Yale University


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Martha Moulsworth
The manuscript of the Memorandum is held at Yale University 's Beinecke Library , in a commonplace book.
Moulsworth, Martha. “Preface and Commentary”. "My Name Was Martha", edited by Robert C. Evans and Barbara Wiedemann, Locust Hill, 1993, p. Various pages.
Characters Sara Jeannette Duncan
The story centres around baking-powder heiress Mamie Wick from Chicago and her English suitor Charles Mafferton. Mamie rejects Mafferton to return home and marry a professor from Yale .
Fowler, Marian. Redney: A Life of Sara Jeannette Duncan. Anansi, 1983.
SJD had imagined a character...
death Enid Bagnold
She was cremated and her ashes interred at Rottingdean. At a memorial service held in November, John Gielgud read the lesson and Vita Sackville-West 's son Nigel Nicolson gave the address. EB 's papers...
Employer Pamela Hansford Johnson
While her husband was at Berkeley , PHJ lectured to girls at Mills College . She held appointments at Yale , Haverford College , Pennsylvania, Cornell University , the University of Kansas , Wesleyan University
Employer Hélène Cixous
HC became professor of English Literature at the new university. The university soon distinguished itself by attracting an extremely high-quality faculty, though the French government never particularly appreciated its existence. HC founded the Centre des Recherches en Etudes Féminines
Employer Buchi Emecheta
She held visiting academic appointments the University of Calabar in Nigeria, and at a number of US universities including Pennsylvania State , Rutgers , UCLA , and Yale .
Busby, Margaret. “Buchi Emecheta obituary”. theguardian.com, 3 Feb. 2017.
Family and Intimate relationships Gertrude Thimelby
Her brother Herbert was also a transcriber and collector of poetry, chiefly that of his wife, Katherine. His commonplace book is now in the Beinecke Library at Yale University .
Sanders, Julie. “The Coterie Writing of the Astons and the Thimelbys”. Women Writing 1550-1750, edited by Jo Wallwork and Paul Salzman, English Program, School of Communication, Arts and Critical Enquiry, La Trobe University, 2001, pp. 47-57.
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Stevenson
Her father, Charles Leslie Stevenson , took a second BA at Cambridge, England, after his marriage, before becoming a graduate student at Harvard, where the family spent six years.
Contemporary Authors, Autobiography Series. Gale Research, 1984–2025, Numerous volumes.
9: 274-5
He was an academic...
Family and Intimate relationships Ethel Lilian Voynich
They married years later.
Crist, Meehan. “Who Knows?”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 15, 27 July 2017, pp. 33-4.
They had no children; when Ethel adopted a girl she did so while they were living apart. Wilfred was an antiquarian and bibliophile, who became one of the leading collectors...
Literary responses Elizabeth Ogilvy Benger
William Beckford , who had already demonstrated his hostility to women writers, annotated his copy of this work (which is now in the Beinecke Library at Yale University ). He uses Benger as an example...
Literary responses Rachel Speght
Some contemporary readers thought this work beyond the powers of a young woman, and therefore attributed it not to RS but to her father .
Speght, Rachel. The Polemics and Poems of Rachel Speght. Editor Lewalski, Barbara Kiefer, Oxford University Press, 1996.
The anonymous author of Ester Hath Hang'd Haman belittled...
Literary responses Augusta Ada Byron
AAB also has a significant web presence. The Ada Project , originally located at Yale and an official project of the Association for Computer Machinery 's Committee on the Status of Women in Computing, is...
Material Conditions of Writing Edna St Vincent Millay
The publication of ESVM 's poetry volume Wine from These Grapes followed quickly on a wildly successful reading she gave at Yale University which concluded with Epitaph for the Race of Man.
Milford, Nancy. Savage Beauty: The Life of Edna St. Vincent Millay. Random House, 2001.
383, xiv
Millay, Edna St Vincent. Selected Poems. Editor McClatchy, J. D., The Library of America, 2003.
Publishing Elizabeth Griffith
From this time she became identified with the name Frances. The first Dublin edition is now rare or not extant. The second, 1760, has placenames from Dublin and Ireland where the London editions (of...
Publishing Elizabeth Cary Viscountess Falkland
The full title was The Reply of the Most Illustrious Cardinall of Perron, to the Answeare of the Most Excellent King of Great Britaine: Perron had published in 1620 his riposte to a letter...


20 January 1672: Dorothy Calthorpe began the remarkable manuscript...

Women writers item

20 January 1672

Dorothy Calthorpe began the remarkable manuscript book of poetry and prose which was acquired by Yale University in the first decade of the twenty-first century.
May, James E. “Scribleriana Transferred: Recent Listings and Acquisition”. The Scriblerian, Vol.
, No. 1-2, 2007, pp. 193-9.

1792: Yale University denied admission to a would-be...

Building item


Yale University denied admission to a would-be student, Lucinda Foote , noting that she was qualified in every respect except for her sex.
Trager, James. The Women’s Chronology: A Year-by-Year Record, from Prehistory to the Present. Henry Holt, 1994.

1836: Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (later Mount...

Building item


Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (later Mount Holyoke College) was founded at South Hadley, Maryland, by Mary Lyon : the first post-secondary educational institution for women in the USA.
“Women and the Academy”. Higher Learning in America: History Department, Barnard College, Columbia University.


Berkman, Joyce Avrech. Pacifism in England, 1914-1939. Yale University, 1967, http://U of A HSS.