Adrienne Rich
Standard Name: Rich, Adrienne
Birth Name: Adrienne Cecile Rich
Married Name: Adrienne Cecile Conrad
ranks as one of the most influential figures in the twentieth-century feminist movement, and as one of the most influential contemporary American poets (though her political activism impeded the usual workings of the canonisation process, producing a counter-flow against the voices raised in praise of her work). Like other great poets she has produced a body of theorising and critical prose that goes hand-in-hand with her poetry, and that has been almost equally clarifying and liberating for women seeking to understand the dynamics of history.
Rich, Adrienne, and W. H. Auden. A Change of World. Yale University Press, 1951.
Rich, Adrienne. A Wild Patience Has Taken Me This Far. Norton, 1981.
Rich, Adrienne. An Atlas of the Difficult World. Norton, 1991.
Rich, Adrienne. Ariadne. J. H. Furst, 1939.
Rich, Adrienne. Arts of the Possible. Norton, 2001.
Rich, Adrienne. Blood, Bread, and Poetry. Norton, 1986.
Rich, Adrienne. Collected Poems 1950-2012. Editor Rankine, Claudia, W. W. Norton and Company, 2016.
Rich, Adrienne. “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence”. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol.
, No. 4, pp. 631-60. Rich, Adrienne. Dark Fields of the Republic. Norton, 1995.
Rich, Adrienne. Diving into the Wreck. Norton, 1973.
Rich, Adrienne. Esssential Essays. Editor Gilbert, Susan M., Norton, 2018.
Rich, Adrienne. Fox. Norton, 2001.
Rich, Adrienne. Later Poems: Selected and New, 1971-2012. W. W. Norton, 2013.
Rich, Adrienne. Leaflets. Norton, 1969.
Rich, Adrienne. Midnight Salvage. Norton, 1999.
Rich, Adrienne. Necessities of Life. Norton, 1966.
Rich, Adrienne. Of Woman Born. Norton, 1976.
Rich, Adrienne. On Lies, Secrets, and Silence. Norton, 1979.
Rich, Adrienne. Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law. Harper and Row, 1963.
Rich, Adrienne. Sources. Heyeck Press, 1983.
Rich, Adrienne. Telephone Ringing in the Labyrinth, Poems 2004-2006. Norton, 2007.
Rich, Adrienne, editor. The Best American Poetry 1996. Scribner Paperback Poetry, 1996.
Rich, Adrienne. The Diamond Cutters, and Other Poems. Harper, 1955.
Rich, Adrienne. The Dream of a Common Language. Norton, 1978.
Rich, Adrienne. The Fact of a Doorframe. Norton, 1984.