Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

Standard Name: Tsvetaeva, Marina Ivanovna
Used Form: Marina Ivanovna Tsvetayeva


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Elaine Feinstein
She said she was a very beleaguered mother . . . . not a great housekeeper or organizer domestically at all. I'm really very bad at it. So there were three small children and a...
Intertextuality and Influence Elaine Feinstein
An edition of 1981 added the literal versions of the original poems by Angela Livingstone on which Feinstein relied for her renderings into poetry. An enlarged edition followed in 1986, and a fourth edition was...
Intertextuality and Influence Jo Shapcott
This volume (with epigraph from William Carlos Williams ) includes more Mad Cow poems, together with a number of animal poems, like Pig, Hedgehog, Rhinoceros. JS 's intensely sensuous imagination issues in...
Intertextuality and Influence Germaine Greer
The chapters are headed with quotations ranging eclectically through the international canon and counter-canon from Sophocles and The Ramayana of Valmiki (an ancient Indian epic) to Spike Milligan , via Charles Baudelaire , T. S. Eliot
Intertextuality and Influence Elaine Feinstein
EF wrote her first poems at play, while she bounced tennis balls against the garage door. When she showed one to a teacher and it appeared in the school magazine, she became hooked for life...
Author summary Anna Akhmatova
Writing through the turmoils of the twentieth century, AA (Anna of all the Russias as she was solemnly called by her fellow poet Marina Tsvetaeva ) was one of the greatest poets of Russian...
Reception Elaine Feinstein
These translations have been much admired. Ellendea Proffer wrote in the New York Times Book Review that they are certainly . . . the best translations available (a compliment that ignores the dearth of competition)....
Textual Features Gillian Allnutt
In the poemWhy NotGA ponders the relationship between women's writing, the ambiguity of language, and the seduction of suicide. The speaker (presumably GA ) imaginatively places herself in the subject-position of Virginia Woolf
Textual Features Elaine Feinstein
The poet-narrator revisits the Russia of the 1930s and meets the great writers who rule her imagination, under the guidance of Marina Tsvetayeva or Tsvetaeva , as Dante describes meeting the great dead under the...
Textual Features Elaine Feinstein
The tone is set by Urban Lyric, which relates poetry to survival: the gaunt lady of the service wash, because she has just come through an operation for cancer, is made alert to the...
Textual Features Elaine Feinstein
This collection provides an opportunity to consider EF 's earlier poetry-writing decades as a whole. Her vision is centred in everyday life, but that includes the continued presence of the past, of artists living and...
Textual Production Elaine Feinstein
The translations are from Marina Tsvetayeva . EF 's own topics notably include women's lives, the struggle to fill expected roles like those of wife and mother, and the play of conflicting emotions.
Textual Production Elaine Feinstein
It was the discovery of Marina Tsvetayeva and other Russian poets, says EF ,
Tsvetaeva's name is transliterated into English both with and without the y. Feinstein uses the former version.
which did most to...
Textual Production Elaine Feinstein
EF 's radio plays are more numerous still: Echoes, 1980, A Late Spring, 1982, A Day Off, 1983 (from the novella of that name from Storm Jameson 's Women against Men...
Textual Production Elaine Feinstein
The title comes from Marina Tsvetayeva , who applied this Tsarist title to Akhmatova to suggest her power to speak for her people, and their admiration of her.
Blackwell’s Online Bookshop.


31 August 1941: Marina Tsvetaeva, poet and playwright, hanged...

Writing climate item

31 August 1941

Marina Tsvetaeva , poet and playwright, hanged herself in the small town of Elabuga, USSR, either during or just after she was visited by agents of the NKVD or People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs...

1992: The city of Leiden in the Netherlands initiated...

Writing climate item


The city of Leiden in the Netherlands initiated its Tegen-Beeld , or Wall Poems, by painting on a wall a poem by Marina Tsvetajeva or Tsvetaeva: the design is important as well as the words.
The Wall Poems of Leiden.


Tsvetaeva, Marina Ivanovna, and Max Hayward. Selected Poems [of] Marina Tsvetayeva. Translator Feinstein, Elaine, Oxford University Press, 1971.