Dorothy Shakespear

Standard Name: Shakespear, Dorothy


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Ezra Pound
EP married Dorothy Shakespear .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Fictionalization Florence Farr
Ezra Pound refers to FF in Canto XXVIII as Loica (i.e. Shaw's Louka): So Loica went out and died there [Ceylon] / After her time in the post-Ibsen movement.
Pound, Ezra. The Cantos of Ezra Pound. New Directions, 1948.
Several critics believe Farr...
Friends, Associates Ezra Pound
During his time in London, EP met his future wife Dorothy Shakespear , as well as Henry James , Ford Madox Ford , Wyndham Lewis , and W. B. Yeats . He also met...
Friends, Associates H. D.
After her move to England, Ezra Pound introduced HD to his circle of friends, many of whom were important figures in the modernist movement. They included W. B. Yeats , T. S. Eliot ,...
Literary responses Florence Farr
Dorothy Shakespear commented on the novel in a letter to Ezra Pound : Such a Sargasso Sea muddle. Every body divorced several times, & in the end going back to their originals: & a young...
Publishing Dora Marsden
Plans were afoot to relaunch The Freewoman shortly after it collapsed in its first form. When Marsden retreated to Southport for health reasons, Rebecca West acted as liaison between her and supporters in the Freewoman Discussion Circle


20 July 1915: The second and final issue of Wyndham Lewis's...

Writing climate item

20 July 1915

The second and final issue of Wyndham Lewis 's Vorticist magazine, Blast, included artwork and literary pieces by Helen Saunders , Jessie Dismorr , and Dorothy Shakespear , along with poems by Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot .
Wees, William C. Vorticism and the English Avant-Garde. University of Toronto Press, 1972.


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