Chapman and Hall


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Ouida
The success of Ouida's Strathmore had led publisher RichardBentley to consider luring her from Chapman and Hall ; while Under Two Flags was still in manuscript, he commissioned a reader's report from Geraldine Jewsbury
Publishing Olive Schreiner
Her publisher, Frederic Chapman (of Chapman and Hall ), was concerned about the character Lyndall, who bears a child out of wedlock. He asked Schreiner to rewrite parts of the novel, including the secret marriage...
Publishing Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The English Chapman and Hall edition cost 12s, the United States edition from C. S. Francis , for which he paid the author $100, was $1.
Garrett, Martin. A Browning Chronology: Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. Macmillan.
Publishing Mary Anne Duffus Hardy
First published by Chapman and Hall in London and by R. Worthington in New York, it was quickly reprinted in the USA, at Chicago as well as New York. A facsimile from the first...
Publishing Olive Schreiner
Schreiner began writing the book in South Africa in 1873, and continued to work on it while living in England. She returned to it often, but it never reached a stage where she considered...
Publishing Evelyn Waugh
EW published Decline and Fall, his first novel. Several sexually risqué passages were toned down at the request of his publishers, Chapman , but he restored them in a second edition.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Stovel, Bruce, and Bruce Stovel. “The Genesis of Evelyn Waugh’s Comic Vision. Waugh, Captain Grimes, and <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl=‘m’>Decline and Fall</span&gt”;. Jane Austen and Company: Collected Essays, edited by Nora Foster Stovel and Nora Foster Stovel, University of Alberta Press, pp. 181-0.
Publishing Mary Butts
MB ' first book, a volume entitled Speed the Plough and Other Stories, was advertised by her publisher, Chapman and Hall , with a kind of health warning to conventional buyers.
Speed the Plough...
Publishing Thomas Hardy
TH 's first novel, The Poor Man and the Lady, was rejected in turn by Macmillan (after reading by Alexander Macmillan and John Morley ), by Chapman and Hall (after reading by George Meredith
Publishing Gladys Henrietta Schütze
After her rejection by Pawling , P. R. said she should try another publisher. Arthur Waugh of Chapman and Hall liked her manuscript but judged it too outspoken because it mentioned corsets. He suggested another...
Publishing Ellen Wood
The novel had been twice offered to the publishing house of Chapman and Hall , and was recommended by William Harrison Ainsworth . After their reader (novelist George Meredith ) twice rejected it, EW took...
Publishing Geraldine Jewsbury
She had begun writing the novel in 1842 in collaboration with Jane Carlyle and Elizabeth Paulet .
There is some dispute over the novel's collaborative origins. Biographer Susanne Howe reports that GJ worked with both...
Publishing Emma Caroline Wood
During ECW 's years as an author, her annual income from her publishers (usually Messrs Chapman and Hall or Tinsley Brothers ) amounted to over £300.
Publishing Charles Dickens
The project was originally initatied and envisioned by publishers Chapman and Hall as text to accompany a showcase of engravings by Robert Seymour , a popular illustrator. On Seymour's suicide shortly after publication began, Dickens...
Publishing Stevie Smith
SS published her third novel, The Holiday, with Chapman and Hall , after Jonathan Cape rejected it.
Smith, Stevie. Me Again. Editors Barbera, Jack and William McBrien, Vintage.
290, 284-5
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
2473 (24 June 1949): 414
Publishing Ada Leverson
Chapman and Hall reprinted the novels of AL .
British Book News. British Council.
(1952): 47


No timeline events available.


Colenso, Frances, and Edward Durnford. History of the Zulu War and Its Origin. Chapman and Hall, 1880.
Colenso, Frances, and Edward Durnford. My Chief and I; or, Six Months in Natal After the Lagalibalele Outbreak. Chapman and Hall, 1880.
Craik, Dinah Mulock. Agatha’s Husband. Chapman and Hall, 1853.
Craik, Dinah Mulock. Agatha’s Husband. Chapman and Hall, 1858.
Craik, Dinah Mulock, and James Godwin. Alice Learmont: A Fairy Tale. Chapman and Hall, 1852.
Craik, Dinah Mulock. Olive. Chapman and Hall, 1850.
Craik, Dinah Mulock. The Head of the Family. Chapman and Hall, 1852.
Craik, Dinah Mulock. The Head of the Family. Chapman and Hall, 1878.
Craik, Dinah Mulock. The Ogilvies. Chapman and Hall, 1849.
Dickens, Charles, and John Leech. A Christmas Carol. Chapman and Hall, 1843.
Dickens, Charles, and Marcus Stone. Our Mutual Friend. Chapman and Hall, 1865.
Dickens, Charles. The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. Chapman and Hall, 1839.
Dickens, Charles, and Luke Fildes. The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Chapman and Hall, 1870.
Dickens, Charles et al. The Old Curiosity Shop. Chapman and Hall, 1841.
Dickens, Charles et al. The Pickwick Papers. Chapman and Hall, 1837.
Fane, Violet. Anthony Babington. Chapman and Hall, 1877.
Fane, Violet. Autumn Songs. Chapman and Hall, 1889.
Fane, Violet. Denzil Place. Chapman and Hall, 1875.
Fane, Violet. The Queen of the Fairies. Chapman and Hall, 1876.
Fane, Violet. The Story of Helen Davenant. Chapman and Hall, 1889.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Cranford. Chapman and Hall, 1853.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Lizzie Leigh and Other Tales. Chapman and Hall, 1855.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Mary Barton. Chapman and Hall, 1848.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. North and South. Chapman and Hall, 1855.
Gaskell, Elizabeth. Ruth. Chapman and Hall, 1853.