Robert Williams Buchanan
Standard Name: Buchanan, Robert Williams
Used Form: R. W. Buchanan
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Family and Intimate relationships | Harriett Jay | HJ
lost the last remaining member of her adopted family when her co-writer Robert Buchanan
died from the lingering effect of a stroke he had suffered eight months before. Jay, Harriett. Robert Buchanan. AMS, 1970. 312 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Harriett Jay | Although Robert Williams Buchanan
was technically HJ
's brother-in-law, he adopted her while she was still a child. He was a poet, novelist, and playwright, and his writing life became closely intertwined with hers, as... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Harriett Jay | |
Family and Intimate relationships | Harriett Jay | Buchanan
's notorious literary and personal attack on Swinburne
(titled The Fleshly School of Poetry and glancing also at Dante Gabriel Rossetti
) with the controversy which it generated, took place during his years at... |
Health | Dante Gabriel Rossetti | The strain DGR
felt from the negative reception of his Poems, and particularly the attacks of R. W. Buchanan
on their sensuality, took their toll: he became paranoid and delusional, and a week later... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Rhoda Broughton | RB
was convinced that Nancy would be a failure (and threatened in that case to stop writing), as she told Richard Bentley
in a letter bemoaning a negative review in Pall Mall. Sadleir, Michael. Things Past. Constable, 1944. 106 |
Literary responses | Harriett Jay | Critical reaction to The Priest's Blessing was again mixed. The Graphic found this powerful study of the heart and mind of a savage unmarred by any word of conventional sentiment. qtd. in Jay, Harriett. My Connaught Cousins. F.V. White, 1883. 3: front matter |
Literary responses | Mary Elizabeth Braddon | Robert Buchanan
in the Athenæum speculated that the author was a woman, and called the poem a rhythmical paraphrase of the prose popularized by the Times Correspondents. Athenæum. J. Lection. 1739 (1861): 259 |
Literary responses | Robert Browning | The praise in 1869 was resounding. Robert Buchanan
in the Athenæum hailed it as beyond all parallel the supremest poetical achievement of our time, and the London Quarterly was convinced that Pompilia would rank among... |
Occupation | Harriett Jay | HJ
opened in a male role (that of Cecil Brookfield, son of the heroine) in Buchanan
's Lady Clare at the Globe Theatre
. “Notices”. Times, No. 30784, 3 Apr. 1883, p. 8. 30784 (03 April 1883): 8 “The Times Column Of New Books and New Editions”. Times, No. 30820, 15 May 1883, p. 6. 30820 (15 May 1883): 6 |
Occupation | Algernon Charles Swinburne | Poems and Ballads appeared in 1866. This highly controversial collection, following closely on the heels of two successful plays, firmly established his literary reputation. He published an illustrated book of literary criticism, William Blake
... |
Occupation | Dante Gabriel Rossetti | DGR
was strenuously attacked for his Poems by R. W. Buchanan
in October 1871 as a proponent of The Fleshly School of Poetry. Marsh, Jan. Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Painter and Poet. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1999. 431-2 |
Occupation | Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Despite the strain and health problems, in his later years DGR
worked intermittently at painting and writing, composing the pieces The Stealthy School of Criticism (published in the Athenæum on 16 December 1871) and Scotch... |
Occupation | Harriett Jay | Alone in London opened in its title city by 22 October 1885, and in it Jay again took the stage. On 22 February of the next year she and Buchanan
took this play on the... |
Performance of text | Harriett Jay | Robert Buchanan
and HJ
's co-written, three-act comedy The Strange Adventures of Miss Brown opened at the Vaudeville Theatre
in London. Jay used a pseudonym, Charles Marlowe, for this and all later co-written... |
Later 1866: Robert Williams Buchanan published an essay...
Writing climate item
Later 1866
Robert Williams Buchanan
published an essay on Immorality in Authorship in the Fortnightly Review, and, under the pseudonym of Caliban in the Spectator, attacked Swinburne
in a poem called The Session of the Poets.
Strevens, Adam. “Literature, Morality, and the Adversarial Principle: The Fleshly School of Poetry Quarrel and the trial of Lady Chatterleys LoverCritical Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 4, 2001, pp. 31-41. 32-3
Buchanan, Robert Williams. “Immorality in Authorship”. Fortnightly Review, Vol.
, 15 Sept. 1866, pp. 289-00. 25 April 1870: Dante Gabriel Rossetti published a collection...
Writing climate item
25 April 1870
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
published a collection of Poems, which included Sister Helen, Jenny, and the first part of his sonnet sequence The House of Life.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
16 May 1871: Henry S. King (husband of the poet Harriet...
Writing climate item
16 May 1871
Henry S. King
(husband of the poet Harriet Hamilton King
) set up the publishing firm H. S. King and Co.
at 65 Cornhill, London; taken over by Charles Kegan Paul
in 1877, it...
October 1871: Robert Williams Buchanan published in the...
Writing climate item
October 1871
Robert Williams Buchanan
published in the Contemporary Review, under the pseudonym Thomas Maitland, his critique of what he dubbed The Fleshly School of Poetry: Mr. D. G. Rossetti.
Cassidy, John A. Robert W. Buchanan. Twayne, 1974.
13, 46-7
British Library Catalogue.
1876: The conflict over the morality and aesthetics...
Writing climate item
The conflict over the morality and aesthetics of verse between Robert Williams Buchanan
and Algernon Charles Swinburne
came to a head in a libel suit.
Strevens, Adam. “Literature, Morality, and the Adversarial Principle: The Fleshly School of Poetry Quarrel and the trial of Lady Chatterleys LoverCritical Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 4, 2001, pp. 31-41. 34-5
31 May 1898: George Bedborough, secretary of the Legitimation...
Building item
31 May 1898
George Bedborough
, secretary of the Legitimation League
which sought to change the law to improve the position of illegitimate children, was arrested, largely in an attempt to damage the League through him.
Forward, Stephanie. “A Study in Yellow: Mona Caird’s ’The Yellow Drawing-Room’”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 2, 2000, pp. 295-07. 298
Buchanan, Robert Williams, and Harriett Jay. Alone in London.
Jay, Harriett, and Robert Williams Buchanan. Fascination. 1887.
Buchanan, Robert Williams. “Immorality in Authorship”. Fortnightly Review, Vol.
, pp. 289-00. Jay, Harriett, and Robert Williams Buchanan. Shopwalker. 1896.
Jay, Harriett, and Robert Williams Buchanan. The Mariners Of England. 1897.
Jay, Harriett, and Robert Williams Buchanan. The Strange Adventures of Miss Brown. Samuel French, 1909.
Jay, Harriett, and Robert Williams Buchanan. The Wanderer from Venus. 1896.
Buchanan, Robert Williams. Undertones. E. Moxon, 1883.