Herbert Asquith

Standard Name: Asquith, Herbert


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Family and Intimate relationships Lady Cynthia Asquith
Herbert Asquith , husband of LCA , died at Bath. His Times obituary called him a poet and novelist.
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
(8 August 1947): 7
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Cynthia Asquith
Having joined the army, Herbert Asquith had a spell at a training camp on Salisbury Plain before being posted to the Front in France. By August 1916 he was feeling as if he would...
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Cynthia Asquith
Lady Cynthia Charteris married Herbert Asquith , Beb, the second son of Herbert Henry Asquith and Helen Asquith .
Herbert Henry Asquith (later first Earl of Oxford and Asquith), 1852-1928, was at this time...
Friends, Associates Lady Cynthia Asquith
In Dresden Cynthia Charteris met Violet Asquith , then, in December, Violet's brothers Beb (Herbert ) and Oc (Arthur ). By the time she left Dresden, Beauman writes, she was in love with...
Residence Lady Cynthia Asquith
LCA and her husband bought their new home, Sullington Court in the little village of Sullington near Pulborough in Sussex, an old farmhouse in unspoilt country. They moved in on 4 August.
Beauman, Nicola. Cynthia Asquith. Hamish Hamilton, 1987.
Travel Lady Cynthia Asquith
At the end of her year of bereavements, LCA embarked with her husband , her youngest son, and a friend of his, overland to Marseilles and thence by boat to Egypt.
Beauman, Nicola. Cynthia Asquith. Hamish Hamilton, 1987.


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