Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Standard Name: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Birth Name: Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti
Used Form: D. G. Rossetti


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Biographers have tended to adopt Robert Browning's scornful skepticism of the spiritualist movement, but it was not a fringe phenomenon. EBB was, historian Alex Owen argues, characteristic of those attracted to spiritualism by its deeply...
death Elizabeth Siddal
ES died of a large overdose of laudanum. This was officially deemed an accident, but was likely suicide, as suggested by a note which Dante Gabriel Rossetti suppressed; she had been pregnant again, and unwell...
death Elizabeth Siddal
Dante Gabriel Rossetti commemorated ES in a posthumous painting of her as Dante 's Beatrice, entitled Beata Beatrix.
Marsh, Jan. The Legend of Elizabeth Siddal. Quartet Books, 1989.
death Elizabeth Siddal
Dante Gabriel Rossetti collected ES 's extant drawings and sketches and had them photographed and put into folios as a memorial for friends.
Pre-Raphaelite Women Artists by Jan Marsh and Pamela Gerrish Nunn reproduces a...
Education Mina Loy
During her time at the Wood, ML became very interested in the art of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the other Pre-Raphaelites.
Burke, Carolyn. Becoming Modern: The Life of Mina Loy. Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1996.
Education Elizabeth Siddal
ES was trained in dressmaking and later studied painting informally, in her connection with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood , from such artists as Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Ford Madox Brown .
Marsh, Jan, and Pamela Gerrish Nunn. Women Artists and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement. Virago, 1989.
65, 66
She had no...
Education Adrienne Rich
The girls' father also had a strong influence on their education, as he was determined that Adrienne would be a poet and Cynthia would be a novelist. The girls had the run of the family...
Education Elizabeth Taylor
Her first school, where she went at the age of six, was a little private establishment called Leopold House, which gave a grounding in English and maths and team games.
Beauman, Nicola. The Other Elizabeth Taylor. Persephone Books, 2009.
When Betty was eleven...
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Siddal
ES was modelling for and studying informally with Dante Gabriel Rossetti ; many have speculated that they became lovers.
Marsh, Jan. Pre-Raphaelite Sisterhood. Quartet Books, 1985.
35-6, 67-8
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Siddal
ES , pre-Raphaelite model-turned-artist, married writer and artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti at St Clement's Church in Hastings.
Marsh, Jan, and Pamela Gerrish Nunn. Women Artists and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement. Virago, 1989.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
under Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Family and Intimate relationships Christina Rossetti
Frances was to some extent a writer, but as her son Dante Gabriel later said, her considerable potential as an author was stifled by the exercise of an entire self-abnegation on behalf of her family...
Family and Intimate relationships Christina Rossetti
CR 's brothers Dante Gabriel and William Michael were respectively two years and one year older than she was, and were respectively a painter and poet, and a civil servant and literary critic. Their relationship...
Family and Intimate relationships Christina Rossetti
He had been a member of the Christ Church congregation to which she belonged, as well as a fellow student of Gabriel at the Royal Academy , but had converted to Catholicism. She was not...
Family and Intimate relationships Harriett Jay
Buchanan 's notorious literary and personal attack on Swinburne (titled The Fleshly School of Poetry and glancing also at Dante Gabriel Rossetti ) with the controversy which it generated, took place during his years at...
Family and Intimate relationships Christina Rossetti
Major upheavals in the family took place from about 1872. CR 's brother Gabriel became paranoid and suicidal on the negative reception of his Poems (1870), and the next year William announced his upcoming marriage...


By 3 March 1470: Sir Thomas Malory, a political prisoner in...

Writing climate item

By 3 March 1470

Sir Thomas Malory , a political prisoner in London, most probably in the Tower, finished compiling and writing his collection of legendary Arthurian romances, Le Morte d'Arthur.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.

14 September 1767: Midwife Elizabeth Brownrigg was hanged at...

Building item

14 September 1767

Midwife Elizabeth Brownrigg was hanged at Tyburn (in London near the present Marble Arch) for the murder of Mary Clifford , a workhouse apprentice.
Allott, Miriam, editor. The Brontës. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974.
English Short Title Catalogue. http://estc.bl.uk/.

: The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was founded...

Building item

Autumn 1848

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was founded in rebellion against the constraints and techniques of art as practised by the Royal Academy .
Bell, Quentin. Victorian Artists. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967.
31-2, 38
Chilvers, Ian, editor. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists. Oxford University Press, 1990.
Maas, Jeremy. Victorian Painters. Barrie and Jenkins, 1978.
Marsh, Jan, and Pamela Gerrish Nunn. Women Artists and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement. Virago, 1989.
Knight, Joseph, 1829 - 1907. The Life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Kennikat Press, 1972.

: Dante Gabriel Rossetti's painting The Girlhood...

Building item

Spring 1849

Dante Gabriel Rossetti 's painting The Girlhood of Mary Virgin (featuring Christina Rossetti as its model) appearing at the Free Exhibition at Hyde Park Gallery , was the first to display the initials of the...

1850: The Royal Academy unleashed the full weight...

Building item


The Royal Academy unleashed the full weight of its criticism against the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood .
Boase, Thomas Sherrer Ross, editor. English Art, 1800-1870. Clarendon, 1959.

February 1850: Dante Gabriel Rossetti published The Blessed...

Writing climate item

February 1850

Dante Gabriel Rossetti published The Blessed Damozel in The Germ.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. “The Blessed Damozel”. The Germ, No. 2, Aylott and Jones, Feb. 1850, pp. 80-83.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.

July 1850: William Allingham published Poems....

Writing climate item

July 1850

William Allingham published Poems.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.
Cox, Michael, editor. The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press, 2002, 2 vols.

March 1858: William Morris published his first volume...

Writing climate item

March 1858

William Morris published his first volume of poetry, The Defence of Guenevere, and Other Poems.
Henderson, Philip. William Morris: His Life, Work, and Friends. Thames and Hudson, 1967.

31 March 1859: Edward FitzGerald published, privately and...

Writing climate item

31 March 1859

Edward FitzGerald published, privately and anonymously in a limited edition on his fiftieth birthday, his free translation in couplet stanzas of The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám.
Martin, Robert Bernard. With Friends Possessed: A Life of Edward Fitzgerald. Atheneum, 1985.
210, 218-20
Borne Back Daily. 2001, http://borneback.com/ .
31 March 2008
Borne Back Daily. 2001, http://borneback.com/ .
31 March 2009

Later 1866: Robert Williams Buchanan published an essay...

Writing climate item

Later 1866

Robert Williams Buchanan published an essay on Immorality in Authorship in the Fortnightly Review, and, under the pseudonym of Caliban in the Spectator, attacked Swinburne in a poem called The Session of the Poets.
Strevens, Adam. “Literature, Morality, and the Adversarial Principle: The Fleshly School of Poetry Quarrel and the trial of Lady Chatterleys LoverCritical Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 4, 2001, pp. 31-41.
Buchanan, Robert Williams. “Immorality in Authorship”. Fortnightly Review, Vol.
, 15 Sept. 1866, pp. 289-00.

1868: Frederick Startridge Ellis began his publishing...

Writing climate item


Frederick Startridge Ellis began his publishing career by issuing (in a single volume) parts one and two of William Morris 's poem or series of poems The Earthly Paradise.
Rose, Jonathan, and Patricia J. Anderson, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 106. Gale Research, 1991.
106: 131
Cox, Michael, editor. The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press, 2002, 2 vols.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.
304, 671

25 April 1870: Dante Gabriel Rossetti published a collection...

Writing climate item

25 April 1870

Dante Gabriel Rossetti published a collection of Poems, which included Sister Helen, Jenny, and the first part of his sonnet sequence The House of Life.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.

October 1871: Robert Williams Buchanan published in the...

Writing climate item

October 1871

Robert Williams Buchanan published in the Contemporary Review, under the pseudonym Thomas Maitland, his critique of what he dubbed The Fleshly School of Poetry: Mr. D. G. Rossetti.
Cassidy, John A. Robert W. Buchanan. Twayne, 1974.
13, 46-7
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.

By 8 October 1881: Dante Gabriel Rossetti published Ballads...

Writing climate item

By 8 October 1881

Dante Gabriel Rossetti published Ballads and Sonnets, which included the latter part of his sonnet sequence The House of Life and new historical ballads like The King's Tragedy and The White Ship.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
2815 (1881): 457
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.


Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Ballads and Sonnets. Ellis and White, 1881.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Collected Poetry and Prose. Editor McGann, Jerome, Yale University Press, 2003.
Rossetti, Christina, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Goblin Market, The Prince’s Progress, and Other Poems. New ed., Macmillan, 1875.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Editors Doughty, Oswald and John Robert Wahl, Clarendon Press, 1967, 4 vols.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Poems. F. S. Ellis, 1870.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. “The Blessed Damozel”. The Germ, No. 2, Aylott and Jones, pp. 80-83.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. “The Complete Writings and Pictures of Dante Gabriel Rossetti: A Hypermedia Research Archive”. University of Virginia: Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH), edited by Jerome McGann.
Rossetti, Christina, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The Prince’s Progress and Other Poems. Macmillan, 1866.