation, wit, moralising, and literary quotation.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Friends, Associates | Henry Peter Baron Brougham | Brougham had a number of friends among women writers. He was at primary school in Edinburgh with Susan Ferrier
(who, however, declined to acknowledge him later, probably for political reasons). His political work brought him... |
Friends, Associates | Lady Charlotte Bury | An early acquaintance was the future novelist Susan Ferrier
(nearly eight years her junior), who often visited Inverary Castle with her father, who was estate manager to Lady Charlotte's father and worked on legal busines... |
Friends, Associates | Sydney Owenson Lady Morgan | They had houses, or mansions, in Tyrone, in Scotland, and at Stanmore Priory near London; they treated the celebrated writer as a kind of household pet, even making fun of her nationalist... |
Friends, Associates | Eliza Fletcher | Hamilton, herself a conservative, set about de-demonizing EF
's political reputation. She had good success in persuading her friends that Mrs Fletcher was not the ferocious Democrat she had been represented, and that she neither... |
Leisure and Society | Elizabeth Jenkins | In wartime lunch hours EJ
used to browse in the bookshops of Tottenham Court Road: among items for sale she noticed Susan Ferrier
's The Inheritance, 1824, and one of the fifty privately-printed... |
Literary responses | Catherine Sinclair | Timothy C. Baker
has noted that recent scholarship follows CS
's contemporaries in overlooking her adult novels. For the monument-makers, Sinclair's fame rests on a combination of civic and literary achievement; curiously, however, her widely... |
Literary responses | Mary Ann Kelty | Reviewers praised this novel for its depiction of character and its intimate knowledge of the human heart.The Monthly Magazine singled out its impeccable morality, suitable for a young and female readership. qtd. in Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. |
Literary responses | Lady Charlotte Bury | She herself thought this better than her novels, but Thackeray
satirised it as Heavenly Chords; A Collection of Sacred Strains by Lady Frances Juliana Flummery. Susan Ferrier
agreed with the author that the prayers... |
Literary responses | Lady Charlotte Bury | Susan Ferrier
, having helped to ease the novel's passage into print, wrote to one of her sisters with a very early copy, saying that she thought it had beautiful descriptions but too many of... |
Literary responses | Lady Charlotte Bury | Edward Copeland
argues that this text, though designed to ride the wave of the new silver-fork novel, draws its influences from an earlier generation: Frances Burney
, Susan Ferrier
, and Richardson
's Sir Charles... |
Literary responses | Susanna Centlivre | SC
is said to have made a very good living from the theatre in the later years of her career, and to have cannily invested her savings in portable property like jewellery and silverware. Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. |
Publishing | Lady Charlotte Bury | |
Reception | Catherine Sinclair | Moira Burgess
, writing on Scottish women's fiction, found Beatrice's tone and sentiment a startling departure from Sinclair's earlier work, but concluded that in those disturbing mid-century years of industrial revolution and sudden Irish... |
Reception | Mary Ann Kelty | Susan Ferrier
's sister Helen Kinloch
saw Trials: A Tale as a sad comedown after The Favourite of Nature: she joked that it was a trial to read. Ferrier, Susan, and John Ferrier. Memoir and Correspondence of Susan Ferrier, 1782-1854. Editor Doyle, John Andrew, Eveleigh Nash and Grayson, 1929. 181 |
Textual Features | Carolina Oliphant Lady Nairne | In the traditional version of The Laird o' Cockpen (he's proud and he's great), the laird opts for marriage with a girl of lower rank: this song reinforced the comforting idea that true... |
2 July 1798: The conservative Lady's Monthly Museum: or...
Writing climate item
2 July 1798
The conservative Lady's Monthly Museum: or polite repository of amusement and instruction published its first number. Sometimes called The Ladies' Monthly Museum . . . it ran until the 1830s.
Watson, George, and Ian Roy Wilson, editors. The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Cambridge University Press, 1969, 5 vols., http://U of A, HSS Ruth N Flr 1 Ref.
Beetham, Margaret. A Magazine of Her Own?: Domesticity and Desire in the Woman’s Magazine, 1800-1914. Routledge, 1996.
Pitcher, Edward W. The "Lady’s Monthly Museum". First Series: 1798-1806. Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
British Library Catalogue.
Ferrier, Susan. Destiny. Robert Cadell; Whittaker, 1831.
Irvine, James, and Susan Ferrier. “Introduction”. The Inheritance, Three Rivers, 1984, p. v - xv.
Ferrier, Susan. Marriage. William Blackwood; John Murray, 1818, 3 vols.
Ferrier, Susan, and John Ferrier. Memoir and Correspondence of Susan Ferrier, 1782-1854. Editor Doyle, John Andrew, J. Murray, 1898.
Ferrier, Susan, and John Ferrier. Memoir and Correspondence of Susan Ferrier, 1782-1854. Editor Doyle, John Andrew, Eveleigh Nash and Grayson, 1929.
Ferrier, Susan. The Inheritance. W. Blackwood; T. Cadell, 1824.