Hester Mulso Chapone

Standard Name: Chapone, Hester Mulso
Birth Name: Hester Mulso
Married Name: Hester Chapone
Nickname: Yes Papa
Nickname: Heck
Pseudonym: Y
Pseudonym: G.
Indexed Name: Hester Mulso Chapone
Used Form: Mrs Chapone
As a young woman Hester Mulso (later HMC ) was a forceful arguer against social injustice meted out to women, but her enduring reputation as a writer and Bluestocking is as a staid, conservative moralist and dispenser of advice. She wrote letters, essays, poems, and conduct literature.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Elizabeth Carter
The book had gone to press in June 1757.
Feminist Companion Archive.
The original press run of 1,018 copies had to be supplemented with a further 250. First of several more editions was the Dublin one of the...
Reception Catherine Talbot
Present-day critics like Stuart Curran think highly of CT as a poet. Rhoda Zuk in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography praises her as a feminist and a rational moralist, and argues that the dismissal...
Textual Features Elizabeth Sophia Tomlins
Though Theresa writes most of the letters in the book, the opening one, as often in women's epistolary novels at this date, is an exchange between men. Tomlins, however, does not attempt to capture a...
Textual Features Sarah Green
The tone of the work is conservative, leavened with an intelligent concern for development of independent thinking. Topics of various letters include Conduct and Conversation, Forbearance, Chastity, Truth, Employment of Time...
Textual Features Jane Cave
One interesting feature is the inclusion of nine poems by other authors: the canonical Prior , Swift , and Pope , the lesser-known men John Scott , William Broome , and Nathaniel Cotton , and...
Textual Features Angela Thirkell
The first house is that of her Burne-Jonesgrandparents : The Grange, North End Lane, Fulham.
Thirkell, Angela. Three Houses. Robin Clark, 1986.
This house once belonged to the novelist Samuel Richardson , and AT opens the book on Susannah Highmore
Textual Features Elizabeth Heyrick
She does not eschew politics on account of her readers' youth, but delivers an anti-war and anti-imperial message: The finest sight that could possibly be exhibited to me on earth, would be not a great...
Textual Features Sarah Chapone
Though most of her letters to Samuel Richardson are mainly domestic in content, those of the 1750s (on the composition of his novels and all kinds of gender issues arising from that) may quite fairly...
Textual Features Tabitha Tenney
Choice of women writers is fairly generous, with excerpts from Hester Mulso Chapone , John Aikin and Anna Letitia Barbauld (Evenings at Home), Susanna Haswell Rowson , Elizabeth Carter , Hester Thrale ,...
Textual Features Mary Scott
In the dedication she mentions a few new publications that came to her attention too late to be discussed in the poem itself. These include works by Hester Chapone , Hannah More , and Phillis Wheatley
Textual Features Eliza Fenwick
For this anthology EF gathered mostly improving pedagogical material, drawing on revered literary names like Shakespeare and Milton , as well as more recent and controversial writers like Thomas Chatterton and Helen Maria Williams ...
Textual Features Mary Wollstonecraft
Though only about twenty percent of its extracts are written by women (the same proportion as from the Bible),
McCarthy, William. Anna Letitia Barbauld, Voice of the Enlightenment. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
this book is feminist in its emphasis on the virtue of independent judgement as...
Textual Features Anne Thackeray Ritchie
The title of the Blackstick Papers alludes to the character of the Fairy Blackstick from her father 's Rose and the Ring: she places her essays under the kindly tutelage
Ritchie, Anne Thackeray. Blackstick Papers. Books for Libraries Press, 1969.
of this spirit...
Textual Features Susanna Watts
The many pictures in the volume include diagrams of the hold of a slave ship, I & Dash my Dog (a sketch), and prints of Hester Mulso Chapone , Lady Rachel Russell (with a copy...
Textual Features Sarah Trimmer
In addition to Catharine Cappe 's work on Sunday schools and versions of fairy stories by Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy , the magazine reviewed work by a whole library of didactic, pedagogical, or improving writers, reprinted as...


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