Mina Loy

Standard Name: Loy, Mina
Birth Name: Mina Gertrude Lowy
Self-constructed Name: Mina Loy
Married Name: Mina Gertrude Haweis
Married Name: Mina Gertrude Lloyd
ML is best known for her formally and thematically innovative free verse, which appeared in little magazines in the 1910s and 1920s. She later distanced herself from this free verse movement, with which she was so strongly associated, claiming: My poetry had nothing to do with that movement.
qtd. in
Burke, Carolyn. Becoming Modern: The Life of Mina Loy. Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1996.
Instead, she turned to writing verse as one feels: I tried to forget that I had ever in my life read anything & see if I could let out that natural expression that must be innate to all mankind.
qtd. in
Burke, Carolyn. Becoming Modern: The Life of Mina Loy. Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1996.
In addition to her free verse, ML wrote prose, including manifestoes, autobiography, and a novel, but very little of this was published during her lifetime. She also produced a wide range of visual art throughout her life; she asserted: The two, writing and painting, go together with me.
qtd. in
Burke, Carolyn. Becoming Modern: The Life of Mina Loy. Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1996.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Sylvia Beach
Among the first subscribers were Thérèse Bertrand (later Fontaine) , André Gide , Dorothy and Ezra Pound , and Gertrude Stein .
Beach, Sylvia. Shakespeare and Company. Harcourt, Brace, 1959.
22, 26-7
With the loyal support of French literary figures such as Valery Larbaud
Friends, Associates Harriet Shaw Weaver
McAlmon hosted a dinner party which Weaver attended together with Djuna Barnes , William Bird , sculptor Thelma Wood , and Ezra Pound , who mortified her by teasing her, quite without justification, about her...
Friends, Associates Gertrude Stein
Over the years, the old crowd had begun to disperse and the Saturday evening salons were frequented more by writers and less by artists. Although GS had published only a few volumes and had often...
Friends, Associates Dorothy Richardson
The Montparnasse group with whom they visited included Ernest and Hadley Hemingway , Sylvia Beach , Mary Butts , Nancy Cunard , Cecil Maitland , Mina Loy , and Nina Hamnett . Richardson was disappointed...
Friends, Associates Djuna Barnes
DB arrived in Paris with letters of introduction to Ezra Pound and James Joyce , and she soon came into contact with a great number of the US expatriates living there at this time, including...
Intertextuality and Influence Sara Maitland
This genre seems almost impossible in the late twentieth century, but the authors believe that saints today are potentially spiritual resources whose presences through the traces they have left behind in the minds of the...
Occupation Natalie Clifford Barney
In a letter to Gertrude Stein written in December 1926, NCB explains: The other night . . . I realized how little the French femmes de lettres know of English and Americans and vice versa...
Occupation Natalie Clifford Barney
Gertrude Stein was the featured writer at a gathering of the Académie des Femmes at NCB 's salon. The programme included an introduction by Mina Loy , Barney's French translations of The Making of Americans...
Textual Features Fleur Adcock
She relates how in reading for the anthology she made discoveries and underwent conversions—one result of which had to be the jettisoning of some early choices whose phantoms later, for her, haunted the volume...
Textual Features Djuna Barnes
Structured as a monthly chronicle, Ladies Almanack is a satiric lesbian cosmology based on Natalie Barney and her circle in Paris. Among its characters are Patience Scalpel, based on Mina Loy , Lady Buck-and-Balk and...
Textual Production Dorothy Richardson
In her correspondence Richardson addresses a great range of topics, including her own varied reading. She comments on women writers from Julian of Norwich through Jane Austen , Emily and Charlotte Brontë , George Eliot
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Natalie Clifford Barney
The first half, devoted to men, describes NCB 's encounters with Oscar Wilde , Anatole France , Remy de Gourmont , Marcel Proust , Gabriele D'Annunzio , Max Jacob , and others. The second part...


No timeline events available.


Loy, Mina. Insel. Editor Arnold, Elizabeth, 1958 -, Black Sparrow Press, 1991.
Loy, Mina. “Introduction and Notes”. The Lost Lunar Baedeker, edited by Roger L. Conover, Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1996.
Loy, Mina. “Introduction and Time-Table”. The Last Lunar Baedeker, edited by Roger L. Conover, Carcanet, 1985, p. xv - lxxix.
Loy, Mina. Lunar Baedecker. Contact.
Loy, Mina. Lunar Baedeker and Time-Tables. Jonathan Williams, 1958.
Loy, Mina. The Last Lunar Baedeker. Editor Conover, Roger L., Carcanet, 1985.
Loy, Mina. The Lost Lunar Baedeker. Editor Conover, Roger L., Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1996.