Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Olivia Manning
Standard Name: Manning, Olivia
Birth Name: Olivia Mary Manning
Nickname: Ollov
Pseudonym: Jacob Morrow
Pseudonym: O. M. Manning
Married Name: Olivia Mary Smith
began publishing shortly before the Second World War. She produced thirteen novels, as well as short stories and non-fiction including historical and topographical writing. Her best known works are her two highly praised trilogies of novels about Europe in the Second World War.
In a letter to Philip Larkin
, Pym remarked, Iris was much smaller than I imagined—I'd always thought of her as tall, but I seemed to tower above her (though only in height, of course)...
Friends, Associates
Harold Pinter
Simon Gray
was Pinter's favourite living playwright and favourite friend.
Fraser, Antonia. Must You Go?. Random House of Canada, 2010.
Other friends included Sam Spiegel
(who offered him a place to stay when he left his first marriage) and Reggie Smith
(husband of the...
Friends made in New York included PHJ
's publisher Charles Scribner
, as well as Diana
and Lionel Trillingwhom I loved, but always found a little intimidating.
Johnson, Pamela Hansford. Important to Me. Macmillan; Scribner, 1974.
Her large circle of friends also included Sally Chilver
(author of A History of Socialism), novelists Inez Holden
, Olivia Manning
, and Cecily Mackworth
, Kay Dick
(assistant editor of John O'London's Weekly...
Her recent poems often adopt an oblique but clearly legible attitude to political events. The Bereavement of the Lion-Keeper (a poem whose subject-matter is interestingly congruent with that of Olivia Manning
's short story The...
Literary responses
Elizabeth Taylor
Reviews of A Game of Hide and Seek included high praise from Marghanita Laski
and Elizabeth Bowen
(some consolation to ET
for her problems with her US publisher), but also carping which she found deeply...
Literary responses
Edith Sitwell
This was praised by British Book News, which rejoiced to find ES
's astonishing verbal dexterity employed in her later work upon themes of ever-increasing profundity . . . . She is a poet...
Matilda Charlotte Houstoun
considered herself an extreme Liberal, though not a Gladstonian. She was fascinated by the controversy over Sir Henry Morton Stanley
's Relief Expedition of 1887-1890, in which eight Europeans and over a thousand Africans...
Textual Production
Susan Hill
The anthology of British women writers she published in 1990 with Michael Joseph
as The Parchment Moon: An Anthology of Modern Women's Short Stories was reprinted the following year as The Penguin Book of Modern...
Textual Production
Anna Wickham
Virago Press
published The Writings of Anna Wickham
, Free Woman and Poet, edited by R. D. Smith
, a collection of her poetry and prose which includes several previously unpublished works.
R. D...
Textual Production
Anna Wickham
R. D. Smith
, AW
's editor (and widower of Olivia Manning
), indicates that she wrote a number of prose pieces between 1910 and 1915, of which only a handful are published in his...
1 January 1916: The British edition of Vogue (an American...
Building item
1 January 1916
The British edition of Vogue (an American fashion magazine) began publishing from Condé Nast
in Hanover Square, London.
White, Cynthia L. Women’s Magazines 1693-1968. Michael Joseph, 1970.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
Spawls, Alice. “Does one flare or cling?”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 9, 5 May 2016, pp. 40-2.
22 June 1941: Romania under its King Michael or Mihai joined...
National or international item
22 June 1941
Romania under its King Michael
or Mihai joined the German side in the Second World War, in pursuit of its enmity with the USSR and at the prompting of a Nazi military mission which had...
23 October-7 November 1942: The Second Battle of El Alamein ended in...
National or international item
23 October-7 November 1942
The Second Battle of El Alamein ended in a British victory.
Messenger, Charles. World War Two Chronological Atlas: When, Where, How and Why. Bloomsbury, 1989.
116-18, 119, 121-2
Keegan, John. The Second World War. Viking, 1990.
Fighting continued in North Africa. Allied forces landed in the French colonial possessions of Algeria and Morocco on 8 November...
: The Paris Review launched Feminize Your Canon,...
Writing climate item
The Paris Review launched Feminize Your Canon, a monthly column that explores the lives of underrated and underread female authors.
Garman, Emma. “Feminize Your Canon: Olivia Manning”. The Paris Review, 13 June 2018.
Garman, Emma. “Feminize Your Canon: Violette Leduc”. The Paris Review, 8 Sept. 2018.
Garman, Emma. “Feminize Your Canon: Rosario Castellanos”. The Paris Review, 17 Sept. 2018.
Manning, Olivia. A Different Face. Heinemann, 1953.
Manning, Olivia. A Romantic Hero. Heinemann, 1967.
Manning, Olivia. A Romantic Hero. Mandarin, 1992.
Manning, Olivia. Artist among the Missing. Heinemann, 1949.
Manning, Olivia. Friends and Heroes. Heinemann, 1965.
Manning, Olivia. Growing Up. Heinemann, 1948.
English, Isobel, and Olivia Manning. “Introduction”. The Play Room, Virago, 1984, p. vii - xv.
English, Isobel, and Olivia Manning. “Introduction”. The Wind Changes, Virago, 1988, p. v - xvi.
Manning, Olivia. School for Love. Heinemann, 1951.
Manning, Olivia. The Balkan Trilogy. Penguin, 1981.
Manning, Olivia. The Battle Lost and Won. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1978.
Manning, Olivia. The Danger Tree. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1977.
Manning, Olivia. The Doves of Venus. Heinemann, 1955.
Manning, Olivia. The Dreaming Shore. Evans Brothers, 1950.
Manning, Olivia. The Great Fortune. Heinemann, 1960.
Manning, Olivia. The Play Room. Heinemann, 1969.
Manning, Olivia. The Rain Forest. Heinemann, 1974.
Manning, Olivia. The Remarkable Expedition. Heinemann, 1947.
Manning, Olivia. The Spoilt City. Heinemann, 1962.
Manning, Olivia. The Sum of Things. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1980.
Manning, Olivia. The Wind Changes. Jonathan Cape, 1937.
Manning, Olivia, and Isobel English. The Wind Changes. Virago, 1988.
Ouida, and Olivia Manning. Under Two Flags. Anthony Blond, 1967.