qtd. in
Milford, Nancy. Savage Beauty: The Life of Edna St. Vincent Millay. Random House, 2001.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Intertextuality and Influence | Jane Austen | The major novels have been repeatedly dramatised and filmed; the BBC
has had great success with videos and DVDs of all six. They and the unfinished novels have been almost equally material for sequels, prequels... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Helen Bannerman | One result of the offence given by Little Black Sambo has been a series of recastings designed to censor its unacceptable aspects. Fred Marcellino
produced new illustrations for an edition published by HarperCollins
in New... |
Literary responses | Edna St Vincent Millay | Her editor Eugene Saxton
wrote that the staff at Harper
were much moved by the emotional quality of the poems. qtd. in Milford, Nancy. Savage Beauty: The Life of Edna St. Vincent Millay. Random House, 2001. 450 |
Publishing | Edna St Vincent Millay | This was published by Harper
in three distinct editions: the trade edition priced at two dollars, a limited edition of 500 autographed and numbered copies at fifteen dollars (for which Millay apparently refused the title... |
Publishing | Doreen Wallace | DW
's next novel, Creatures of an Hour, which also appeared in 1933 (title adapted from a love-poem by Keats
), was her last before she switched, in 1934, her publisher from Ernest Benn |
Publishing | Margaret Oliphant | A family friend, Dr David Macbeth Moir
, introduced MO
to William Blackwood
. Jay, Elisabeth. Mrs Oliphant: "A Fiction to Herself": A Literary Life. Clarendon Press, 1995. 13, 247-8 |
Publishing | J. K. Rowling | Rowling submitted her manuscript to one agent who rejected it, then to the Christopher Little Literary Agency
, where it was noticed by Bryony Evans
, who had the job of opening the post. The... |
Publishing | Agatha Christie | She had sent the manuscript to Collins
, who discouragingly judged that the central character was undesirable. qtd. in Morgan, Janet. Agatha Christie: A Biography. Collins, 1984, http://Rutherford HSS. 263 |
Publishing | Edna St Vincent Millay | She was working on Epitaph for the Race of Man at Cap d'Antibes in March this year. Milford, Nancy. Savage Beauty: The Life of Edna St. Vincent Millay. Random House, 2001. 376-7 |
Publishing | F. Mabel Robinson | This appeared in the same year from Harper's
of New York as number 62 in Harper's Handy series. British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo. |
Publishing | Patricia Highsmith | Harper
rejected this novel, and it came out pseudonymously from Coward-McCann
as The Price of Salt. A paperback followed in 1953, in which the work sold more than a million. Dirda, Michael. “This Woman Is Dangerous”. The Guardian, 20 June 2009, p. between pp. 12 and 13. between 12 and 13 |
Publishing | Agatha Christie | |
Publishing | Edna St Vincent Millay | A decade or more after publication Cass Canfield
at Harper
proposed changing the name Aeolus to Ixion in Epitaph for the Race of Man: Millay, he suggested, had got her mythology wrong. She sent... |
Publishing | Queen Victoria | An American edition of the book was printed later that same year by Harper and Brothers
. Victoria, Queen. Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands. Editor Helps, Arthur, Harper and Brothers, 1868. i |
Publishing | Emma Robinson | An edition in 188 pages, double column, was issued by Harper and Brothers
of NewYork in 1864 as The Maid of Orleans, A Romantic Chronicle. |
No bibliographical results available.