Walter De la Mare

Standard Name: De la Mare, Walter


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Enid Blyton
It was perhaps EB 's high point as a poet when she had five pieces included in an anthology that also featured work by John Masefield , Walter de la Mare , and Rudyard Kipling .
Stoney, Barbara. Enid Blyton. Hodder and Stoughton, 1974.
Anthologization Mary Webb
MW wrote war poetry. The Lad Out There (whose title perhaps remembers Housman ) catches the tone of poems by women left behind and gives it a maternal flavour: So young he is, so dear...
Dedications Edith Wharton
EW published a volume of short stories entitled Certain People on 21 October 1930 (the same day of the year as two earlier publications).
Borne Back Daily. 2001, .
21 October 2014
Her final collection of stories, Ghosts, appeared...
Family and Intimate relationships Naomi Royde-Smith
The poet Walter de la Mare was in love with NRS for a period of some years from 1911: some sources refer to them as lovers. His biographer suggests that she was able to give...
Friends, Associates Dorothy Wellesley
This friendship led to others for DW , for on Yeats's later visits she invited people to meet him, including Lord David Cecil , Sir William Rothenstein , Rex Whistler , H. A. L. Fisher
Friends, Associates Rose Macaulay
Friends who attended the house-warming of her London flat included Naomi Royde-Smith , Rupert Brooke , and Walter de la Mare .
Lefanu, Sarah. Rose Macaulay. Virago, 2003.
Friends, Associates Rose Macaulay
In 1921 RM was spending several nights a week in a room she rented in the large house of writer Naomi Royde-Smith at 44 Prince's Gardens, Kensington.
Emery, Jane. Rose Macaulay: A Writer’s Life. John Murray, 1991.
Babington Smith, Constance. Rose Macaulay. Collins, 1972.
Chosen by Royde-Smith as a...
Friends, Associates Mary Webb
In London, despite the shyness that made literary life difficult for her, MW became friends with May Sinclair , Robert and Sylvia Lynd , Rebecca West , novelist and critic Edwin Pugh , and Lady Cynthia Asquith
Friends, Associates Frances Cornford
FC also developed friendships, although not close ones, with Walter de la Mare , Eric Gill , Bertrand Russell , Siegfried Sassoon , Ralph and Ursula Vaughan Williams, and Virginia Woolf .
Cornford, Hugh et al. “Frances Cornford 1886-1960”. Selected Poems, edited by Jane Dowson and Jane Dowson, Enitharmon Press, 1996, p. xxvii - xxxvii.
Friends, Associates Helen Waddell
Friends from HW 's time at Somerville included Maude Clarke , whom she had known as a child and whose Oxford position had been one of the incentives to go there, and archaelogist Helen Lorimer
Friends, Associates Ruth Pitter
RP knew T. S. Eliot well enough to enjoy a courtly encounter with him at a bus stop, but she felt his great innovations had not necessarily been a good thing for English poetry, and...
Friends, Associates Violet Hunt
VH entertained here frequently: her sometimes piquantly mixed invitation lists included the names of H. D. , D. H. Lawrence , Ezra Pound , Joseph Conrad , Wyndham Lewis , Walter de la Mare ...
Friends, Associates Alison Uttley
By the time AU 's mentor, Professor Alexander, died (deeply upset about Hitler's rule in Germany), she had met another father-figure and important friend, the poet Walter de la Mare . She also developed friendships...
Friends, Associates Storm Jameson
SJ greatly admired Walter de la Mare and they began to correspond in 1921, shortly before she published an essay on him in the English Review. She made several visits to his home at...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
Early in her career, MEC received support from established writers. When she became an established writer herself, other authors turned to her for advice, among them Kenneth Barnes and Walter de la Mare .
Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. The Collected Poems of Mary Coleridge, edited by Theresa Whistler, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1954, pp. 21-81.


November 1925: Actress Ellen Terry gave her final stage...

Building item

November 1925

Actress Ellen Terry gave her final stage performance in Walter de la Mare 's Crossings at the Lyric Theatre in Hammersmith near London.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

After February 1932: An appeal of Count Potocki of Montalk's case...

Writing climate item

After February 1932

An appeal of Count Potocki of Montalk 's case was heard; and although he was not cleared, an advance in obscene libel cases was made.
Craig, Alec. The Banned Books of England and Other Countries. George Allen and Unwin, 1962.


De la Mare, Walter. “Fiction. ‘An Old Wives’ Tale’”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 357, p. 403.
De la Mare, Walter. “Jane Oglander”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 479, p. 110.
De la Mare, Walter. “Miss Underhill’s Poems”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 770, p. 499.
De la Mare, Walter. “Poems in War-Time”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 702, p. 217.
De la Mare, Walter. “The Lodger”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 608, p. 364.
De la Mare, Walter. “When No Man Pursueth”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 423, p. 56.