Millicent Sowerby

Standard Name: Sowerby, Millicent


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Family and Intimate relationships Githa Sowerby
GS 's next sister, Amy Millicent Sowerby (born just a year after her, on 1 November 1877), became a well-known illustrator of children's books and picture postcards. Millicent shared Githa's home until the latter married...
Author summary Githa Sowerby
Githa Sowerby's first full-length play, Rutherford and Son, was received in 1912 as a work of major importance. After this initial success, however, she produced only a handful of plays, only one more of...
Publishing Githa Sowerby
Other books for children, besides those which continued to augment GS 's best-known series, followed with Millicent 's illustrations in 1912, 1913 (a retelling of Cinderella), 1919, 1925, and 1934 (a children's play entitled The Policeman's Whistle).
Riley, Patricia. Looking for Githa. New Writing North, 2009.
Publishing Githa Sowerby
GS published through J. M. Dent her first book of verse for children, The Wise Book, with illustrations by her sister Millicent Sowerby .
British Library Catalogue.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
249 (19 October 1906): 355
Publishing Githa Sowerby
GS published two more children's books this year, The Bumbletoes and Childhood, both illustrated by Millicent Sowerby .
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Publishing Githa Sowerby
GS published a children's version of the Arabian Nights, entitled Little Stories for Little People, and illustrated by her sister Millicent Sowerby .
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
British Library Catalogue.
Riley, Patricia. Looking for Githa. New Writing North, 2009.
Residence Githa Sowerby
GS and her sister Millicent moved to London to begin independent life in a small flat when her parents and two other unmarried sisters settled in Oxfordshire.
Riley, Patricia. Looking for Githa. New Writing North, 2009.
Textual Production Githa Sowerby
Before she turned her talents to drama, GS published eleven children's books, most of them in verse. All were illustrated by her sister, Millicent Sowerby , who also illustrated editions of Lewis Carroll 's Alice's...
Textual Production Githa Sowerby
About twenty-five years after most of her books for children were published, GS collaborated with Natalie Joan on two more children's books, The Glad Book and a new version of The Gay Book, both...


No timeline events available.


Sowerby, Githa, and Millicent Sowerby. Childhood. Chatto and Windus, 1907.
Sowerby, Githa, and Millicent Sowerby. Little Plays for Little People. Henry Frowde, and Hodder and Stoughton, 1910.
Sowerby, Githa, and Millicent Sowerby. Little Stories for Little People. Henry Frowde, and Hodder and Stoughton, 1910.
Sowerby, Githa, and Millicent Sowerby. The Bumbletoes. Chatto and Windus, 1907.
Sowerby, Githa et al. The Gay Book. Artists and Writers Guild, 1935.
Sowerby, Githa et al. The Glad Book. Artists and Writers Guild, 1935.
Sowerby, Githa, and Millicent Sowerby. The Wise Book. J. M. Dent; E. P. Dutton, 1906.