John Morgan Richards
, a successful businessman, was the son of a clergyman. In his earlier adulthood he travelled extensively as a salesman. One trip, accompanied by his wife, took him as far as San...
Literary responses
John Oliver Hobbes
At the St James's Theatre
in London it received a mixed reception of booing—The Critic reported that Hobbes herself was booed after the play—and applause. In his biographical note, John Morgan Richards
, her...
John Oliver Hobbes
The Fountain's publisher, Congregationalist minister Joseph Parker
, was a family friend. In addition to her publications in this newspaper, JOH
was writing letters, other stories, and plays that she mounted at home in...
Her father
provided a biographical sketch and Bishop Welldon
an introduction.
Textual Production
John Oliver Hobbes
She had first approached Macmillan
to publish the book, but they wanted the title changed and the last chapter revised. Hobbes refused, and approached Unwin's
, which (on the advice of its reader, Edward Garnett
1869: The intellectual Oxford magazine Academy...
Writing climate item
The intellectual Oxford magazine Academy began publication, founded by Charles Appleton
Sutherland, John, b. 1938. The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction. Stanford University Press, 1989.
Richards, John Morgan, and John Oliver Hobbes. “Pearl Richards Craigie: Biographical Sketch by her Father”. The Life of John Oliver Hobbes, J. Murray, 1911.