Smith, Elder and Co.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Harriet Hamilton King
HHK was described by one observer as a delicate woman . . . noble-minded, red-haired and pre-Raphaelite-looking.
Howe, Mark Antony de Wolfe, editor. The Beacon Biographies of Eminent Americans. Small, Maynard.
One source suggests that her family was in all likelihood pleased to accept almost any husband for...
Friends, Associates Julia Kavanagh
Charlotte Brontë noted that while JK admired the work, she considered the Maniac Mrs Rochester to be shocking.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
Wise, Thomas J., editor. The Brontës. Porcupine Press.
II: 173
The two women shared a mutual acquaintance in William Smith Williams , a reader...
Friends, Associates Eliza Lynn Linton
People she met at the Laurences' house included Thornton Leigh Hunt (who, with his wife, lived at the Laurences'); Smith Williams , reader for Smith and Elder ; Robert Owen , socialist; Frank Stone ...
Intertextuality and Influence Hannah Mary Rathbone
The Athenæum noted that the first volume was printed and bound in seventeenth-century style so well that had we stumbled on it in some old library, we should have rejoiced over a newly discovered literary...
Intertextuality and Influence Harriet Martineau
Charlotte Brontë 's publisher, Smith, Elder and Co. , rejected HM 's pro-Catholic novel entitled Oliver Weld, which Charlotte had persuaded her friend to write because of her admiration for Deerbrook.
Martineau, Harriet, and Gaby Weiner. Harriet Martineau’s Autobiography. Virago.
2: 382
Barker, Juliet. The Brontës. St Martin’s Press.
Literary responses Charlotte Brontë
Rigby also responded to the widespread speculation that Currer Bell was both a woman and a governess with the view that the book she deplores for an inexcusable coarseness of language and laxity of tone...
Material Conditions of Writing Julia Kavanagh
Two years before Nathalie appeared, JK had told Charlotte Brontë that Jane Eyrehad been to her a suggestive book. Reporting this, Brontë added, and I know that suggestive books are valuable to authors.
Wise, Thomas J., editor. The Brontës. Porcupine Press.
II: 182
Occupation Emily Brontë
Charlotte's account of EB 's response to her discovery of the Gondal poems, and the difficulty she had in persuading Emily to publish, suggests that Emily had no desire to become an author. Of the...
Other Life Event Charlotte Brontë
CB received her third proposal when James Taylor , the managing clerk of Smith, Elder, and Co. , asked her to marry him; she refused.
Barker, Juliet. The Brontës. St Martin’s Press.
Publishing Mary Augusta Ward
Daphne and the novels that followed it (discussed below among her other later novels) sold so badly that publication of Delia Blanchflower, another major attack on women's suffrage, was delayed because Reginald Smith of...
Publishing Emily Brontë
Newby sent them no money, although the books did well enough to suggest that they ought to have received something in addition to a refund of their £50.
Barker, Juliet. The Brontës. St Martin’s Press.
The suggestion that Newby would be...
Publishing Henrietta Camilla Jenkin
Her friend Elizabeth Gaskell wrote to George Smith of Smith, Elder on 10 February 1859 to urge him to publish this novel, which, however, she declared she had not read. He sent her a copy...
Publishing Mary Augusta Ward
She earned considerably less for The Mating of Lydia than for her last novel: £1,200 from Smith, Elder and £2,000 from Doubleday .
Publishing Emma Frances Brooke
The novel was published with Duffield and Co. in the USA and Smith, Elder & Co in the UK.
OCLC WorldCat. Accessed 1999.
British Library Catalogue.
Publishing Ellen Wood
The novel had been twice offered to the publishing house of Chapman and Hall , and was recommended by William Harrison Ainsworth . After their reader (novelist George Meredith ) twice rejected it, EW took...


November 1896: The Publishers Council objected to series...

Writing climate item

November 1896

The Publishers Council objected to series such as Popular New Novels, The Masterpiece Library, and the Review of Reviews, all of which published abridgements of popular novels and were edited by W. T. Stead .

1917: John Murray (publishers of Isabella Bird...

Writing climate item


John Murray (publishers of Isabella Bird and later Freya Stark ) took over Smith, Elder (publishers of Charlotte Brontë , Charlotte Chanter , and Queen Victoria ).


No bibliographical results available.