Siegfried Sassoon

Standard Name: Sassoon, Siegfried


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Julia Constance Fletcher
Among her later affairs was one in the 1880s with Alfred Sassoon , father of the poet Siegfried Sassoon . Siegfried, who himself never met her, later said she had ruined his life by separating...
Friends, Associates Laura Riding
Graves and Riding were touchy as friends, between their sense of literary mission (they saw Graves's biography of T. E. Lawrence as a somewhat demeaning potboiler, not part of his real work at all) and...
Friends, Associates Ruth Pitter
RP knew T. S. Eliot well enough to enjoy a courtly encounter with him at a bus stop, but she felt his great innovations had not necessarily been a good thing for English poetry, and...
Friends, Associates Rumer Godden
RG preserved her friendship with the director Jean Renoir from the time that he filmed her novel The River. After moving to Highgate she became friendly with the writer Stevie Smith (whom she calls...
Friends, Associates Sarah Grand
During the war SG met William and Rachel Mary Tindall , Quakers who became close friends of hers. She also met and lunched with Thomas Hardy and Siegfried Sassoon .
Kersley, Gillian. Darling Madame: Sarah Grand and Devoted Friend. Virago Press, 1983.
Friends, Associates Mary Agnes Hamilton
One of Lee's beliefs, pronounced that evening, was: Patriotism . . . is the power to be ashamed of your country.
Hamilton, Mary Agnes. Remembering My Good Friends. Jonathan Cape, 1944.
MAH credits Lady Ottoline with holding the pacifist movement together; many meetings took...
Friends, Associates Frances Cornford
FC also developed friendships, although not close ones, with Walter de la Mare , Eric Gill , Bertrand Russell , Siegfried Sassoon , Ralph and Ursula Vaughan Williams, and Virginia Woolf .
Cornford, Hugh et al. “Frances Cornford 1886-1960”. Selected Poems, edited by Jane Dowson and Jane Dowson, Enitharmon Press, 1996, p. xxvii - xxxvii.
Friends, Associates Rosamond Lehmann
RL was also a great success with the art-historian Bernard Berenson . Among a younger generation of artists and writers whom she often welcomed as guests were Siegfried Sassoon , W. H. Auden , Christopher Isherwood
Friends, Associates Charlotte Mew
In 1919 another admirer of CM 's poetry, Sir Sydney Cockerell (Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge), introduced her to Siegfried Sassoon , who became a champion of her work.
Fitzgerald, Penelope. Charlotte Mew and Her Friends. Collins, 1984, p. 240 pp.
170, 174, 197
Mew, Charlotte. “Introduction”. Collected Poems and Prose, edited by Val Warner, Carcanet and Virago, 1981, p. ix - xxii.
Friends, Associates Helen Waddell
Friends from HW 's time at Somerville included Maude Clarke , whom she had known as a child and whose Oxford position had been one of the incentives to go there, and archaelogist Helen Lorimer
Friends, Associates Edith Sitwell
ES had many friendships, and there were few notables in the artistic world whom she did not meet. Her friendships were quite volatile, with frequent quarrels, sometimes caused by the practical jokes and the heightened...
Friends, Associates Lady Ottoline Morrell
Along with its owners, the manor was frequently full of guests: writers and artists among them included Katherine Mansfield , D. H. Lawrence , Aldous Huxley , Siegfried Sassoon , W. B. Yeats , and...
Friends, Associates Lady Margaret Sackville
LMS became, according to Mary Agnes Hamilton , one of those [e]verybody who was anybody in the anti-war movement, who gathered around Lady Ottoline Morrell .
Hamilton, Mary Agnes. Remembering My Good Friends. Jonathan Cape, 1944.
She was an occasional visitor at the Morrells'...
Intertextuality and Influence Pat Barker
Barker opens with the text of Finished with the War, A Soldier's Declaration, issued in July 1917 by the writer Siegfried Sassoon , one of her real-life characters.
Barker, Pat. Regeneration. Viking-Penguin, 1991.
3, 71
She alternates scenes of...
Intertextuality and Influence Vera Brittain
She originally planned to write a novel based on her wartime experiences, but in November 1929, after having read the war memoirs of Edmund Blunden , Siegfried Sassoon , and Robert Graves , she began...


From early summer 1915: Garsington Manor, near Oxford, the home of...

Building item

From early summer 1915

Garsington Manor, near Oxford, the home of Lady Ottoline and Philip Morrell , became a centre for many pacifists, conscientious objectors, and non-pacifist critics of the war.
Berkman, Joyce Avrech. Pacifism in England, 1914-1939. Yale University, 1967, http://U of A HSS.
Seymour, Miranda. Ottoline Morrell: Life on the Grand Scale. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1992.

1919: Siegfried Sassoon published War Poems, and...

Writing climate item


Siegfried Sassoon published War Poems, and became literary editor of the Daily Herald.
British Library Catalogue.

1926: Siegfried Sassoon published Satirical Poems;...

Writing climate item


Siegfried Sassoon published Satirical Poems; they were frequently reprinted over the next few years.
British Library Catalogue.

1928: The first prose work by poet Siegfried Sassoon,...

Writing climate item


The first prose work by poet Siegfried Sassoon , his early autobiography Memoirs of a Foxhunting Man, became the first best-seller published by Faber and Faber (which adopted this name the following year).
Mount, Ferdinand. “Trouble down there: Tea With Sassoon”. London Review of Books, 7 Aug. 2003, pp. 11-13.
Mullan, John. “Style council”. The Guardian, 25 Sept. 2004, pp. Review 34 - 5.
Review 34

1928-9: Historian A. J. P. Taylor notes that many...

National or international item


Historian A. J. P. Taylor notes that many influential books on the horrors of the First World War appeared during these years.
Oakley, Ann. Man and Wife: Richard and Kay Titmuss: My Parents’ Early Years. HarperCollins, 1996.
British Library Catalogue.

1929: As well as Richard Aldington's Death of a...

Writing climate item


As well as Richard Aldington 's Death of a Hero, this year saw publication of Erich Maria Remarque 's All Quiet on the Western Front and Robert Graves 's Goodbye to All That.
Lefanu, Sarah. Rose Macaulay. Virago, 2003.

22 May 1936: The Peace Pledge Union was founded by Canon...

National or international item

22 May 1936

The Peace Pledge Union was founded by Canon Dick Sheppard .
Ceadel, Martin. Pacifism in Britain, 1914-1945 : The Defining of a Faith. Clarendon, 1980, http://U of A HSS.
Appendix I
Berry, Paul, and Mark Bostridge. Vera Brittain: A Life. Chatto and Windus, 1995.
Oakley, Ann. Man and Wife: Richard and Kay Titmuss: My Parents’ Early Years. HarperCollins, 1996.


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