William Blackwood

Standard Name: Blackwood, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer Christian Isobel Johnstone
They edited the Inverness Courier together from October 1817 (at a joint annual salary of a hundred pounds). From 1827 CIJ was the editor, while her husband and William Blackwood were owners, of the Edinburgh...
Friends, Associates Beatrice Harraden
BH described herself as the literary god-daughter of Eliza Lynn Linton . (Her literary godfather was William Blackwood ). Her first meeting with Linton (the turning-point of her life, she wrote)
Harraden, Beatrice. “Mrs. Lynn Linton”. The Bookman, Vol.
, Sept. 1898, pp. 16-17.
took place in...
Friends, Associates Felicia Hemans
While in Scotland she met not only Scott and Jeffrey , she met in person her publisher William Blackwood , writer Anne Grant , critic John Wilson , and sculptor Angus Fletcher .
Lawrence, Rose. The Last Autumn at a Favorite Residence, with Other Poems. G. and J. Robinson, etc. and John Murray, 1836.
Hughes, Harriet Browne Owen, and Felicia Hemans. “Memoir of Mrs. Hemans”. The Works of Mrs. Hemans, W. Blackwood, 1839, pp. 1-315.
Health Margaret Oliphant
Eight or nine months before her death MO told her publisher William Blackwood of a minor ailment which has often been interpreted symbolically: I have worked a hole in my right forefinger—with the pen, I...
Publishing Sarah Grand
She wrote it, she said, because she felt there was something very wrong in the present state of society, and . . . I did what I could to suggest a remedy.
Grand, Sarah. Sex, Social Purity and Sarah Grand: Volume 1. Editor Heilmann, Ann, Routledge, 2000.
Its publication...
Publishing Beatrice Harraden
Blackwood rejected this novel: William Blackwood thought it too sad to suit the public taste.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
BH then made the mistake of selling the copyright to the publisher who had accepted her, Lawrence and Bullen ...
Publishing Caroline Bowles
Bowles maintained a cordial relationship with publisher William Blackwood , but her dealings with his sons Alexander and Robert were somewhat colder. It seems that she frequently made arrangements to receive books as remuneration for...
Publishing Caroline Bowles
Most of the contents had first appeared in Blackwood's.
qtd. in
Hickok, Kathleen. “’Burst Are the Prison Bars’: Caroline Bowles Southey and the Vicissitudes of Poetic Reputation”. Romanticism and Women Poets, edited by Harriet Kramer Linkin and Stephen C. Behrendt, University Press of Kentucky, 1999, pp. 192-13.
Virginia Blain notes that Bowles entered into strenuous pre-publication negotiations with William Blackwood when she refused to accept all his editorial suggestions.
Blain, Virginia. “Anonymity and the Discourse of Amateurism: Caroline Bowles Southey Negotiates Blackwoods 1820-1847”. Victorian Journalism, edited by Barbara Garlick and Margaret Harris, Queensland University Press, 1998, pp. 1-18.
Publishing Lady Charlotte Bury
Susan Ferrier helped with this first publication since LCB 's second marriage—the first that belongs to the decades of her novelistic career—by submitting it to Blackwood , her own publisher, as early as January 1820...
Publishing Margaret Oliphant
A family friend, Dr David Macbeth Moir , introduced MO to William Blackwood .
Jay, Elisabeth. Mrs Oliphant: "A Fiction to Herself": A Literary Life. Clarendon Press, 1995.
13, 247-8
She submitted this story trembling . . . scarcely expecting to be admitted to the honours of the Magazine...
Publishing Eleanor Farjeon
EF 's next publication, in Blackwood's Magazine, was a spoof or pastiche: seven lyrics purporting to come from an imaginary book called The Shepheard's Gyrlond, 1594, by the fictional Nathaniel Downes. When...
Publishing Margaret Oliphant
The third volume, not by her, followed the next year. Blackwood commissioned her to write this official history, with payment of £500 a year during its composition.
Jay, Elisabeth. Mrs Oliphant: "A Fiction to Herself": A Literary Life. Clarendon Press, 1995.
Publishing Susan Ferrier
SF only published under the condition that she remained anonymous, hiding her authorship for fear that she would be condemned as unladylike. If I was suspected of being accessory to such foul deeds my brothers...
Publishing Annie Louisa Walker
She did not press for payment, and when the publisher, William Blackwood , offered her remuneration she replied that she knew about my cousin's debt to you , and it was because of this that...
Publishing Sarah Grand
She based her characters and setting on Warrington.
Kersley, Gillian. Darling Madame: Sarah Grand and Devoted Friend. Virago Press, 1983.
On 28 June 1892 she wrote to her publisher, William Blackwood , that she felt this novel to be a young work and crude—too liberal...


April 1817: The first issue of Blackwood's Edinburgh...

Writing climate item

April 1817

The first issue of Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine appeared; founder William Blackwood intended to offer Tory competition to the liberal Edinburgh Review.
Houghton, Walter E., and Jean Harris Slingerland, editors. The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals 1824-1900. University of Toronto Press, 1966–1989, 5 vols.
1: 7-9, 11
University of Alberta Libraries On-line Catalogue. http://www.library.ualberta.ca/.
Sutherland, John, b. 1938. The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction. Stanford University Press, 1989.


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