Marie Belloc Lowndes

Standard Name: Lowndes, Marie Belloc
Birth Name: Marie Adelaide Elizabeth Renée Julia Belloc
Nickname: Mary
Married Name: Marie Adelaide Elizabeth Renée Julia Lowndes
Indexed Name: Mrs Belloc Lowndes
Pseudonym: Philip Curtin
Pseudonym: Elizabeth Rayner
During a career that spanned nearly fifty years from 1889, MBL published journalism, biography, a guidebook, history for children, novels (mostly romances or thrillers), a book about actual crimes, and four late volumes of autobiography. Her books of crime and detection were her most successful. Her list of titles numbers more than seventy.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Anne Thackeray Ritchie
ATR wrote to Charlotte Yonge a few years later, lamenting: oh! what a pity it is that we are all growing old who have had such happy happy times with one another.
Ritchie, Anne Thackeray. Anne Thackeray Ritchie: Journals and Letters. Editors Bloom, Abigail Burnham and John Maynard, Ohio State University Press.
She uttered...
Friends, Associates Rhoda Broughton
There her near-salon was attended by men and women belonging to every stratum of political, literary, and artistic society.
Times. Times Publishing Company.
(7 June 1920): 17
To the great regret of Marie Belloc Lowndes , Broughton in the...
Friends, Associates Julia Frankau
Literary figures regularly seen at JF 's afternoon salons included George Moore , Max Beerbohm , Arnold Bennett , Somerset Maugham , Sir William Nicholson , and Sir Henry Irving . It was at one...
Friends, Associates Dorothy Whipple
Living in the north, DW remained outside London literary circles. She found the company of councillors and their wives rather dispiriting and seem[ed] to have so much of it (because of her husband's job).
Whipple, Dorothy. Random Commentary. Michael Joseph.
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Charles
Combe Edge soon became a noted centre of religous, philanthropic, and social activity.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. I, Too, Have Lived in Arcadia. Macmillan.
Marie Belloc Lowndes , who stayed there for many weekends as a child with her mother, Bessie Rayner Belloc (formerly Parkes)
Friends, Associates Elizabeth von Arnim
On her trips back to England EA made some important new friends, including Maude Stanley , a feminist interested in reforming London streetwalkers.
Usborne, Karen. "Elizabeth": The Author of Elizabeth and Her German Garden. Bodley Head.
Stanley advised von Arnim extensively on her children's education and helped...
Friends, Associates Katherine Mansfield
In the south of France KM became quickly intimate in conversation with Marie Belloc Lowndes , another writer twenty years her senior. A correspondence followed.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. Diaries and Letters of Marie Belloc Lowndes, 1911-1947. Editor Marques, Susan Lowndes, Chatto and Windus.
Friends, Associates Pamela Frankau
Her aunt Eliza Aria introduced the very young PF to many of her older, god-like friends: first of all actress Sybil Thorndike and writers Michael Arlen and Osbert Sitwell .
Frankau, Pamela. I Find Four People. I. Nicholson and Watson.
Later came John Van Druten
Friends, Associates Alice Meynell
Following her early conquest of Tennyson , AM went on to develop a large circle of literary acquaintances. Callers on the Meynells at Palace Court included Irish writer Katharine Tynan , Aubrey Beardsley (while he...
Friends, Associates Violet Trefusis
The following year Lowndes stayed with Trefusis at West Coker Manor.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. Diaries and Letters of Marie Belloc Lowndes, 1911-1947. Editor Marques, Susan Lowndes, Chatto and Windus.
At this time VT nurtured her (often edgy) relationship with writer Nancy Mitford , who moved from England to Paris in April...
Friends, Associates Mary Agnes Hamilton
MAH knew and worked closely with the Labour leader Ramsay MacDonald , though her early intense admiration for him diminished with time. Up to the year after publishing her book on him (which was also...
Intertextuality and Influence Lady Cynthia Asquith
LCA 's first published writing, an article entitled How to sit for your portrait, appeared in the Times; she had written it at the suggestion of Marie Belloc Lowndes , who admired her...
Intertextuality and Influence Agatha Christie
Captain Hastings, an ambitious detective, narrates an ingenious plot by a pair of criminals to stage their arrest and acquittal, only to have Poirot solve and reveal their actual crime. Poirot is described as an...
Leisure and Society Margaret Kennedy
She belonged to, among other literary clubs, the Liberal Book Club and the 30 Club, which consisted of a group of women writers who met for lunch at the Ritz Grill. Other members...
Leisure and Society Mary Cholmondeley
MC founded a weekly luncheon club for women writers called the Give and Take . Marie Belloc Lowndes was an early member. The price of lunch was two shillings and sixpence, and the club outlived...


No timeline events available.


Lowndes, Marie Belloc. The Story of Ivy. W. Heinemann, 1927.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. The Uttermost Farthing. W. Heinemann, 1908.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. The Young Hilaire Belloc. P. J. Kenedy, 1956.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. When No Man Pursueth. W. Heinemann, 1910.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. Where Love and Friendship Dwelt. Macmillan, 1943.