In the early 1960s AQ
was the lover of New Zealand artist Billy Apple
(then a leading figure on the Pop scene). Within the next few years she then formed relationships with two American experimental...
Friends, Associates
Denise Levertov
In the USA, DL
soon became friends with Robert Creeley
and Kenneth Rexroth
. From October 1951 she corresponded with William Carlos Williams
, to whom she remained close until the end of his life...
Friends, Associates
Denise Levertov
In 1963, at a conference in Vancouver, there occurred the only meeting of all four of the poets who were regarded as leaders of the Black Mountain group: DL
, Robert Duncan
, Charles Olson
She set a high rate of production over the next few years. In 1958 came both Five Poems (with illustrations by Jess Collins
, the male partner of Robert Duncan
), published by White Rabbit Press