Dissenting Churches


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Elizabeth Justice
EJ was born an Englishwoman, and presumably white. In maturity she was a member of the Church of England (with a low opinion both of the Russian Orthodox and of the Roman Catholic Churches )...
Cultural formation Lucy Aikin
LA was a middle-classEnglishwoman. She must have understood that she was white at an early age, when she took up the cause of abolition of slavery. The most important cultural influence on her was her...
Cultural formation Sarah Austin
SA came from a presumably white, professional, English Liberal background; hers was one of the most prominent dissenting families in Norwich, known for their talent and energy and their many contributions to ....
Cultural formation Hélène Barcynska
She was a Christian believer of sentimental cast, who liked to see spiritual significance in details of her life. Brought up as an Anglican , she learned from a French Catholic servant to cherish and...
Cultural formation Elizabeth Bury
Brought up in the Church of England , she left the church in the Restoration period, with her stepfather and the rest of her family, to become a Dissenter . She remembered that she was...
Cultural formation Mary Wollstonecraft
MW 's parents were first-generation Londoners of Irish and English descent. They were not religious; Mary's passionate desire for something to believe in had to find its own direction, and she became a Rational Dissenter .
Cultural formation Susanna Watts
Although she was baptised in the Church ofEngland , SW was remarkable for her principled empathy and personal friendships with Dissenters .
Aucott, Shirley. Susanna Watts (1768 to 1842): author of Leicester’s first guide, abolitionist and bluestocking. Shirley Aucott, 2004.
The Feminist Companion calls her an evangelical; Jack Simmons , in his...
Cultural formation Eleanor Rathbone
ER came from a long-established English family settled in Liverpool, with a tradition of industrialism, philanthropy, high culture, Liberalism, and Dissent (either Quaker or Unitarian ).
Cultural formation Ann Gomersall
AG was baptised in the Church of England at Portsmouth. Her parents were unlikely to have omitted this sacrament when she was little if they were Anglicans; it seems therefore that she probably converted...
Cultural formation Charlotte Guest
CG remained a member of the Church of England (with Low Church or Evangelical sympathies) although her first husband was a Dissenter and she often felt in Wales that the Dissenters were doing a better...
Family and Intimate relationships Jane Johnson
JJ 's husband belonged to the conservative, not the evangelical wing of the Church of England . He was concerned at the influence of Dissenting beliefs in his congregation and in 1739, when George Whitefield
Literary responses Harriet Corp
The Critical Review declined to comment on this book or to differentiate it from other religious novels. The Eclectic Review of November 1805, too, found similarities with other recent works, but dignified Interesting Conversations by...
Residence Jane Johnson
The Johnsons' house in Olney in Buckinghamshire stood just outside the churchyard and close to the River Ouse. It had two wings, and sounds like a handsome house. The town itself (a centre for...
Textual Production Mary Astell
An occasional conformity bill was currently being debated, though it was not until 1711 that the practice of occasional conformity (whereby known Dissenters or Roman Catholics circumvent the ban on anyone except Anglicans holding public...
Textual Production Anna Letitia Barbauld
ALB anonymously published Civic Sermons to the People: Number I. She did not claim this title until 1811; doing so would have laid herself open to hostile comment on women preachers as well as...


February 1689 to October 1791: The Williamite War was waged in Ireland between...

National or international item

February 1689 to October 1791

The Williamite War was waged in Ireland between supporters of the deposed James II (who landed at Kinsale on 12 March 1689 with substantial French forces) and supporters of William of Orange (who had assumed...

12 July 1690: William III heavily defeated James II at...

National or international item

12 July 1690

William III heavily defeated James II at the battle of the Boyne in Ireland, in which 62,000 men fought.
Defoe, Daniel. Selected Poetry and Prose of Daniel Defoe. Editor Shugrue, Michael F., Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968.
Kelly, Matthew. “With Bit and Bridle”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 15, 5 Aug. 2010, pp. 12-13.

26 March 1768: Lord Baltimore (Frederick, the sixth baron,...

Building item

26 March 1768

Lord Baltimore (Frederick, the sixth baron , who was known for his promiscuity and was said to admire the Islamic system of harems) was acquitted (with two female accessories) of raping a Methodist or Independent

17 April 1774: The inaugural service was held at the first...

Building item

17 April 1774

The inaugural service was held at the first Unitarian chapel, in Essex Street, London.
Jebb, John. “Memoirs”. The Works, Theological, Medical, Political, and Miscellaneous, of John Jebb, M.D. F.R.S., edited by John Disney, T. Cadell, J. Johnson, and J. Stockdale; J. and J. Merrill, 1787, pp. 1: 1 - 227.
Webb, Robert Kiefer. “Miracles in English Unitarian Thought”. Enlightenment, Passion, Modernity: Historical Essays in European Thought and Culture, edited by Mark S. Micale and Robert L. Dietle, Stanford University Press, 2000, pp. 113-30.

1780: Charlotte Cowley published The Ladies History...

Women writers item


Charlotte Cowley published The Ladies History of England, with the avowed intention of depictiing her Sex's Worth in every Age,
O’Brien, Karen. Women and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
mostly in instances of heroinism.
O’Brien, Karen. Women and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

2 March 1790: Charles James Fox proposed in the House of...

Building item

2 March 1790

Charles James Fox proposed in the House of Commons the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts (instruments of discrimination against Dissenters ). Next day his motion was voted down (its third rejection in four...


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