Marie Belloc Lowndes

Standard Name: Lowndes, Marie Belloc
Birth Name: Marie Adelaide Elizabeth Renée Julia Belloc
Nickname: Mary
Married Name: Marie Adelaide Elizabeth Renée Julia Lowndes
Indexed Name: Mrs Belloc Lowndes
Pseudonym: Philip Curtin
Pseudonym: Elizabeth Rayner
During a career that spanned nearly fifty years from 1889, MBL published journalism, biography, a guidebook, history for children, novels (mostly romances or thrillers), a book about actual crimes, and four late volumes of autobiography. Her books of crime and detection were her most successful. Her list of titles numbers more than seventy.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Olivia Manning
She regarded this book as an exercise in learning how to sustain a long narrative.
English, Isobel, and Olivia Manning. “Introduction”. The Wind Changes, Virago, p. v - xvi.
Marie Belloc Lowndes , who was supportive and generous with praise of this book, also told OM that her...
Publishing Elizabeth von Arnim
Marie Belloc Lowndes wrote that EAobtained very large sums for the serialisation of her books in the USA, and took the credit for having mentioned her name to the lady who then chose...
Publishing Elizabeth Charles
EC was offered £40 by Andrew Cameron , editor of the Scottish magazine Family Treasury, to write on Martin Luther . When her work was published as a historical novel, its unexpected success taught...
Publishing Bessie Rayner Parkes
Her daughter, Marie Belloc Lowndes , notes that BRPreceived an offer of forty pounds for a book which was to be called Peoples of France.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. I, Too, Have Lived in Arcadia. Macmillan.
Lowndes dates this offer of remuneration to...
Reception Julia Frankau
The novel caused scandal both to Jewish readers, who judged it anti-semitic, and to gentile readers, who found its treatment of sex outside marriage too outspoken.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
According to Marie Belloc Lowndes , Ernest Hart tacitly...
Reception Harriette Wilson
Contemporary admirers of HW on literary grounds included Walter Scott , who praised her dialogue and intelligence, and thought her out and out
Thirkell, Angela. The Fortunes of Harriette. Hamish Hamilton.
a better writer than Teresia Constantia Phillips or others in the...
Reception Edith Sitwell
In the same year Marie Belloc Lowndes thought it no wonder that Sitwell was, like her brother Osbert, hostile to many other writers and unforgiving towards those who were puffed: she is really very...
Reception Cicely Hamilton
This novel was awarded the Prix Femina Vie Heureuse in early 1920.
Hamilton, Cicely. Life Errant. J. M. Dent and Sons.
The Times announcement of the award mentioned that it was worth £40 and that a committee (with Marie Belloc Lowndes as president...
Reception Agatha Christie
While AC said that the idea for Hercule Poirot came to her out of the blue and was modelled on Belgian refugees she had observed in her home parish during the First World War, journalist...
Textual Production Bessie Rayner Parkes
Her daughter, Marie Belloc Lowndes , later re-used this title for a book of autobiographical reminiscence published in 1948.
British Library Catalogue.
Textual Production Ella Hepworth Dixon
She was offered this position by F. V. White on the strength of her novel The Story of a Modern Woman. As an editor she was following in the footsteps of her celebrated father
Textual Production Rebecca West
RW 's papers are located at the McFarlin Library in the University of Tulsa and in the Beinecke Library at Yale .
Rollyson, Carl. Rebecca West: A Saga of the Century. Hodder and Stoughton.
In 1945 Marie Belloc Lowndes indignantly contradicted Hugh Walpole 's portrayal of...
Textual Production Julia Frankau
As usual for fiction, she published as Frank Danby. This novel's length (120,000 words) provoked Marie Belloc Lowndes to joke about the episodes of jeopardy being recurrent. JF feared in 1911 that Methuen would...
Textual Production Katherine Mansfield
Scholar Claire Tomalin suspects that this refusal had to do with KM 's unacknowledged debt to Chekhov in The Child-Who-Was-Tired.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Mansfield was, however, feeling discouraged about all her work. In February, with The Garden...
Textual Production Lady Cynthia Asquith
Her ten anthologies edited during the 1920s (some of them under pseudonyms such as Leonard Gray) had some significance for the writing of that decade, since they incorporated contributions from, for instance, Marghanita Laski


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