Algernon Charles Swinburne

Standard Name: Swinburne, Algernon Charles


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Eva Gore-Booth
EGB came from a Protestant family but broke with that tradition in favour of many other spiritual pursuits. Biographer Gifford Lewis writes: even before her teens she had become, in Christian terms, godless and her...
Dedications Eliza Lynn Linton
ELL 's novel which appeared in three volumes this year as Ione, dedicated to Swinburne , was serialized in Temple Bar as Ione Stewart.
Anderson, Nancy F. Woman against Women in Victorian England. Indiana University Press.
Education Anne Thackeray Ritchie
ATR and her sister were educated by a series of governesses in London. It was not until the arrival of Miss Truelock in 1850 that their father was finally satisfied with a governess's ability...
Education Ann Bridge
As a small child she stood out among the family for her quite exceptional naughtiness, which in later years she put down to surplus energy and dramatic ideas.
Bridge, Ann. A Family of Two Worlds. Macmillan.
When she began regular lessons, and...
Education H. D.
Following her withdrawal from Bryn Mawr, HD (with Pound 's assistance) embarked on an intensive independent study programme that lasted for five years. During this period she read and studied writers such as William Morris
Education Adrienne Rich
The girls' father also had a strong influence on their education, as he was determined that Adrienne would be a poet and Cynthia would be a novelist. The girls had the run of the family...
Family and Intimate relationships Mathilde Blind
In 1849, the year of his marriage, he was despatched to Paris to represent the newly formed German republican government . Following the collapse of the revolution, he became a political refugee in Belgium, and...
Family and Intimate relationships Harriett Jay
Buchanan 's notorious literary and personal attack on Swinburne (titled The Fleshly School of Poetry and glancing also at Dante Gabriel Rossetti ) with the controversy which it generated, took place during his years at...
Fictionalization Eliza Lynn Linton
In 1878, ELL wrote to a relative, True success comes only by hard work, great courage in self-correction, and the most earnest and intense determination to succeed, not thinking that every endeavour is already success...
Friends, Associates Violet Fane
VF made her mark on London's social life. She knew Robert Browning , Algernon Swinburne , Alexander William Kinglake , Alfred Austin , the Duchess of Argyll , James McNeil Whistler , and Lillie Langtry
Friends, Associates Anne Thackeray Ritchie
Anne Thackeray (later ATR ) spent Easter at Richard Monckton Milnes 's home, where she met Swinburne .
Gérin, Winifred. Anne Thackeray Ritchie: A Biography. Oxford University Press.
Friends, Associates Mathilde Blind
Other important friends include Dr Louis Mond , the American Moncure Conway (who had lost a position at Harvard for preaching against slavery), Richard Garnett (who began calling her by her first name in 1870)...
Friends, Associates George Meredith
GM knew the poets Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Algernon Swinburne —he sometimes stayed with them while in London. He also knew Emma Caroline Wood , Lucie Duff Gordon , Leslie Stephen , Anne Thackeray Ritchie
Friends, Associates Jane Ellen Harrison
Moving in London's social and creative circles, JEH also met Robert Browning , Walter Pater , Henry James , and Alfred Tennyson (whom she called the most openly vain man I ever met)...
Friends, Associates Isabella Neil Harwood
The position of her father as a journal editor put INH in contact with several well-known authors of the time. She attended a party with her parents at the house of Dr Westland Marston ...


By 3 March 1470: Sir Thomas Malory, a political prisoner in...

Writing climate item

By 3 March 1470

Sir Thomas Malory , a political prisoner in London, most probably in the Tower, finished compiling and writing his collection of legendaryArthurian romances, Le Morte d'Arthur.

7 September 1838: Grace Darling, twenty-two-year-old daughter...

Building item

7 September 1838

Grace Darling , twenty-two-year-old daughter of the lighthouse-keeper of the Longstone light on the Outer Farne Islands off the Northumbrian coast, helped her father row out in a clumsy boat through heavy seas to rescue...

1855: John Camden Hotten, newly back from some...

Writing climate item


John Camden Hotten , newly back from some seven years in America, established his own bookshop at 151b Piccadilly, London.

1860: The Queen Mother; Rosamund (two plays) appeared...

Writing climate item


The Queen Mother; Rosamund (two plays) appeared this year as Algernon Charles Swinburne 's first publication.

1865: Albert Moore exhibited his painting The Marble...

Building item


Albert Moore exhibited his painting The Marble Seat, which was noted for its resemblance to the Elgin Marbles.

March 1865: Algernon Charles Swinburne published his...

Writing climate item

March 1865

Algernon Charles Swinburne published his well-received poetic dramaAtalanta in Calydon, based on Greek myth.

November 1865: Algernon Charles Swinburne published a five-act...

Writing climate item

November 1865

Algernon Charles Swinburne published a five-act poetic drama about Mary Queen of Scots , Chastelard.

By 4 August 1866: Algernon Charles Swinburne published his...

Writing climate item

By 4 August 1866

Algernon Charles Swinburne published his first series of Poems and Ballads; it included Dolores.

Later 1866: Robert Williams Buchanan published an essay...

Writing climate item

Later 1866

Robert Williams Buchanan published an essay on Immorality in Authorship in the Fortnightly Review, and, under the pseudonym of Caliban in the Spectator, attacked Swinburne in a poem called The Session of the Poets.

1868: Frederick Startridge Ellis began his publishing...

Writing climate item


Frederick Startridge Ellis began his publishing career by issuing (in a single volume) parts one and two of William Morris 's poem or series of poems The Earthly Paradise.

By 4 January 1868: William Blake: A Critical Essay by Algernon...

Writing climate item

By 4 January 1868

William Blake : A Critical Essay by Algernon Charles Swinburne appeared.

By 14 January 1871: Algernon Charles Swinburne published Songs...

Writing climate item

By 14 January 1871

Algernon Charles Swinburne published Songs Before Sunrise, a collection of poems.

16 May 1871: Henry S. King (husband of the poet Harriet...

Writing climate item

16 May 1871

Henry S. King (husband of the poet Harriet Hamilton King ) set up the publishing firm H. S. King and Co. at 65 Cornhill, London; taken over by Charles Kegan Paul in 1877, it...

October 1871: Robert Williams Buchanan published in the...

Writing climate item

October 1871

Robert Williams Buchanan published in the Contemporary Review, under the pseudonym Thomas Maitland, his critique of what he dubbed The Fleshly School of Poetry: Mr. D. G. Rossetti.

1876: The conflict over the morality and aesthetics...

Writing climate item


The conflict over the morality and aesthetics of verse between Robert Williams Buchanan and Algernon Charles Swinburne came to a head in a libel suit.


Swinburne, Algernon Charles, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. “Note”. Aurora Leigh, Smith, Elder, 1898, p. vii - xiv.
Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Swinburne Replies. Editor Hyder, Clyde Kenneth, Syracuse University Press, 1966.
Swinburne, Algernon Charles. The Swinburne Letters. Editor Lang, Cecil Y., Yale University Press, 1962.
Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Uncollected Letters of Algernon Charles Swinburne. Editor Meyers, Terry L., Pickering and Chatto, 2005.