Sarah Lewis

Standard Name: Lewis, Sarah,, 1824 - 1880
Birth Name: Sarah Anna Robinson
Pseudonym: Stella
Indexed Name: Estelle Anna Lewis
Indexed Name: Estelle Anna Blanche Lewis
Indexed Name: Estelle Anna Robinson Lewis
Married Name: Sarah Anna Lewis
Indexed Name: Mrs Sarah Anna Lewis
Nickname: Sarah Delmonte Lewis
Sarah Anna Lewis was a mid-nineteenth-century American poet who is today better known for her association with Edgar Allan Poe than for her writings. She began her career with frequent periodical publications, then published four volumes of poetry, and later two plays and a novel. She depicted the ancient poet Sappho in both a poem and a play. She was an indefatigable self-booster, at one stage with Poe's help. Despite his adulatory words of praise, for which she or her husband recompensed him with cash, SL was never quite as successful as she hoped and imagined herself to be.


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Textual Production Sarah Lewis
An anonymous advice-book, Woman's Mission (one of the two known publications of the obscure, English SL ) appeared at London by J. W. Parker . It had seventeen editions by 1854 and was translated into...
Textual Production Sarah Lewis
Parker issued a fourth edition before the end of the year, which also saw the first US edition, published at New York. Attribution to SL came well after publication. It has been suggested that...


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