Martin Secker and Warburg Limited


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Willa Muir
The Great Wall of China and Other Pieces, the next Kafka translation by the Muirs, appeared in 1933. By the time they began this work they had increased their fees (after a considerable wrangle...
Publishing Dorothy Brett
On 2 March 1930, when Lawrence died in France, Brett was in New York City mourning her father's death little more than a month earlier and hoping to receive more positive news of Lawrence's condition...
Publishing Catherine Carswell
A somewhat revised edition of the book (in which CC felt she made her case against Murry stronger) was published later the same year in New York by Harcourt Brace and in London by Martin Secker
Publishing D. H. Lawrence
He had finished the novel in 1916, but could not find a publisher to accept it.
Roberts, Warren. A Bibliography of D.H. Lawrence. Hart-Davis.
A London edition, published by Martin Secker , came out in June 1921.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Publishing D. H. Lawrence
DHL attempted to find an English or American publisher, but met with no success: the sexual language and actions of Constance Chatterley, the gamekeeper Oliver Mellors, and others were seen as immoral and unfit for...
Publishing Viola Meynell
Certain that the small religious firm Herbert and Daniel would not want this work, VM approached Martin Secker , newly established in 1909, who agreed to publish it even before reading it, on grounds of...
Textual Production Rose Allatini
Another World War One novel by RA , Requiem, appeared through Martin Secker , again bearing her name as R. Allatini.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online.
Textual Production Rose Allatini
After a twelve-year silence Rose Allatini used her married name, Mrs Cyril Scott, and the publisher Martin Secker (who had issued one of her earlier titles) for a volume of short stories, entitled White...
Textual Production Nancy Cunard
Secker and Warburg published NC 's memoirs of the controversial writer and paedophile Norman Douglas : Grand Man.
Chisholm, Anne. Nancy Cunard. Knopf.
Textual Production D. H. Lawrence
Martin Secker published The Collected Poems of D.H. Lawrence, in two volumes.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Roberts, Warren. A Bibliography of D.H. Lawrence. Hart-Davis.
Textual Production D. H. Lawrence
DHL 's The Lovely Lady, and Other Stories was posthumously published in London by Martin Secker ; all but one of the stories (The Overtone) had been printed before.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Textual Production Elinor Mordaunt
The Tales of Elinor Mordaunt (a selection from those hitherto published) appeared from Martin Secker .
British Library Catalogue.
Textual Production Willa Muir
Martin Secker published a translation, listed as by both Willa and Edwin Muir , of Lion Feuchtwanger 's novel Jew Süss.
OCLC WorldCat. Accessed 1999.


15 March 1936: Frederic Warburg bought Martin Secker's bankrupt...

Writing climate item

15 March 1936

Frederic Warburg bought Martin Secker 's bankrupt publishing house and founded Martin Secker and Warburg Limited ; Secker remained in charge of production until 1938.


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