Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Anna Akhmatova
Standard Name: Akhmatova, Anna
Birth Name: Anna Andreevna Gorenko
Used Form: Anna Andreyevna Gorenko
Writing through the turmoils of the twentieth century, AA
(Anna of all the Russias as she was solemnly called by her fellow poet Marina Tsvetaeva
) was one of the greatest poets of Russian literature.
Feinstein, Elaine. Anna of all the Russias: The Life of Anna Akhmatova. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2005.
She is also an icon of the intelligentsia that was repressed by the Soviet regime. She was courageous enough to carry her literary talent (which produced translation and a lost play as well as poetry) through illness, poverty, and suffering with immense dignity and complete dedication. She has become a metaphor for rebellion and resistance to every attempt to suppress her muse.
Haight, Amanda. Anna Akhmatova : A Poetic Pilgrimage. Oxford University Press, 1976.
Visiting Leningrad in 1965, RF
tried hard to engineer a meeting with Anna Akhmatova
, an upstairs neighbour of people she did meet. She is on terms of acquaintance with many poets writing in London...
Intertextuality and Influence
Elaine Feinstein
Of the translations which EF
provides of Pushkin's poetry, some are written by herself. She ends her work by quoting Anna Akhmatova
writing of the way Pushkin's reputation has risen.
Beer, Patricia. “Two Hares and a Priest”. London Review of Books, 13 May 1999, pp. 27-9.
Intertextuality and Influence
Gillian Slovo
The first part has an epigraph from Pushkin
about trackless snow; later parts are headed from other Russian writers such as Yevgeni Yevtushenko
and Anna Akhmatova
. Slovo's examination of the intersection of politics with...
Intertextuality and Influence
Adrienne Rich
As in other texts, Rich's concerns here are significantly though not exclusively feminist. The first poem in the book, Orion, addresses the well-known hunter constellation as my fierce half-brother: he burns for all...
Intertextuality and Influence
Germaine Greer
The chapters are headed with quotations ranging eclectically through the international canon and counter-canon from Sophocles
and The Ramayana of Valmiki (an ancient Indian epic) to Spike Milligan
, via Charles Baudelaire
, T. S. Eliot
was anthologized by Adrian Barlow
in Calling Kindred: Poems from the English Speaking World, 1993. At Poetry International 2000, she chose Robert Browning
as her Presiding Spirit.
qtd. in
Connolly, Sally. “Woolly whispers of the past”. Times Literary Supplement, 13 Apr. 2001, p. 25.
Other influences she claimed are...
Textual Features
Penelope Shuttle
The early influences on PS
as a poet included Rilke
, Akhmatova
, and Lorca
; they were more important to her than her English contemporaries, whose realism did not appeal to her.This first collection...
In 2003 EF
was awarded a Wingate Scholarship for the purpose of researching and writing her biography of Anna Akhmatova
“Poetry Society News: News Archive”. The Poetry Society, London.
Textual Production
Carol Rumens
Since this year, 2007, CR
has been picking a Poem of the Week for the Guardian newspaper, which prints the poem along with her commentary and analysis. Rumens like to pay attention to context and...
Textual Production
Ruth Fainlight
The title comes from the colour of the walls in a Leningrad flat RF
visited in 1965, where the occupant above was the poet Anna Akhmatova
British Council Film and Literature Department, in association with Book Trust. Contemporary Writers in the UK. http://www.contemporarywriters.com.
Textual Production
Elaine Feinstein
published Anna of All the Russias: A Life of Anna Akhmatova, an account taking in both Tsarist and StalinistRussia and extremes of wealth and poverty.
1992: The city of Leiden in the Netherlands initiated...
Writing climate item
The city of Leiden in the Netherlands initiated its Tegen-Beeld
, or Wall Poems, by painting on a wall a poem by Marina Tsvetajeva
or Tsvetaeva: the design is important as well as the words.
The Wall Poems of Leiden. http://www.muurgedichten.nl/wallpoems.html.
Akhmatova, Anna. Anno Domini MCMXXI. Petropolis, 1921.
Akhmatova, Anna. Chetki. Knigoizd–vo S. Efron, 1921.