Hester Mulso Chapone
Standard Name: Chapone, Hester Mulso
Birth Name: Hester Mulso
Married Name: Hester Chapone
Nickname: Yes Papa
Nickname: Heck
Pseudonym: Y
Pseudonym: G.
Indexed Name: Hester Mulso Chapone
Used Form: Mrs Chapone
As a young woman Hester Mulso (later HMC
) was a forceful arguer against social injustice meted out to women, but her enduring reputation as a writer and Bluestocking is as a staid, conservative moralist and dispenser of advice. She wrote letters, essays, poems, and conduct literature.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Anthologization | Sarah Lady Pennington | An Unfortunate Mother's Advice to her Absent Daughters quickly became a staple of composite volumes directed toward young women's conduct. At Edinburgh a volume of this kind, Instructions for a Young Lady, in every sphere... |
Anthologization | Sarah Lady Pennington | An Additional Letter, on the Management and Education of Infant Children by SLP
was added to a number of reprints of her work. Its first appearance seems to have been in a composite volume in... |
Cultural formation | Elizabeth Carter | EC
was without doubt woman-identified: as Hester Chapone
observed, you carry your partiality to your own sex farther than I do. qtd. in Lanser, Susan Sniader. “Bluestocking Sapphism and the Economies of Desire”. Reconsidering the Bluestockings, edited by Nicole Pohl and Betty Schellenberg, Huntington Library, 2003, pp. 257-75. 273 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Anne Mozley | Her father, Henry Mozley
, was a bookseller and publisher. As well as Anne herself, he published Jane Harvey
, Charlotte Yonge
, and new editions of Hester Chapone
's Letters on the Improvement of... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Hester Lynch Piozzi | Gabriel Piozzi
came into Hester Thrale's life as music teacher of her eldest daughter. Two days before Henry Thrale's death a friend told her warningly, that Man is in Love with you. qtd. in Clifford, James L. Hester Lynch Piozzi (Mrs Thrale). Clarendon Press, 1987. 198 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Sarah Chapone | Her son John
grew up to become an attorney and in 1760 to marryHester Mulso
(who had already published essays in magazines). |
Family and Intimate relationships | Catharine Macaulay | The celebrations also included ringing the church bells and presenting CM
with a gold medal. One of the odes (published at Bath the same year) depicts her as triumphing over other, more conservative women writers:... |
Friends, Associates | Frances Burney | Among those whom FB
met through the Thrales' hospitable house at Streatham were members of the Bluestocking circle. Through Hester Chapone
she met Mary Delany
, and a real friendship developed despite the more than... |
Friends, Associates | Anna Williams | Williams enjoyed cordial relations with other members of Johnson's circle, like Elizabeth Carter
(who helped with subscriptions for Williams's book when Johnson was dragging his feet) and Hester Thrale
(who contributed). Carter counted her a... |
Friends, Associates | Samuel Richardson | His close friends, too, included a remarkable number of writing women: among others Sarah Fielding
, sister of his literary arch-rival, Jane Collier
, Hester Mulso (later Chapone)
, Susanna Highmore (later Duncombe)
, and... |
Friends, Associates | Elizabeth Carter | EC
associated on terms of warmth and equality with men of letters or culture such as Samuel Johnson
, Samuel Richardson
, Thomas Birch
, Moses Browne
, Richard Savage
, William
and John Duncombe |
Friends, Associates | Jane Warton | Some of her brothers' friends (notably John Mulso
and the naturalist Gilbert White
) were friends of Jane's; Reid, Hugh. “Jenny: The Fourth Warton”. Notes and Queries, Vol. continuous series 231 , No. 1, Mar. 1986, pp. 84-92. 85 |
Friends, Associates | Jane Cave | It is possible, though this is speculative, that JC
became acquainted while living at Winchester with the hymn-writer Anne Steele
(who lived not far away), with Anna Seward
and Hannah More
(who were friends of... |
Friends, Associates | Mary Delany | MD
continued to make new friends late in life (though she was said to have declined to meet Hester Thrale
). Jones, Mary Gwladys. Hannah More. Cambridge University Press, 1952. 60 |
Friends, Associates | Anna Letitia Barbauld | ALB
met Hester Chapone
and was invited to her London salon. McCarthy, William et al. “Introduction”. The Poems of Anna Letitia Barbauld, University of Georgia Press, 1994, p. xxi - xlvi. xliv Rodgers, Betsy. Georgian Chronicle: Mrs Barbauld and her Family. Methuen, 1958. 81 |
March 1748: The Poems of Thomas Warton the elder were...
Writing climate item
March 1748
The Poems of Thomas Warton the elder
were published by subscription.
Reid, Hugh. “’Those beck’ning ghost(s)’: The Subscribers to Thomas Warton’s Poems(1748)”. English Studies in Canada, Vol.
, Sept.–Dec. 1999, pp. 277-94. 277-8, 283-4
7 November 1752-9 March 1754: The self-educated John Hawkesworth edited...
Writing climate item
7 November 1752-9 March 1754
The self-educated John Hawkesworth
edited and published an essay-periodical called the Adventurer, on the model of Johnson
's Rambler.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
28 November 1776: The otherwise unidentified Mrs H. Cartwright...
Women writers item
28 November 1776
The otherwise unidentified Mrs H. Cartwright
wrote the dedication to Elizabeth Montagu
of her first work, Letters on Female Education Addressed to a Married Lady, which appeared early the next year.
Cartwright, Mrs H. Letters on Female Education Addressed to a Married Lady. E. and C. Dilly, 1777.
Chapone, Hester Mulso. A Letter to a New-Married Lady. E. and C. Dilly, and J. Walter, 1777.
Chapone, Hester Mulso. Letters on the Improvement of the Mind. J. Walter, 1773, 2 vols.
Chapone, Hester Mulso. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. E. and C. Dilly, and J. Walter, 1775.
Chapone, Hester Mulso. The Posthumous Works of Mrs. Chapone. John Murray, 1807, 2 vols.