Staves, Susan. “Matrimonial Discord in Fiction and in Court: The Case of Ann Masterman”. Fetter’d or Free?: British Women Novelists 1670-1815, edited by Cecilia Macheski and Mary Anne Schofield, Ohio University Press, 1986, pp. 169-85.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Employer | Ruth Rendell | The afternoon hours of the House of Lords
posed no conflict with RR
's morning schedule for writing, and she said that she found working on legislation was a continuing education in social issues which... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Lady Hester Pulter | Hester's father, James Ley
, was a lawyer (in time a judge) who sat for many years as Member of Parliament for Westbury (under Queen Elizabeth, James I and Charles I). At the time of... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Ann Masterman Skinn | She, it appears, had petitioned first, alleging his impotence and cruelty. Staves, Susan. “Matrimonial Discord in Fiction and in Court: The Case of Ann Masterman”. Fetter’d or Free?: British Women Novelists 1670-1815, edited by Cecilia Macheski and Mary Anne Schofield, Ohio University Press, 1986, pp. 169-85. 179 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence | Over the course of his lifetime, Frederick Pethick-Lawrence
served in the House of Commons
for eighteen years and in the House of Lords
for sixteen. He became the Secretary of State for India and for... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Dorothea Du Bois | The new wife (or alleged wife) of DDB
's father
bore him a son; years later the son's legitimacy and claim to the family titles were recognised in Ireland but denied by the House of Lords |
Family and Intimate relationships | Caroline Scott | Caroline's father, born Archibald James Edward Stewart
, was the son of a duke's daughter (though this identity became a matter for dispute). He was one of two claimants to the landed estates of his... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Dorothea Du Bois | In 1771, the House of Lords
, sitting on the question of the inheritance rights of her husband's illegitimate son, decided by one vote that her marriage licence was a forgery; however, it later emerged... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Lady Cynthia Asquith | Lady Cynthia Charteris
married Herbert Asquith
, Beb, the second son of Herbert Henry Asquith
and Helen Asquith
. Herbert Henry Asquith (later first Earl of Oxford and Asquith), 1852-1928, was at this time... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Antonia Fraser | AF
's father, born Francis Aungier (Frank) Pakenham, was an Oxford
academic whose subject was politics. He became the seventh Earl of Longford
in 1961, but he had already been made Baron Pakenham by Clement Attlee |
Family and Intimate relationships | Muriel Box | Attending the House of Lords
on account of her friendship with Edith Summerskill, MB
took close account of the Lord Chancellor, Gerald Gardiner. They began to correspond over legal matters in 1967, first met in... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Anna Jane Vardill | AJV
's mother was born Agnes Birtwhistle
in 1752 at Skipton in Yorkshire, into a family which was a local power there and over the Scottish border at Gatehouse of Fleet. Anna Jane... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Florence Marryat | FM
's niece Irene Marryat Parlby
(daughter of her brother Edward) married an Oxford-educated rancher in Alberta, Canada, and became one of the Famous Five women who precipitated the Persons Case decision of the House of Lords |
Friends, Associates | Virginia Woolf | Bloomsbury came to designate a new sensibility in philosophy, literature, art, and politics, and its growth has been linked with the crucial break between the Edwardians and the Georgians, the point when human character... |
Leisure and Society | George Gordon sixth Baron Byron | As a young man Byron lived a desultory and over-expensive life, though he was already deeply serious about his poetry. He took his seat in the House of Lords
in March 1809, the same month... |
Leisure and Society | May Crommelin | MC
was a member of the Albemarle Club
. Who Was Who in Literature, 1906-1934. Gale Research, 1979, 2 vols. vol. 1 |
No bibliographical results available.