William Shakespeare

Standard Name: Shakespeare, William


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Textual Features Shena Mackay
The selection ranges from Shakespeare to Angus Wilson , from the Bible to Liz Lochhead .
Textual Features Muriel Jaeger
In an amusing fantasy entitled Trial of Jane Austen the accused stands charged with masquerading as a great writer.
Jaeger, Muriel. Shepherd’s Trade. Arthur H. Stockwell.
Pompous or foolish witnesses accuse her of ignoring national politics, social problems, sex, professional careerism...
Textual Features Sophia Lee
An Advertisement claims that The Recess is a version, in modernised English, of a manuscript memoir from the reign of Elizabeth I . It breaks new ground for the English novel in various ways: it...
Textual Features Ethel Sidgwick
Hatchways is one of ES 's more humorous novels, since much is made of a foreign visitor's response to English culture and his desire to know more about what he takes to be its representatives....
Textual Features Eliza Fenwick
For this anthology EF gathered mostly improving pedagogical material, drawing on revered literary names like Shakespeare and Milton , as well as more recent and controversial writers like Thomas Chatterton and Helen Maria Williams ...
Textual Features Samuel Johnson
This was not the first dictionary of English, but its predecessors had remained more or less close to the model of a word-list, omitting common words or any attempt to distinguish one idiomatic usage from...
Textual Features Anne Grant
Her range of literary reference and comment is wide: as well as Richardson (whose Clarissa she unequivocally praises),
Grant, Anne. Letters from the Mountains. Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme.
2: 45-8
it encompasses Blair , Sterne and Smollett as travel-writers, and Homer . Grant charges Samuel Johnson
Textual Features Ngaio Marsh
This novel is set during the opening production at The Dolphin, a recently derelict and now lovingly restored Victorian theatre beside the Thames in London. The central character, Peregrine or Perry Jay, is a...
Textual Features Jean Plaidy
JP divides this novel into three parts, one for each woman. Much of the section on Catherine of Valois (whom many readers would remember as a charming young woman being wooed in broken French at...
Textual Features Mary Butts
Early in the memoir, she discusses her family's relationship with William Blake and the influence of his art on her life. She claims that just one of his artistic works possessed her, and its hold...
Textual Features May Crommelin
It consists of an alphabetical list of English flowers, with excerpts under each from poets who wrote about that flower, from Chaucer and Shakespeare onwards.
Crommelin, May, editor. Poets in the Garden. T. Fisher Unwin.
Textual Features Anne Dacier
She insists on admiring the presumed simplicity of manners in the Homeric age in preference to modern, civilized, sophisticated society. Her key image for Homer 's style—of wild, luxuriant, varied growth, the opposite of a...
Textual Features Barbarina Brand, Baroness Dacre
For this production she made some cuts, and revised the catastrophe or plot-resolution.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
She later said this was the only one of her plays that she would dignify by the name of tragedy.
Barbarina Brand, Baroness Dacre,. Dramas, Translations and Occasional Poems. John Murray.
1: prelims
Textual Features Anne Manning
This book makes some pretence of being an early text, though the way that Nicholas Moldwarp is named and introduced suggests the superior eye of posterity. Manning once again imitates not only early spelling, but...
Textual Features Constance Smedley
This first dialogue concerned the Baconian controversy. CS 's father was given to harping on his belief that Sir Francis Bacon wrote the works of Shakespeare . This is the position taken by Smedley's Victorian...



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