Kegan Paul


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Sarah Lewis
The reviewer for the Victoria Magazine called the author a gifted lady
Lewis, Sarah, 1824 - 1880. Sappho. Trübner, 1875.
and praised the way in which the play brings out into deep relief the terrible nature and punishment of crime, and the...
Material Conditions of Writing Augusta Gregory
The essay, her first published work, was motivated by her desire to raise Arabi's profile in Britain. Her husband, Sir William Gregory, almost prevented its publication. When she first sought his permission, he granted it...
Publishing Catharine Amy Dawson Scott
C. A. Dawson (later CADS ) published her 210-page feminist epic poem Sappho, at her own expense with Kegan Paul .
Watts, Marjorie, and Frances King. Mrs. Sappho. Duckworth, 1987.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Publishing Emily Jane Pfeiffer
According to scholars, the first edition of this collection is extremely rare. The second and much expanded edition, published in 1888, tells us that the first edition perished, together with several other of her works...
Publishing L. S. Bevington
Four of these poems were reprinted in Popular Science Monthly at the request of LSB 's friend Herbert Spencer , a social scientist renowned for developing the concept of social Darwinism. The original publisher of...
Publishing Mary Carpenter
MC commemorated another friend and fellow activist with a biography: The Last Days in England of the Rajah Rammohun Roy, published by Trübner and Co. at both London and Calcutta.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Carpenter, J. Estlin. The Life and Work of Mary Carpenter. 2nd ed., MacMillan and Co., 1881.
Publishing Fanny Kingsley
FK composed this biography at Byfleet in Surrey during her temporary residence there in the year following her husband's death and her enforced removal from the rectory at Eversley. She consulted extensively with several...
Publishing Katharine Tynan
KT published her first book, Louise de la Vallière and Other Poems. Her father paid the publisher, Kegan, Paul & Co. , £20 to have the volume published.
KT gives the date of publicaton...
Publishing Helen Taylor
The essay, originally titled The Ladies' Petition, was reprinted as a pamphlet the same year, after John Stuart Mill approached publisher Trübner and Co. with the manuscript.
Robson, Ann P. et al. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. Sexual Equality, University of Toronto Press, 1994, p. vii - xxxv; various pages.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
When published later that year, it...
Publishing Flora Annie Steel
Although this edition was not handsome in appearance, FAS preferred it to the grander English edition retitled Tales of the Punjab,
Powell, Violet. Flora Annie Steel: Novelist of India. Heinemann, 1981.
1894, of which she liked neither the title nor the illustrations by...
Publishing Harriet Martineau
When Edward Lombe , a wealthy follower of Comte, learned of the project, he sent HM £500. From this she paid for the printing expenses and took £200 for her own payment. She also arranged...
Reception Catharine Amy Dawson Scott
She thought her reputation as a poet was made when Sappho received a column of praise in the Morning Post.
qtd. in
Watts, Marjorie, and Frances King. Mrs. Sappho. Duckworth, 1987.
However, there was soon afterwards a devastating fire at the Kegan Paul warehouse...
Reception Rosamund Marriott Watson
In introducing The Poems of Rosamund Marriott Watson, H. B. Marriott Watson calls Taresjuvenilia and suggests that the poet did not set a high value
Watson, H. B. Marriott, and Rosamund Marriott Watson. “Introduction”. The Poems of Rosamund Marriott Watson, John Lane, Bodley Head, 1912, p. vii - ix.
on her earliest publication. The title in...
Reception Hannah Lynch
The Saturday Review called the book a fascinating study of child life . . . marked by originality, humour, and pathos.The Observer called it distinctly interesting and full of excellences.
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
35824 (9 May 1899): 14
Textual Features Vernon Lee
This small volume was issued by Kegan Paul and E. P. Dutton 's Today and Tomorrow Series; other authors to publish here included Rebecca West , Bertrand Russell , and J. B. S. Haldane ...


16 May 1871: Henry S. King (husband of the poet Harriet...

Writing climate item

16 May 1871

Henry S. King (husband of the poet Harriet Hamilton King ) set up the publishing firm H. S. King and Co. at 65 Cornhill, London; taken over by Charles Kegan Paul in 1877, it...

1872: Samuel Butler anonymously published, at his...

Writing climate item


Samuel Butler anonymously published, at his own expense, his satirical novel Erewhon.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.
151-2, 323
Howsam, Leslie. Kegan Paul—A Victorian Imprint. Kegan Paul; University of Toronto Press, 1998.
Cox, Michael, editor. The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press, 2002, 2 vols.

October 1877: Charles Kegan Paul arranged to purchase the...

Writing climate item

October 1877

Charles Kegan Paul arranged to purchase the publishing firm of his employer H. S. King to form Kegan Paul and Co.
Howsam, Leslie. Kegan Paul—A Victorian Imprint. Kegan Paul; University of Toronto Press, 1998.
2, 78, 81-2, 89, 136-7, 189

October 1877: Charles Kegan Paul arranged to purchase the...

Writing climate item

October 1877

Charles Kegan Paul arranged to purchase the publishing firm of his employer H. S. King to form Kegan Paul and Co.
Howsam, Leslie. Kegan Paul—A Victorian Imprint. Kegan Paul; University of Toronto Press, 1998.
2, 78, 81-2, 89, 136-7, 189

October 1877: Charles Kegan Paul arranged to purchase the...

Writing climate item

October 1877

Charles Kegan Paul arranged to purchase the publishing firm of his employer H. S. King to form Kegan Paul and Co.
Howsam, Leslie. Kegan Paul—A Victorian Imprint. Kegan Paul; University of Toronto Press, 1998.
2, 78, 81-2, 89, 136-7, 189

November 1880: Arthur Munby published anonymously Dorothy:...

Writing climate item

November 1880

Arthur Munby published anonymously Dorothy: A Country Story with Kegan Paul .
Hudson, Derek, and Arthur Joseph Munby. Munby, Man of Two Worlds. J. Murray, 1972.
402-4, 446

1882: A fire at Kegan Paul, Trench and Co. destroyed...

Writing climate item


A fire at Kegan Paul, Trench and Co. destroyed large numbers of books, their published stock.
Pfeiffer, Emily Jane. “Introduction”. Sonnets and Songs (1880), edited by Cody Fife and Terence Allan Hoagwood, Scholars’ Facsimiles and Reprints, 1998, pp. 5-13.

1886: Charlotte Mason, founder of the Parents Educational...

Women writers item


Charlotte Mason , founder of the Parents Educational National Union , published her influential Home Education: A Course of Lectures to Ladies with Kegan Paul .
British Library Catalogue.
Howsam, Leslie. Kegan Paul—A Victorian Imprint. Kegan Paul; University of Toronto Press, 1998.
108, 157

1898: The Index to the Early Printed Books in the...

Writing climate item


The Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum was completed by Robert Proctor .
Gentry, Helen, and David Greenhood. Chronology of Books and Printing. Rev. ed., Macmillan, 1936.
Clair, Colin. A Chronology of Printing. Cassell, 1969.

1900: Henry R. Plomer's A Short History of English...

Writing climate item


Henry R. Plomer 's A Short History of English Printing 1476-1898 was published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Company Limited .
Clair, Colin. A Chronology of Printing. Cassell, 1969.
British Library Catalogue.
Myers, Robin. The British Book Trade, from Caxton to the Present Day. Andre Deutsch in association with the National Book League, 1973.

1924: Ivor Richards published his influential Principles...

Writing climate item


Ivor Richards published his influential Principles of Literary Criticism in Kegan Paul 's series International Library of Psychology.
British Library Catalogue.


Clarke, Mary Cowden. Honey from the Weed. Kegan Paul, 1881.
Field, Michael. Bellerophôn. Kegan Paul, 1881.
Gerard, Emily, and Dorothea Gerard. A Sensitive Plant. Kegan Paul, 1891, 3 vols.
Malet, Lucas. A Counsel of Perfection. Kegan Paul, 1888.
Malet, Lucas. Colonel Enderby’s Wife. A Novel. Kegan Paul, 1885, 3 vol.
Noble, Percy. Anne Seymour Damer: A Woman of Art and Fashion, 1748-1828. Kegan Paul, 1908.
Pankhurst, Sylvia. Delphos: The Future of International Language. Kegan Paul, 1927.
Eminescu, Mihail. Poems of Mihail Eminescu. Translators Pankhurst, Sylvia and I. O. Stefanovici, Kegan Paul, 1930.
Russell, Dora. Hypatia; or, Woman and Knowledge. Kegan Paul, 1925.
Shore, Arabella, and Louisa Catherine Shore. Elegies and Memorials. Kegan Paul, 1890.
Shore, Margaret Emily. “Introduction”. Journal of Emily Shore, edited by Arabella Shore et al., New edition, Kegan Paul, 1898, p. v - xiii.
Shore, Margaret Emily. Journal of Emily Shore. Editors Shore, Louisa Catherine and Arabella Shore, New edition, Kegan Paul, 1898.
Sieveking, Isabel Giberne, and Francis William Newman. Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman. Kegan Paul, 1909.
Swanwick, Anna. An Utopian Dream. Kegan Paul, 1888.
Tynan, Katharine. A Nun, Her Friends, and Her Order. Kegan Paul, 1891.