George Henry Lewes

Standard Name: Lewes, George Henry
Used Form: G. H. Lewes
At GHL 's death in 1878, Anthony Trollope praised him as journalist, editor, critic, philosophical populariser, biographer, and scientific writer.
Ashton, Rosemary. G. H. Lewes: A Life. Clarendon Press.
One of the leading Victorian men of letters, he is nevertheless remembered chiefly as the partner of George Eliot .


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Matilda Betham-Edwards
Because of her mother's early death, MBE , she said later, was largely self-educated, her teachers being plenty of the best books.
Black, Helen C. Notable Women Authors of the Day. D. Bryce.
Apart from the family library, a half-guinea annual subscription to the Ipswich Mechanics' Institution
Family and Intimate relationships Christina Stead
Within a year CS had become the lover of her American manager at work. William James Blech (later Blake) , whom she called Wilhelm at first and later Bill. He was both an investment...
Family and Intimate relationships George Eliot
GE informed her brother Isaac of the relationship between her and Lewes : she made no pretence they were actually married, but she called him her husband and signed Marian Lewes.
Eliot, George. The George Eliot Letters. Editor Haight, Gordon S., Yale University Press.
2: 331-2
Family and Intimate relationships George Eliot
A year and a half after the death of her partner George Henry Lewes , GE got married: to their young friend and banker John Walter Cross , in an Anglican ceremony at St George's...
Family and Intimate relationships George Eliot
GE was devastated when George Henry Lewes , her partner of twenty-four years, died on 30 November 1878 at the age of sixty-one. She grieved intensely, withdrew from social contact, edited Lewes's unfinished work for...
Family and Intimate relationships George Eliot
The two had been corresponding for some time before the first letter that survives from GE , written on 16 October 1879. It is transparently a love-letter. It speaks of the coldness of the sunshine...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Thackeray Ritchie
Following his death Charles Collins (Wilkie 's brother), with his wife (the former Kate Dickens ) and family, were the main sources of support for ATR and her sister. Between 1,500 and 2,000 mourners...
Family and Intimate relationships George Eliot
Marian Evans (later GE ) first met her future partner George Henry Lewes , as a member of the literary circles in which she now moved.
Eliot, George. The George Eliot Letters. Editor Haight, Gordon S., Yale University Press.
1: 366-7
Ashton, Rosemary. George Eliot: A Life. Hamish Hamilton.
Family and Intimate relationships Edith J. Simcox
Her feelings for the novelist developed to a passionate intensity: her love was idolatrous, to use her own word. For several years she regularly and formally celebrated the anniversary of her first encounter with...
Family and Intimate relationships George Eliot
Marian Evans (later GE ) left London for Germany with George Henry Lewes , the married writer, editor, and scientist with whom she was to live for the rest of his life.
Karl, Frederick R. George Eliot: Voice of a Century. W.W. Norton.
Friends, Associates Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon
In July that year her friendship with George Eliot had been cemented and her opinion of G. H. Lewes radically improved by a seaside visit to this unconventional couple at Tenby in Wales. (By...
Friends, Associates Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon
In May 1869 George Eliot recorded in her diary Bodichon's steady friendship at the time when G. H. Lewes 's son Thornie was dying of tuberculosis of the spine. Bodichon visited twice a week and...
Friends, Associates Anthony Trollope
Trollope was a friend of William Thackeray , G. H. Lewes , Richard Monckton Milnes , George Eliot , William Russell , and John Everett Millais .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Of Eliot he wrote: this gifted woman was...
Friends, Associates Eliza Lynn Linton
People she met at the Laurences' house included Thornton Leigh Hunt (who, with his wife, lived at the Laurences'); Smith Williams , reader for Smith and Elder ; Robert Owen , socialist; Frank Stone ...
Friends, Associates Katharine S. Macquoid
KSM was a close friend of fellow-writer Annie Keary . She also knew John Morley , George Henry Lewes and George Eliot .
Sutherland, John. The Longman Companion to Victorian Fiction. Longman.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.


2 January 1828: The first issue of the Athenæum, founded...

Writing climate item

2 January 1828

The first issue of the Athenæum, founded by James Silk Buckingham , appeared.

July 1835: The first issue of The British and Foreign...

Writing climate item

July 1835

The first issue of The British and Foreign Review; or, European Quarterly Journal was published.

1851: French medical researcher Charles-Edouard...

Building item


French medical researcher Charles-Edouard Brown-Séquard experimented with the effects of blood transfusion on the responsiveness of nerves in human corpses.

30 March 1851: G. H. Lewes and Thornton Hunt launched a...

Writing climate item

30 March 1851

G. H. Lewes and Thornton Hunt launched a progressive weekly called The Leader; it ran until 31 December 1859.

January 1860: The Cornhill Magazine, an influential literary...

Writing climate item

January 1860

The Cornhill Magazine, an influential literary monthly, first appeared in London with Thackeray as editor and contributor; the first issue sold 110,000 copies.

7 February 1865: The first issue appeared of George Smith's...

Writing climate item

7 February 1865

The first issue appeared of George Smith 's innovative evening newspaper, The Pall Mall Gazette.

15 May 1865: The first issue of the Fortnightly Review...

Writing climate item

15 May 1865

The first issue of the Fortnightly Review appeared, edited by George Henry Lewes .

7 October 1865: Governor Edward Eyre ruthlessly suppressed...

National or international item

7 October 1865

Governor Edward Eyre ruthlessly suppressed a rebellion which began at Morant Bay in Jamaica.

1878: The first telephone company in the UK began...

National or international item


The first telephone company in the UK began operations, at Chislehurst, Kent; it enabled private communication by phone between two points only.


Lewes, George Henry. Comte’s Philosophy of the Sciences. H. G. Bohn, 1853.
Lewes, George Henry. Problems of Life and Mind. Trübner, 1879.
Lewes, George Henry. “The Lady Novelists”. A Victorian Art of Fiction: Essays on the Novel in British Periodicals 1851-1869, edited by John Charles Olmsted, Garland, 1979, pp. 39-51.
Lewes, George Henry. The Life and Works of Goethe. D. Nutt, 1855.