Marie Belloc Lowndes

Standard Name: Lowndes, Marie Belloc
Birth Name: Marie Adelaide Elizabeth Renée Julia Belloc
Nickname: Mary
Married Name: Marie Adelaide Elizabeth Renée Julia Lowndes
Indexed Name: Mrs Belloc Lowndes
Pseudonym: Philip Curtin
Pseudonym: Elizabeth Rayner
During a career that spanned nearly fifty years from 1889, MBL published journalism, biography, a guidebook, history for children, novels (mostly romances or thrillers), a book about actual crimes, and four late volumes of autobiography. Her books of crime and detection were her most successful. Her list of titles numbers more than seventy.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Leisure and Society Margaret Kennedy
She belonged to, among other literary clubs, the Liberal Book Club and the 30 Club, which consisted of a group of women writers who met for lunch at the Ritz Grill. Other members...
Literary responses Gertrude Stein
GS 's writing has been ruffling critics since Laura Riding wrote in 1927 of her literalism, simple-mindedness, and successful barbarism.
Hoffmann, Michael J. “Gertrude Stein in the Psychology Laboratory”. American Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 127-32.
In 1945 Hugh Walpole painted Stein as a self-adoring priestess of her own...
Literary responses Katherine Mansfield
After Mansfield's death, Woolf wrote in her diary: it seemed to me there was no point in writing. Katherine won't read it.
Gunn, Kirsty. “How the Laundry Basket Squeaked”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 7, pp. 25-6.
KM appears in episodes in more than one novel by her friend...
Literary responses Beatrice Harraden
Marie Belloc Lowndes described this book for the Times Literary Supplement as a strangely poignant drama and likened it to Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein and Sir Walter Scott 's Waverley for its comparable ability to...
Literary responses Margaret Oliphant
The work has been consistently admired. On its appearance the editor of The Spectator praised it for wonderful mastery of the borderland of the natural and the supernatural,
Greenfield, John R., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 159. Gale Research.
159: 256
and said it demonstrated MO
Literary responses Blanche Warre Cornish
On the basis of this piece, Marie Belloc Lowndes felt in 1946 that if the circumstances of Cornish's life had been different she too might have become a famous writer.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. The Merry Wives of Westminster. Macmillan.
Literary responses Evelyn Underhill
Marie Belloc Lowndes thought this novel and The Grey World had a quality of poetical beauty no writer has since attained. She deplored a later slighting reference to these novels, and liked them better than...
Literary responses E. M. Delafield
Marie Belloc Lowndes , a Roman Catholic, observed in late 1945 that EMD 's early anti-Catholic suffered from a failure of realism, being filled with fantastic imaginary figures of the old Catholic world.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. Diaries and Letters of Marie Belloc Lowndes, 1911-1947. Editor Marques, Susan Lowndes, Chatto and Windus.
Lowndes, Diaries 267
Literary responses Mary Augusta Ward
Critically, MAW has not fared well since her death, despite her immense popularity in her lifetime and the seriousness with which her contemporaries read her. She was quickly cast as more Victorian than Edwardian...
Literary responses Violet Hunt
Sooner or Later received (perhaps excessively) high praise from a number of VH 's contemporaries. Marie Belloc Lowndes (daughter of Bessie Rayner Parkes ) wrote in The Merry Wives of Westminster, 1946, that it...
Literary responses Patricia Wentworth
The Gazette awarded PW a prize of 250 guineas for her work.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Marie Belloc Lowndes , reviewing for the Times Literary Supplement, remarked that the Dickens of A Tale of Two Cities had...
Literary responses Rebecca West
Marie Belloc Lowndes considered this one of the best critical books in the language.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. Diaries and Letters of Marie Belloc Lowndes, 1911-1947. Editor Marques, Susan Lowndes, Chatto and Windus.
Literary responses Vernon Lee
Marie Belloc Lowndes , who knew VL fairly well, felt out of sympathy with her frightening erudition and off-putting snobbery—but she was indignant at Anatole France 's caricature of Lee in Le lys rouge.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. Where Love and Friendship Dwelt. Macmillan.
Literary responses Catharine Amy Dawson Scott
In one of the many tributes published at the time of her death in 1934, friend and writer Marie Belloc Lowndes (daughter of feminist Bessie Rayner Parkes ) said that CADSwrote certain remarkable novels...
Literary responses Rhoda Broughton
In a lamentable
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. Diaries and Letters of Marie Belloc Lowndes, 1911-1947. Editor Marques, Susan Lowndes, Chatto and Windus.
article on the death of Virginia Woolf , Hugh Walpole accused literary ladies of acting like priestesses engaged in throwing fragrant incense on their own altars. The first name he mentions...


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