The first Almanack (for 1883, published in 1882) sold 90,000 copies in England, America, France and Germany.
Lundin, Anne. Victorian Horizons: The Reception of the Picture Books of Walter Crane, Randolph Caldecott, and Kate Greenaway. Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2001.
It was among Routledge's most important and bestselling titles.
Engen, Rodney. Kate Greenaway: A Biography. Macdonald Futura Publishers Limited, 1981.
The later almanacs proved to be equally...
Material Conditions of Writing
Dorothy Richardson
began writing March Moonlight, the last segment of Pilgrimage, in 1938, before the publication of the first collected edition. However, she put it aside for various reasons, including the Second World War...
Laura Riding
The great unpublished work of LR
's lifetime was a dictionary. Various groups of friends collaborated on the early phases of this project, first in Mallorca and then in London. Its ancestor was a modest...
Laura Riding
That change in life-course, however, put a lengthy stop to work on the dictionary. On 8 September 1942, by which time she was working on it with Schuyler Jackson
and a new contract had been...
Richard Church
of Dent
had written to DR
in March 1936 to suggest publishing a collected edition of Pilgrimage, including her proposed twelfth volume, as the completed series. This upset and worried Richardson (who...
Ménie Muriel Dowie
It was published simultaneously in New York by J. P. Linnicott
and in London by Methuen and Co.
A second London edition appeared just a few months later in May, and the novel was reprinted...
Dorothy Richardson
After reading volume twelve (Dimple Hill) in 1937, Richard Church
was enthusiastic (he liked the novel better than Clear Horizon) and prepared to go ahead with publishing the collection. However, his plan...
Mary Wesley
In the same year that she published her first novel for adults, MW
followed her first two children's books with a third, Haphazard House. Written after the death of her husband, and taking death...
Josephine Tey
Written in London in the early days of World War Two, which felt like the end of civilization, it had an all-male cast, and was published posthumously in 1953 among her collected plays. In 1955...
Noel Streatfeild
Commissioned by Mabel Carey
, children's editor at J. M. Dent
, NS
produced the first, most famous of her children's books, Ballet Shoes. It reworks the central situation of her first adult book, The Whicharts.
Huse, Nancy. Noel Streatfeild. Twayne, 1994.
Wilson, Barbara Ker. Noel Streatfeild. Bodley Head, 1961.
Githa Sowerby
published through J. M. Dent
her first book of verse for children, The Wise Book, with illustrations by her sister Millicent Sowerby
British Library Catalogue.
Biographer Julia Briggs
believes that the original story was stimulated by EN
's writing about her own schooldays for the Girls' Own Paper.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
The composite book of tales appeared in instalments in The Windsor...
Dorothy Richardson
Her publisher Richard Church
of Dent
had organised a group of people, including novelist Hugh Walpole
, to write on her behalf to Prime Minister Chamberlain
. The pension allowed Richardson and her husband relief...
Textual Production
Naomi Royde-Smith
She compiled these books (the former for The Temple English Literature Series for Schools) while she was writing and reviewing for the Saturday Westminster Gazette. Una and the Red Cross Knight was reissued...
1888: J. M. Dent established J. M. Dent and Company...
Writing climate item
J. M. Dent
established J. M. Dent and Company
at 69 Great Eastern Street in London; the same year he began issuing the Temple Library, the first effort by a British publisher to...
1904: Publisher J. M. Dent began planning the Everyman's...
Writing climate item
Publisher J. M. Dent
began planning the Everyman's Library series, reprints of classic texts (including biographies, treatises of all sorts, plays, poems, travel and adventure writing) with introductions by experts.Everyman
Feather, John. A History of British Publishing. Croom Helm, 1988.
Rose, Jonathan, and Patricia J. Anderson, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 112. Gale Research, 1991.
81, 84
Clair, Colin. A Chronology of Printing. Cassell, 1969.
Mumby, Frank Arthur, and Ian Norrie. Mumby’s Publishing and Bookselling in the Twentieth Century. 6th ed., Bell and Hyman, 1982.
By 27 September 1905: Scientist Grace Chisholm Young published...