Richard Bentley
published SM
's Mark Hurdlestone, the Gold Worshipper, a novel grounded in Gothic and romantic traditions which fared best in the United States.
Gray, Charlotte. Sisters in the Wilderness: The Lives of Susanna Moodie and Catharine Parr Traill. Viking, 1999.
Milner, Nina. “Susanna Moodie (1803-1885)”. Canadian Poetry Archive: National Library of Canada.
Peterman, Michael. Susanna Moodie: A Life. ECW Press, 1999.
The Athenaeum Index of Reviews and Reviewers: 1830-1870.
1316 (15 January 1853): 73-4
Intertextuality and Influence
Rhoda Broughton
's satire here embraces the publishing industry and its pandering to readers' tastes. Emma's cousin Lesbia is apparently representative of a particular type of circulating-library reader; much to Emma's mortification, she likes Miching Mallecho...
Intertextuality and Influence
Gertrude Bell
She wrote the original part of manuscript for pleasure, but had to add six chapters to it to bring it to book-length, urged on by her parents (who wanted to distract her after the death...
Literary responses
Rhoda Broughton
For Geraldine Jewsbury
(who had originally read the manuscript of Not Wisely, but Too Well for Bentley's
), the anonymous author's gender was supposedly self-evident: That the author is not a young woman, but a...
Literary responses
Anne Mozley
George Eliot
not only praised this review in a letter, but also instructed her publisher to send a copy of her next novel, The Mill on the Floss, to Bentley's
expressly so that it...
Literary responses
Margaret Oliphant
These novels did badly; at least one made a loss for the publisher, Bentley
Pettit, Clare. “‘Every man for himself, and God for us all!’ Mrs Oliphant, Self-help, and Industrial Success Literature in John Drayton and The Melvilles”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 2, 1999, pp. 163-79.
Literary responses
Editorial reader Geraldine Jewsbury
, commissioned by RichardBentley
to report on this novel at its manuscript stage, wrote scathingly (on 29 December 1865) that it was not a story that will do any man...
Material Conditions of Writing
Susanna Moodie
Responding to her publisher's
request for more material to feed a market hungry for her work, SM
quickly assembled Life in the Clearings versus the Bush.
Gray, Charlotte. Sisters in the Wilderness: The Lives of Susanna Moodie and Catharine Parr Traill. Viking, 1999.
221, 224
The Athenaeum Index of Reviews and Reviewers: 1830-1870.
1348 (27 August 1853): 1012-3
Catherine Maria Grey
From what little is known, CMG
became a silver-fork novelist who signed most of her own contracts. (Her husband signed her first contract with Richard Bentley
, but she signed the second.) She began writing...
Geraldine Jewsbury
After establishing herself as a serious writer of fiction and periodical articles, GJ
also proved her abilities as a critic. In addition to reading for important publishers such as Bentley & Sons
from 1858 to...
Author summary
Geraldine Jewsbury
During her life, Geraldine Jewsbury
wrote six novels and two books for children. Widely published in Victorian periodicals, she was a respected reviewer, editor, and translator. Her periodical publications ranged from theatre reviews, short fiction...
May Laffan
began her extensive correspondence with the firm of Macmillan
, which, late in her career, took over from Richard Bentley
as her British publisher.
Kahn, Helena Kelleher. Late Nineteenth-Century Ireland’s Political and Religious Controversies in the Fiction of May Laffan Hartley. ELT, 2005.
Wilkie Collins
It was hard to find a publisher for Antonina until Bentley
agreed to pay him a hundred pounds for it, with a further hundred to follow if the edition sold more than 500 copies (which...
Annie Tinsley
It was published also in New York. Charles Reade
, who was himself at law with Bentley
, later persuaded her to change publishers.
Peet, Henry. Mrs. Charles Tinsley, Novelist and Poet. Butler and Tanner, 1930.
May Laffan
This was the last novel to appear before ML
's marriage (after which she reputedly gave up writing). Apart from Bentley
's edition, ML
's American publisher Henry Holt
published or re-published it at New...
3 June 1829: Publisher Henry Colburn went into partnership...
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Richard Bentley, 1794-1871
1 September 1832: The two-year-old firm of Colburn and Bentley...
Writing climate item
1 September 1832
The two-year-old firm of Colburn and Bentley
was dissolved when Bentley bought Colburn out, amid considerable ill-feeling apparently caused by Colburn's shady financial practices.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Richard Bentley
December 1865: Alexander Strahan launched The Argosy, a...
Writing climate item
December 1865
Alexander Strahan
launched The Argosy, a monthly literary and travel magazine, with Isa Craig
as its first editor, and Charles Reade
's Griffith Gaunt as its lead serial.
Sutherland, John, b. 1938. The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction. Stanford University Press, 1989.
By 12 September 1885: As the author of My Heart and I, Elinor Huddart...
Women writers item
By 12 September 1885
As the author of My Heart and I, Elinor Huddart
published through Remington and Company
her novel Commonplace Sinners, which another publisher, Bentley
, had rejected as immoral.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
3020 (1885): 333
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
British Library Catalogue.
1898: The publishing firm of Richard Bentley and...
Writing climate item
The publishing firm of Richard Bentley and Son
, dating from 1 September 1832, was sold for eight thousand pounds to Macmillan
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Macmillan family
Betham-Edwards, Matilda. The Roof of France. Richard Bentley and Son, 1889.
Brooke, Emma Frances. A Fair Country Maid. Richard Bentley and Son, 1883.
Brooke, Emma Frances. The Heir Without a Heritage. Richard Bentley and Son, 1887.
Broughton, Rhoda. A Beginner. Richard Bentley and Son, 1894.
Broughton, Rhoda. Belinda. Richard Bentley and Son, 1883, 3 vols.
Broughton, Rhoda. Dear Faustina. Richard Bentley and Son, 1897.
Broughton, Rhoda. Mrs. Bligh. Richard Bentley and Son, 1892.
Broughton, Rhoda. Nancy. Richard Bentley and Son, 1873, 3 vols.
Broughton, Rhoda. Second Thoughts. Richard Bentley and Son, 1880, 2 vols.
Carey, Rosa Nouchette. "But Men Must Work". Richard Bentley and Son, 1892.
Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Lover or Friend?. Richard Bentley and Son, 1890, 3 vols.
Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Mary St. John. Richard Bentley and Son, 1882, 3 vols.
Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Not Like Other Girls. Richard Bentley and Son, 1884, 3 vols.
Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Only the Governess. Richard Bentley and Son, 1888, 3 vols.
Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Uncle Max. Richard Bentley and Son, 1887, 3 vols.
Dixie, Florence, and Julius Beerbohm. Across Patagonia. Richard Bentley and Son, 1880.
Kemble, Adelaide. Past Hours. Editor Gordon, May E., Richard Bentley and Son, 1880, 2 vols.
Kemble, Fanny. Far Away and Long Ago. Richard Bentley and Son, 1889.
Kemble, Fanny. Notes upon Some of Shakespeare’s Plays. Richard Bentley and Son, 1882.
Kemble, Fanny. Poems. Richard Bentley and Son, 1883.
Kemble, Fanny. Record of a Girlhood. Richard Bentley and Son, 1878, 3 vols.
Kemble, Fanny. Records of Later Life. Richard Bentley and Son, 1882, 3 vols.
Kemble, Fanny. The Adventures of Mr. John Timothy Homespun in Switzerland. Richard Bentley and Son, 1889.
Mathers, Helen. As He Comes Up The Stair. Richard Bentley and Son, 1878, 2 vols.
Mathers, Helen. Comin’ Thro’ The Rye. Richard Bentley and Son, 1875, 3 vols.