John Hawkesworth

Standard Name: Hawkesworth, John


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Radagunda Roberts
RR published with her name and reference to her earlier translations. A Dublin edition, in two volumes like the London one, followed the same year: Letters written by a Peruvian Princess, published by William...
Family and Intimate relationships Radagunda Roberts
RR owned a miniature of Dr John Hawkesworth , and china which he had given her. She carefully preserved letters he had written to her (one of which survives at Harvard ) and papers connected...
Friends, Associates Radagunda Roberts
Though very little is known of RR 's life, she was well acquainted with at least one other woman writer: Frances Brooke (whose son attended St Paul's while Roberts's brother was High Master, and who...
Intertextuality and Influence Sarah Murray
This volume opens with The Plan of a School, and then, continuing a story-line from volume one, with Mrs Wheatley's demanding of Miss Le Maine how she can use rouge and plume herself on...
Intertextuality and Influence Aphra Behn
It was frequently adapted and recycled. A French translation by Pierre Antoine de La Place , 1745, sentimentalises the story, provides a happy ending, and adds the Histoire d'Imoinda. As a prose narrative Oroonoko...
Intertextuality and Influence A. Woodfin
She learns to condemn her parents' treatment of her when she boards in a family who deliberately favour the ugly, deformed one of their young twins, to redress the balance. She feels a great relief...
Publishing Radagunda Roberts
RR 's version of a novel by Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont , The Triumph of Truth, or Memoirs of Mr. De La Villette, written at the request of John Hawkesworth , was reviewed...
Publishing Samuel Johnson
SJ contributed essays to John Hawkesworth 's periodical The Adventurer (whose contributors also included Catherine Talbot , Hester Mulso (later Chapone) , and Jane Warton ).
Johnson, Samuel. The Idler; and, The Adventurer. Editors Bate, Walter Jackson et al., Yale, Yale University Press, 1969.
339, 492
Publishing Mary Masters
This volume was printed for the Author. Its 833 subscribers (for 903 copies)
qtd. in
Fleeman, John David, and James McLaverty. A Bibliography of the Works of Samuel Johnson. Clarendon Press, 2000, 2 vols.
1: 409-10
included Samuel Johnson , Mrs Gardiner of Snow-Hill, Thomas Birch , a John Cockburne who may well have...
Publishing Elizabeth Carter
The book had gone to press in June 1757.
Feminist Companion Archive.
The original press run of 1,018 copies had to be supplemented with a further 250. First of several more editions was the Dublin one of the...
Publishing Hester Mulso Chapone
Hester Mulso (later HMC ) contributed The Story of Fidelia to John Hawkesworth 's The Adventurer; it appeared as numbers 77-79, by Y.
Myers, Sylvia Harcstark. The Bluestocking Circle: Women, Friendship, and the Life of the Mind in Eighteenth-Century England. Clarendon, 1990.
Johnson, Samuel. The Idler; and, The Adventurer. Editors Bate, Walter Jackson et al., Yale, Yale University Press, 1969.
Publishing Jane Warton
JW contributed an essay (unsigned, as was customary) to John Hawkesworth 's Adventurer: number 87.
Reid, Hugh. “Jenny: The Fourth Warton”. Notes and Queries, Vol.
continuous series 231
, No. 1, Mar. 1986, pp. 84-92.
Publishing Catherine Talbot
CT almost certainly contributed the larger part of number 27 of John Hawkesworth 's periodical The Adventurer, which takes the form of a letter from Night.
Fairer, David. “Authorship Problems in The AdventurerReview of English Studies, Vol.
n.s. 25
, No. 98, 1974, pp. 137-51.
Hawkesworth, John, editor. The Adventurer. 4th ed., C. Hitch and L. Hawes, A. Millar, W. Strahan, J. Rivington, R. Baldwin, and 4 others, 1762, 4 vols.
1: 233-6
Publishing Mary Savage
John Hawkesworth , having seen in manuscript MS 's poem on Oeconomy, was sufficiently impressed to print it, anonymously, in the Gentleman's Magazine.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
33 (1763): 558-9
Lonsdale, Roger, editor. Eighteenth-Century Women Poets. Oxford University Press, 1990.
Textual Features Alethea Lewis
She heads her novel with a prefatory letter to the Rev. William Johnstone , who, she says, has asked why she chooses to write fiction and not moral essays. She answers that novels offer opportunities...


7 November 1752-9 March 1754: The self-educated John Hawkesworth edited...

Writing climate item

7 November 1752-9 March 1754

The self-educated John Hawkesworth edited and published an essay-periodical called the Adventurer, on the model of Johnson 's Rambler.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

1 December 1759: John Hawkesworth in turn adapted Thomas Southerne's...

Building item

1 December 1759

John Hawkesworth in turn adapted Thomas Southerne 's dramatic adaptation of Aphra Behn 's Oroonoko, making it for the first time a solidly anti-slavery text.
Basker, James G. “Intimations of Abolitionism in 1759: Johnson, Hawkesworth, and OroonokoThe Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin and Jack Lynch, Vol.
, AMS Press, 2001, pp. 47-66.
47, 48, 53-5, 57, 59

1780: James Harrison (hitherto chiefly known as...

Writing climate item


James Harrison (hitherto chiefly known as a music publisher) began to issue the handsomely-produced Novelists' Magazine, a weekly serial reprinting of canonical novels.
Shevlin, Elinor. “’It is the intention of the Editor’: Griffith’s, Harrison’s, and Cooke’s collections and the making of the English novel”. American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Conference, New Orleans, LA, 21 Apr. 2001.
British Library Catalogue.
Fleeman, John David, and James McLaverty. A Bibliography of the Works of Samuel Johnson. Clarendon Press, 2000, 2 vols.
2: 1023


Warton, Jane. “Politeness a necessary auxiliary to knowledge and virtue”. Adventurer, edited by John Hawkesworth, Vol.
, 1753, pp. 144-50.
Hawkesworth, John, editor. The Adventurer. 4th ed., C. Hitch and L. Hawes, A. Millar, W. Strahan, J. Rivington, R. Baldwin, and 4 others, 1762, 4 vols.