Alexander William Kinglake

Standard Name: Kinglake, Alexander William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Fictionalization Lucie Duff Gordon
LDG was an inspiration to several of her literary peers. George Meredith probably had her in mind in drawing his character Lady Dunstane in Diana of the Crossways. (His Lady Dunstane is a close...
Friends, Associates Violet Fane
VF made her mark on London's social life. She knew Robert Browning , Algernon Swinburne , Alexander William Kinglake , Alfred Austin , the Duchess of Argyll , James McNeil Whistler , and Lillie Langtry
Friends, Associates Caroline Norton
In the mid-1840s CN acquired some new friends: biographer John Gibson Lockhart , author Alexander William Kinglake , rising young statesman Sidney Herbert (direct descendant of the Countess of Pembroke ), and the intellectual translator...
Intertextuality and Influence Jan Morris
When in the army and stationed at the international and cultural crossroads which was Palestine, Morris developed a strong interest in travel-writing and was drawn to three books in particular: Travels in Arabia Deserta...
Literary responses Mildred Cable
In its first four years, the book went through nine editions.
Warner, Marina et al. “Introduction”. The Gobi Desert, Beacon Press, p. xi - xxi.
The New York Times called it a fascinating record. . . . It is, besides, though the writer says little of herself, the...


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